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revile swear at, abuse; slander; vilify Chi ra, mng nhic, s v; re(=back) +vil(

syllogism a formal argument with a major and minor premise and a conclusio
n; logical formula utilizing a major premise, a minor premise and a conc
phep tam oan lun , s suy lun, s suy din
rampart defensive mound of earth Thnh lu, s phng th; phng th bng thnh lu.
cursory quick; hurried; done without attention to details; casual; hastily done
nhanh u ong
euphemism use of other mild, vague and indirect words or phrases in place
of what is required by truth or accuracy; mild expression in place of an unpleas
ant one li ni tri , uyn ng
whimsical capricious; fanciful; quaint bt thng, hay thay i; k qui, k d
allegory story in which characters are used as symbols; fable 1. Li ni bn
g, truyn ng ngn, phng d. 2. Biu tng
termagant shrew; scolding, brawling woman ngi an ba lm iu, ngi an ba lng loan
anagram word made by changing the order of the letters in another word Php o ch ci t
ra t khc
flippant having a light, pert, trifling disposition thiu nghim trang,
khim nh; hn lo
metamorphose change completely the nature of something Thay i hinh dang hoc ban
cht; bin hinh; bin hoa
analogous similar or parallel; comparable T-ng t, ging nhau
suffuse spread over tran ra, lan ra, lam t m
homeostasis tendency of a system to maintain relative stability
cataclysm sudden and violent change; deluge; upheaval i hng thu, bin c a ch
in ng ln
chauvinist blindly devoted patriot ngi theo ch ngha s-vanh
obviate get rid of; clear away; prevent by effective measures; make unnecessary;
hedonism belief that pleasure is the chief good; belief that pleasure is
the sole aim in life ch ngha khoi lc
autonomous self-governing; free t tr
redolent having a strong smell; reminiscent; fragrant; odorous; suggestiv
e of an odor Sc mi, thm phc; gi nh li; red<re(=intensive) +ol(=smell)
caliber ability; capacity c (sng, n); phm cht, nng lc
distill purify; refine; concentrate chay nho giot; (hoa hoc) c chng ct; chng ct
divulge make known something secret; reveal l ra, tit l
irreparable that cannot be repaired, mended, remedied, restored, etc.; not a
ble to be corrected or repaired khng th n b li c, khng th sa li c
servile of or like a slave; lacking in the spirit of independence; obsequious; s
lavish; cringing Ngi nh n l, ph thuc
detached emotionally removed; calm and objective; indifferent tch ri ra,
rancid having the odor of stale fat b i (thc n)
redoubtable to be feared; formidable; formidable; causing fear ng knh trng,
ng s; re(=intensive) +doub<dob(=uncertain)
hierarchy organization with grades of authority from lowest to highest; gr
oup of persons in authority; group of bishops of a country; body divided into ra
nks h thng cp bc, th t
desiccate dry up loi n-c, lm kh
debauch corrupt; make intemperate trc tng , tru lc lm i bi
gaffe social blunder s sai lm, cu ni h
foster rear; encourage khuyn khch, tng cng, thc y; chm sc nui dng
platonic purely spiritual; theoretical; without sensual desire (a) thuc P
lato, trit hoc Plato; ly tng thun khit, khng thit thc, sung
vulnerable susceptible to wounds c th b tn thng, lm hi, xc phm; d b nguy hi
lament to express sorrow li than vn, li rn r, bi ca bi thm
clandestine secret giu gim, b mt
neophyte person who has newly been converted to some belief or religion;
beginner; recent convert; beginner
haggard wasted away; gaunt hc hc, ph phc
sojourn temporary stay S tm tr
placid peaceful; calm (a) yn lng, binh yn, khng bi khuy ng (canh vt); im tinh (ng
pellucid transparent; limpid; easy to understand trong sut, r rng, minh bch
intractable unruly or stubborn; not easily controlled or dealt with; unruly;
connoisseur person with good judgement on matters in which taste is needed;
expert; person competent to act as a judge of art, etc; a lover of an art
