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Karen Perez

Harrison delfin
Read-On summary Quarter 1
The Color Purple is a novel about a fourteen year old girl named Celie living in the
poorer parts of Georgia. Celie grows up in a household where her mother gets sick and dies
being left with just her father as a parent. She begins writing letters to god because her father
rapes and beats her. Her father impregnates her twice and stole he children. Celie is eventually
married off to a man named Mr. . Life for Celie doesn't get easier from there, this new
marriage didnt change anything for her. Her husband loves her sister Nettie and when he tries
to get her she flees never never to be heard from again. Celie assumes she is dead. Later on in
the book Celie finds the letters from her sister that her husband had hidden way. She realizes
that she is not dead but alive and well. Nettie had ended up with a couple and their two adopted
children. She later finds out they are Celies biological kids and confesses that to the couple.
Soon she is reunited with her sister for a little before she returned back to africa.
I didnt have a favorite passage, the whole book itself was very moving and riveting. This
book was well written and emotional. I would find myself pausing when reading to process the
events occurring and react to the tragedies and hardships. I would recommend this book to
anyone because this is the type of book that anyone can get into and enjoy.

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