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Pola Farinas

Elizabeth Keubler Scholarship

May 2013
Harrison High School
When I was younger, I used to wait a few minutes after my mom left my room to turn the
lights back on and read. The books were always of the same kind: science. I was entranced with
how everything worked. Why does the earth turn one way only? How far can light travel? When
does a caterpillar change to a butterfly? I was and still am enchanted with the machinations of
the whole universe. By freshman year, Ive decided to combine my passion and my career
together. Through chemical engineering, not only could I continuously learn about the study of
nature, composition and change, but also be able to build new and innovative structures from
which everyday people can reap benefits.
However, an ambitious goal is not without a need for help. The schools which specialize
in engineering majors are costly. The tuition fee along with additional expenses of books,
housing, and transportation are more than enough worries. College is frankly beyond the league
of what my family and I can afford, and any help is ardently welcomed. Moreover, my schooling
does not end with a bachelors degree in science. I plan to further my education with a masters
degree, and possibly, a doctorate degree. The abundance of my ambitions and the merits of its
fruits rely on scholarships to be born into reality.

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