ng-i snh iu, snh si
diversion act of turning aside; pastime s lam trch i; s trch i; (qun s) chin
thut nghi binh; s lam lang tri; s giai tri, tro tiu khin
scapegoat someone who bears the blame for others anh chng d u chu bng
disarray a disorderly or untidy state N: s ln xn, s xao trn; V: lam ln xn, la
germinate cause to sprout; sprout bt u mc, ny mm
trenchant sharp; keen, penetrating, incisive; clear-cut, distinct; cutting
; keen sc ben, anh thep, manh me
quiescent at rest; dormant im lim, yn lng, thu ng, khng hoat ng
respite time of relief or rest from toil, suffering, anything unpleasant; ; repr
ieve; delay in punishment; interval of relief; rest S hon thi hnh; thi gian ngh n
gi, gii lao; re(=back, away) +spi(=look)
effluvium noxious smell Kh xng ln, mi thi, x kh
denigrate blacken ph bng gim pha, bi nh
corroborate give support or certainty to a statement, belief, theory, etc.;
confirm ng h
collaborate work in partnership, especially in literature and art; work trea
sonably especially with enemy forces occupying one's country; work together
cng tc
alloy a mixture as of metals 1-n. Hp kim, cht hn hp.2- v. Nu thnh hp kim, trn vo,
a tp, lm gim gi tr i
enfranchise to admit to the rights of citizenship(especially the right to vo
te) ban cho quyn b phiu; tr t do, gii phng
derivative unoriginal; derived from another source s rt -c thu -c, sn phm ph
edify instruct; correct morally khai tri, soi sang (nghia bong)
fidelity faithful devotion to duty or to one's obligations or vows, loyal
ty, faithfulness; accuracy, exactness lng trung thnh; s ng n, trung thc
deference the act of obeying the judgement or opinion of another; great re
spect; courteous regard for another's wish tn trng tn knh
peremptory not to be disobeyed or questioned; dogmatic; insisting upon obed
ience; imperious; demanding and leaving no choice
defunct dead; extinct; dead; no longer in use or existence tit chng, bin mt
exemplary serving as an example or a warning; serving as a model; outstand
ing gng mu, mu mc; lm gng, cnh co
intrinsically essentially; inherently; naturally; intrinsic
volition the act of exercising one's will, the power of willing; act of m
aking a conscious choice mun, s mong mun, ch
disabuse free someone from false ideas and mistakes; correct a false impr
ession; undeceive
equivocate use vague expressions; lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the trut
h ni lp l , ni nc i
libertine debauched person; roue ngi phng ng, ngi try lc, ngi dm ng
substantive essential; pertaining to the substance trong yu, thc s, tn tai c lp
levity tendnecy to treat serious matters without respect; lack of seriousness;
lightness tnh coi nh, tnh khinh sut, tnh khinh bc, tnh nh d
sporadic occurring irregularly khng thng xuyn, ri rc
anonymous without a name, or with a name that is not made known; having no
name Nc danh, giu tn, n danh
doggerel poor verse th d, th ti; adj: d, ti
acquiesce give consent silently; assent; agree passively Bng lng, -ng thun, mc n
infer reach an opinion from facts or reasoning; deduce; conclude Suy lun,
exposition an exhibition of art, industrial products,etc; explaining someth
ing in detail s ph by, trin lm, s trnh by, gii thch, m t
lucid clear; lucent; bright; easily understood sng sa, minh bch, r rng, tron
g sng, d hiu, sng sut, minh mn
officious very fond of giving unwelcome services or advice; meddlesome; ex
cessively trying to please n cm nh, vc t v hng tng
prerogative a right or previlege that belongs to a person, class, etc. accor
ding to rank or position; privilege; unquestionable right (n) quyn; c quyn; (a) c
o quyn; co c quyn, c hng c quyn
appease quiet an angry person, etc.; satisfy in appetite; yield to the demands o
f someone; pacify; soothe 1. Khuyn gii, an i, d dnh, lm khuy, lm du, lm ngui.
