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An intense winter has struck Montana

and has been burying the state in

snow. Local farmers have been
unable to reach their livestock and
risk losing all of their cattle and other
grazing animals. Luckily for a group
of farmers near a newly erected CCC
camp a group of enrollees were able
to use their equipment to assist in the
rescue of local herds.
Ever since the passing of the
omestead Act in !"#$ Americans
have been farming and living in the
southwest. %he plowing of these
lands combined with the drought has
lead to the blowing away of tons and
tons of dirt in the southwest. &ind
erosion has damaged !#$ million
acres over "' percent of the igh
(lains. %o stop this we must restore
the soil in the southwest using any
means possible.
A scorching summer has rocked )ew *ork
this year. )ew yorkers such as +ay ,atsby
claim that they don-t have enough windows.
Works Cited
./01% 23&L.. DUST BOWL. ).p.4 n.d. &eb. '5 +une $'!6

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