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There are two main theories that explain how the earth was formed.

These are the theories of evolution and creation.The creation theory is

divided into various groups. Biblical creation and evolution are very
di"erent, and both have indicators as to their standing. Can one person
believe both theories? Evolution is a very controversial topic and most
Christians don't believe what scientists teach. In school most kids are
exposed to the idea of evolution in their Science or History classes.

In evolution life started by natural processes only. The theory
suggests that in the past there were extended intervals of stability which
ended with a mass extinction and the sudden appearance of a new
species. This by process occurred without the intervention of
supernatural. Nearly all modern scientists who are not Christians believe
in evolution. The person who proposed the methods by which natural
processes cause the evolution of the species was Charles Darwin. He
used natural selection to explain how evolution worked. Darwin's old
teacher said evolution would "brutalize" us as human beings and sink us
"into a lower grade of degradation" than any time in recorded history.
(Unknown 2)

"Biblical creationists are also called literal creationists, because they
interpret the two Genesis accounts of creation in the Bible literally and
believe that the Bible is without error."(Martin 2014)They believe that the
"day" mentioned in Genesis 1 signies a normal 24 hour day. According
to this creation the universe was established in six days.The majority of
creationist believes that the earth is under 10,000 years of age. Some
believe 4004 BC was the year of creation. One of these is Noah's ood.
There would have been no way for all of the species unique to Australia,
North America and South America to make their way to the middle east to
be loaded on board the ark. Oceans would have prevented their passage.
Many animals would have starved to death on their way to the ark as
suitable food would have been unavailable. These are some examples of
what creationist believe but many people and scientist don't believe in the
Bible to give credibility to the theory of creation.

How can you prove creation or evolution? You can not prove them
scientically." Forty percent of Americans today believe in evolution, and
thirty nine percent in creationism. The other twenty one percent are
unsure, or believe that
evolution occurs, but is
guided by a supreme
being." (Unknown 1)The only
one you could prove is
creation, because of the
Bible. If you believe that the
Bible is without error, then
you must believe that God
created everything. Creation
is much harder to support
scientically. This is because
there are many indicators that
point to a very old earth.
There are also events
described in the Bible that are
believed to be impossible. "If a given theory were able to be proven, then
it would cease to be a subjective theory and become an objective
scientic fact or law."(Unknown 1). Is there an in between? Can a person
believe in both?

Evolution and creation is something that will be argued forever, and of
course there are still gaps on both sides of the argument that may never
be answered. In schools, most children are exposed to the idea of
evolution and then taught di"erently in church. However, evolution
doesn't always contradict religion. It is proven that creationism is more
popular in America, but it is all about people's beliefs.

Works Cited:
This picture above helps interpret what
both creation and evolution have in
similarities and di"erences.
"What Should a Christian Think About Evolution?" Answers in Genesis.
Web. 19 May 2014.

"How Do Christians Explain Evolution?" What Christians Want To Know
RSS. Web. 19 May 2014

Martin, Joe W. "What Do Most Christians Really Believe About
Evolution?" Web. 19 May 2014.

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