nguyn tc
impair damage; make worse or less, weaker; worsen; diminish in value Lm suy yu,
lm st km,lm h hng
catharsis outlet for strong emotion; emptying of the bowels; purging or cl
eansing of any passage of the body s ty nh, s hi hp phn chn
arrogate claim or seize without right; attribute unjustly; claim without
reasonable grounds i ci g khng phi ca mnh, vu cho ai
arbiter a person with power to decide a dispute; judge ngi phn x, quan to, thm phn
implacable that cannot be appeased; relentless; incapable of being pacified
Khng th lm ngui c, khng th lm mi lng
emulate rival; imitate ua tranh, cnh tranh
embellish make beautiful; decorate; make a story, etc. more interesting; a
dorn Lm p, trang im, t son im phn; thm tht
levee earthen or stone embankment to prevent flooding bui chiu i, m khch, con ,
riveting capable of arousing and holding the attention Thu ht s ch .
rant rave; speak bombastically Ni hunh hoang, cng iu; li ni hunh hoang; Ni
consensus general agreement of opinion, feeling, etc.; collective opinion ng
, nht tr
consecrate make sacred; devote something to a special purpose; dedicate; sa
nctify th cng , thnh ho
quaff drink with relish (s) ung tng hi dai; s nc can mt hi; (mt) hi (ru, n
saunter stroll slowly i tn b ,i mt cch nhn nh
pathological pertaining to disease bnh hon
gloat express evil satisfaction; view malevolently nhn hau hu, nhn h h thm mun
converge come towards each other and meet at a point; come together
hi t, ng quy, t tp
vociferous noisy,yelling; clamorous om sm, to ting, m ; mt mc khng khng
paradox statement that seems to say something opposite to common sense or the tr
uth, but which may contain a truth; statement that looks false but is actually c
orrect nghch l, ngc i
welter wallow; turmoil; bewildering jumble n nng, ngi, vt to ln; m, m h n; c
g mnh vo, m mnh trong
audacious daring; bold to bo
azure sky blue xanh da tri
egress exit S ra; quyn ra vo; con ng
extrapolation projection; conjecture php ngoi suy
adversary opponent; enemy K ch, k th, i ph-ng, i th
apprehensive fearful about something that might happen; quick to understand;
perceptive; fearful; discerning lo s, s hi
discerning mentally quick and observant; having insight nhn thc ro, thy ro; su sc
sang sut
charlatan quack; pretender to knowledge k lang bm, bp bm
indubitably beyond a doubt R rng, s s, khng nghi ng c
pallid pale; wan xanh xao, vng vt
malign speak evil of; defame Ajd: c ac, thm him; (y hoc) ac tinh; V: noi xu, phi bang,
aesthetic artistic; dealing with or capable off appreciation of the beauti
ful 1. Thuc v thm m, m hc. 2. C gu thm m, c c thm m
boorish of or like a boor; rude; clownish cc mch, th l, qu ma
rescind repeal, annul, or cancel a law, contract, etc. Bi b, hu b (hp ng); re(=back, a
way) +scind(=cut)
exhume dig out of the ground; remove from a grave o ln , khai qut
compliant ready or disposed to comply; yielding hay chiu theo ngi khc, sn sng
tun theo
liaison connection, linkage between two separate groups; illicit sexual relation
ship; officer who acts as go-between for two armies lin lc, quan h bt chnh (nam n)
, s ni vn
axiom self-evident truth requiring no proof chn l
plumb checking perpendicularity; vertical (a) thng ng, ngay; (nghia bong) hoan toan
, ich tht
itinerary plan of a trip k hoch v mt cuc hnh trnh, ghi chp v mt cuc hnh tr
inchoate recently begun; rudimentary; elementary Va bt u, cn phi thai
inculcate impress upon the mind by frequent repetition or persistent urgin
g; teach Ghi nh, khc su vo, in su
tether tie with a rope buc, ct bng dy
dilapidated falling to pieces; ruined; shabby; ruined because of neglect nat
