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Drew Gingrass

Giraffe evolution

Evolution is the change of characteristics in a population over time.
Evolution occurs for multiple reasons, one being a change in habitat. Giraffes
elongated necks are an example of a mutation needed to survive in their natural
habitat. Its not only a giant sex appeal to the opposite gender it also helps them get
food in there nature habit.
Giraffes can be found all over the African continent. They are most
recognized by their long necks and speckled fur pattern. When the Sahara goes
through periods of dry weather and there is minimal plant growth, animals begin
competing for resources. Animals such as antelope, deer and other herbivores that
live in the same environment as giraffes are more likely to reach vegetation close to
the ground faster and more ably than giraffes. Giraffes are more apt to reach
upwards for vegetation rather than downwards. Vegetation towards the top of the
tree is rarely touched by other species sharing their environment. The need for a
longer neck became evident. Giraffes with longer necks were able to reach more
vegetation. These giraffes were able to stay healthy and produce and provide for
their offspring. Properties of evolution and natural selection would dictate that the
animals with traits better suited to their environment would survive and prosper.
Giraffes without the elongated necks necks would slowly be eliminated from the
general population and become an anomaly.
Neck length, like all other physical traits, is passed through genetic material.
Giraffes reproduce sexually, and therefore offspring get their DNA form both
parents. The long necks also serve a purpose beyond nutrition. Adult males use
their necks to fight each other to establish dominance. Only dominant males are
able to keep other males at bay and mate with the females. Some of these fights are
won by one male surrendering to the male with the longer of the two necks, who is
able to hold himself higher.
The trait of the elongated neck was much needed and proved its worth very
quickly, not only did it help get the proper nutrients it help reproduce, and ensure
dominance around other males.

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