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Evolution of Whales

Blue whales are the largest animal known to live on earth and can reach
up to 100 feet in length. Whales evolved from a land dwelling, dog like
creature called Pakicetus. With no competition for food in water with the
extinction of dinosaurs, Pakicetus and it's relatives began to venture in
deeper and deeper. Over generations, Pakicetus evolved into di"erent
creatures that developed adaptations to adapt better for aquatic life.

Hairless bodies and only small holes for ears allow whales to have
perfectly stream line bodies. With the absence of hair, whales needed
some thing else to keep them warm. The answer was a thick layer of fat
known as blubber. Blubber allowed for a streamline solution to allow
whales to lose their hair and still stay warm. Hair allows needs to be
maintained in order for it to retain its insulation properties. Blubber is a
layer under the skin, so it does not need to be maintained to keep the
whale warm.

Flipper shaped from limbs are much more e#cient for swimming than
land animal limbs. The broad, at limbs push more water with every
stroke propelling the whales me. Flippers still have the same bone
structure are land animals. The ipper is just atter, wider and covered in
a thin layer of skin. Whales also have pectoral ns that help them stay
balanced in the water when swimming.

An excellent respiratory system is needed for whales to be able to dive
underwater for minutes at a time. When whales breathe, most of the
oxygen is transferred from their lungs to their muscles. Blood is only
pumped to vital organs like the heart and brain when a whale dives. A
whale's heart rate also slows down when a whale dives. This decreases
the blood pressure and speed of the blood ow for the whale.

Whales evolved over millions of years from a land creature to the beautiful
and majestic creatures of the sea they are today. An evolution from land
to water allowed Pakicetus's ancestors to develope traits that better suit
life in the sea like ippers, an improved respiratory system and jet like
stream line bodies.

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