, xiu veo, op ep (nha); st cang gay gong ( ac); xac x (qun ao...) bi phung phi (cua cai
g (n mc)
malediction curse; prayer to God that someone or somthing may be destroyed,
hurt, etc li chi rua, li nguyn rua, li chi bi
resigned unresisting; patiently submissive Cam chu, nhn nhc
indomitable unyielding; that cannot be subdued or conquered; unconquerable
Bt khut, khng khut phc c
quirk startling twist; caprice thoi quen, tt; s tinh c; li giu ct; li thoai th
ng, net ch kiu cach; net ve kiu cach; (kin truc) ng xoi
judicious showing or having good sense; wise; determined by sound judgment
t ra hoc c u c sng sut, ng n
debase make lower or poorer in value, quality, character, etc.; reduce to lower
state lm gim s l-ng, cht l-ng
dint means; effort vt on, vt anh, vt hn ep, vt ln ni, cu anh by dint of... do b
cai gi)
contravene go against a law, a custom, etc.; attack a statement, a principl
e, etc.; contradict; infringe on
hypothetical having the nature of a hypothesis or a based on hypothesis; base
d on assumptions or hypotheses c tnh cht gi thuyt
ingenuous frank; open; innocent; natural; naive; young; unsophisticated
Chn tht, ngy th
reciprocate give and recieve, each to and from each; cause to move backwards
and forwards in a straight line; repay in kind Trao i ln nhau, n p li, chuyn ng qu
(=back) + ci (=s.e.) + pro(=forward) + c (=s.e.) + ate (=make)
ignominious bringing contempt, disgrace, shame; dishonorable; disgraceful
xu xa, tin, ng khinh, nhc
prodigious enormous; surprisingly great; beyond what is ordinary; wonderful
; marvelous; enormous phi thng, ky la; to ln, s
macerate waste away Thm t; tm t; ngm t; Lam cho mm, lam cho kit qu
nemesis revenging agent S bao ng, s bao oan
veneer thin layer; cover tm trang tr, lp mt b bao ngoi; m ngoi, v ngoi; s ng
motility ability to move spontaneously Co th vn ng; di ng
magnanimous having generosity; generous Hao hip, cao thng
interdict prohibit; forbid lnh cm, cm, khai tr(tn gio)
recumbent lying down; idle; reclining; lying down completely or in part
Nm; nm nghing; re(=back) +cumb(=lie)
capitulate surrender on stated condition u hng (c iu kin)
vigilance watchfulness, keeping watch (s) cnh gic, thn trng, phng
consequential pompous; self-important
ductility malleability; flexibility; ability to be drawn out tinh mm, tin
h d un, tinh d keo si (kim loai), tinh d un nn, tinh d bao
accolade bestowed of a knighthood by a tap on the shoulder with the flat
of a sword; praise; approval; award of merit 1. S m hn, s g nh sng g-m ln vai khi
t-c. 2. Du gp trong m nhc
expedient an expedient thing; likely to be useful or helpful for a purpose
; advantageous though contrary to principle; auitable; practical; politic
c li , thit thc, thch hp; mu k, th on , cch
cynic one who is skeptical or distrustful of human motives ng-i hay hoi nghi, h
ay tr chch cay c
enigma puzzle iu b n
antagonism active resistance 1. S phn i, phn khng, i lp. 2. Nguyn tc i
dauntless bold dng cm, kin c-ng
blandishment flattery nnh b, tn tnh
intrepid fearless; bold
effigy representation of a person in wood, stone, etc.; dummy Hnh, hnh ni; hinh v
, hinh nm
bereft deprived; deprived of; lacking b tc, mt
decry disparage lm gim gi tr, ch bai gim pha
saturnine gloomy Trm ngm ,Lm l
precipitate throw headlong; hasten; headlong; rash (a) hp tp; thiu suy nghi; (vt)
lao xung, nem xung, lam gp, thuc giuc, (hoa hoc) kt tua; (vt ly) lam ngng tu
dogmatic positive; arbitrary
demur delay; object ngn ngi do d, phn i
rationalize reason; justify an improper act Hp l ho; gii thch cho hp vi l phi.
temerity boldness; rashness s tao bao, s liu linh
adulterate make something poorer in quality by adding something improper; m
ake impure by mixing with baser substances 1. Pha trn. 2. Lm gi mo
compatible in accord with; able to live together in harmony; suited to; har
monious; in harmony with hp nhau, tng thch
recluse person who lives alone and avoids other people; shut away from the world
; hermit Ngi sng n dt, xa lnh x hi; re(=back) +clus(=shut)
palliate ease pain; make less guilty of offensive lm du ni au hay s phn n
deterrent something that discourages; hindrance ngn cn,lm nn tr nht tr
recalcitrant obstinately stubborn Hay ci li, chng li; cng u, ngoan c.
obsequious too eager to obey or advantage; showing excessive respect from h
ope of reward or advantage; slavishly attentive; servile; sycophantic
cognizance knowledge s nhn thc, s hiu bit; thm quyn
diatribe bitter scolding; invective
conundrum riddle; difficult problem cu cu hi hc ba
tepid lukewarm m, m m
sedentary done sitting down at a desk, etc.; spending much of thier time s
eated; requiring sitting Ngi yn mt ch
mentor teacher Ngi thy thng thai, ngi c vn day kinh nghim
eclectic selecting from various systems, doctrines, or sources; composed
of material gathered from various sources, systems, etc.; a person who uses ecle
ctic methods in philosophy, science, or art; selective; composed of elements dra
wn from disparate sources chit trung
coagulate thicken; congeal; clot lm ng li
volatile evaporating rapidly; lighthearted; mercurial d bay hi; ko kin nh,
hay thay i; nh d; ko n nh
ebullient bubbling, boiling; overflowing with enthusiaism,high spirits, et
c.; exuberant; showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm si, ang si; si ni, hm h
probity uprightness of character, integrity, sincerity; uprightness; incorruptib
ility (n) tinh trung thc, tinh lim khit, ang tin cy
pundit learned Hindu; any learned man; authority on a subject nha hoc gia Hindu (n
-); (nghia My) nha hoc gia uyn thm; nha ph binh, nha binh lun
allocate assign 1. Cp cho, ch nh dng vo vic g. 2. Phn phi, phn pht, chia p
grovel crawl or creep on gound; remain prostrate nm phc xung t, b m
hiatus gap; pause ch gin on, ch nt
precursor harbringer; forerunner; sign; a predecessor as in office
(n) ngi (vt) n bao trc, im bao trc; tin thn
ostensible put forward in an attempt to hide the real reason; apparent; pre
tended; apparent; professed; pretended ra v(du s tht)
extol praise highly; praise; glorify tn dng , ca tng
ignoble of low character; mean; of low birth; of lowly origin; unworthy tin, ti tin
, a v hn mn
impromptu improvisation; an promptu speech,performance,etc.; without prepa
ration or advance thought; without previous preparation ng khu, bi ni ng khu, khng chu
b trc
precocious having developed certain faculties earlier than is normal; devel
oped ahead of time (a) sm ra hoa, sm kt qua (cy); (noi v a be) sm phat trin
impasse blind alley; place or position from which there is no way out; deadlock;
predicament from which there is no escape Ng ct, th b tc, khng li thot
effrontery impudence; shameless boldness Mt dy my dn; tnh v lim s
indigenous native or beloning naturally Bn x
infamous disgraceful; having a bad reputation; wicked; notoriously bad
nhc, b i
protocol first ro original draft of an agreement, signed by these making
it; code of behavior, etiquette as practiced on diplomatic occasions; diplomatic
etiquette nghi thc ngoai giao; l tn; ban d thao u tin hoc nguyn gc cua mt hi
transgression violation of a law; sin s vt qua (gii han), s vi pham (phap lut...)
wane grow gradually smaller suy yu, tn t, mt dn i quyn lc hay tm quan trng
mendicant beggar n xin; n may; hanh kht; ke n xin; ke n may; ke hanh kht
iconoclastic attacking cherished traditions (thuc) bi tr thnh tng
immaculate pure; faultless; without a spot or stain; perfectly clean; right
in every detail; pure; spotless tinh khit, trong trng
aberrant abnormal or deviant 1. Lm lc. 2. Khc thng
problematic perplexing; unsettled; questionable kho giai quyt, kho hiu
permeable porous; allowing passage through c th thm thu
mite very small object or creature; small coin Phn nho; Vt nho be
malleable capable of being shaped by pounding
voracious devouring or eager to devour large puantities of food; very gree
dy or eager in some desire or persuit; insatiable; ravenous tham n, phm n; ngu n
ghin; khao kht, rt ho hc
exotic introduced from another country; foreign or unusual style; striking or p
leasing because colorful or unusual; not native; strange nc ngoi a vo, ngoi l
; k l , k cc
stigmatize describe somebody scornfully; brand; mark as wicked lm ni r tnh
cch xu ,bu xu
abjure renounce upon oath 1. Tuyn b t b, t nguyn b. 2. Rt lui ( kin, li ha)
kith familiar friends bn b, ngi quen bit
antiseptic chemical substance preventing infection; preventing infection; s
ubstance that prevents infection N-adj: Kh trng
apostate one who abandons his faith; one who abandons his religious faith
or political beliefs K b o, bi gio, b ng
inarticulate speechless; producing indistinct speech Khng c ti n ni, , khng ni r
berate scold sharply; scold strongly la mng
beseech ask earnestly or urgently cu xin, cu khn, van xin
oaf stupid, awkward person a be ngu ngc; ngi n n va vung v
comport bear one's self; behave x s
conjure summon a devil; practice magic; inagine; invent tr o thut, gi hn
calumny malicious misrepresentation; slander li vu khng
pedagogue teacher; dull and formal teacher nh s phm, m phm
pittance a small allowance or wage (n) tin thu lao com, tin thu lao re ma,
s lng nho
suppliant entreating; beseeching nn ni, van xin, khn khoan
devoid completely without; lacking khng co, trng rng
alacrity cheerful promptness S st sng, nhanh nhu, hot bt
mundane worldly; dull, ordinary; worldly as opposed to spiritual
broach open up bt u
captious finding fault or making protests especially about unimportant po
ints; faultfinding xo tr, ngy bin; hay xoi mi, hay bt b
thwart baffle; frustrate can tr, ngn tr, pha ngang, lam tr ngai
deign condescend hh c
misanthropy hatred of mankind
troth pledge of good faith especially in betrothal long trung thanh; s trung thc
penchant strong inclination; liking thin hng
ornate richly ornamented; full of flowery language; not simple in style or voca
bulary; excessively decorated; highly decorated trang sc lng ly, cng phu
incorrigible that cannt be corrected, improved, or reformed beacause firmly e
stablished as a bad habit; uncorrectable Khng th sa c
empirical relying on observation and experiment, not on theory; relying or
based on practical experience; based on experience theo kinh nghim, da vo kinh
dubious doubtful l m, m h, thiu minh bach; khng chc chn
awry distorted; crooked mo, xin, lch, hng, khng nh mun
unwonted unaccustomed ko thng thng, ko quen, him thy; bt thng
inveigh denounce; utter censure or invective cng kch, kch, phn khng kch lit
lecherous impure in thought and act; lustful; unchaste phng ng, dm ng
fatuous foolish; inane ngu ngc, n n
glib fluent lm lnh, lin thong, trn
sagacious keen; shrewd; having insight thng minh ,sc so
guileless without deceit ngy th, chn tht
notorious widly known for something bad; outstandingly bad; unfavorably kn
own Ai cung bit vi mt hanh ng hoc tinh cach xu nao o; khet ting; co ting xu
detraction slandering; aspersion s ly i, s khu i; s lam giam uy tin, s lam giam
, s giem pha, s noi xu
suave smooth; bland ngt ngo; kho lo, tinh t ((thng) ni v n ng)
amiable good-tempered; kind-hearted; easy and pleasant to talk to; agreeable; lo
vable T t, tt bng, nh nhn, d th-ng
jaded fatigued; surfeited mt mi, mt r ri, kit sc, phi lm vic qu sc, chn ,
deposition testimony under oath lng ng, li khai, chng thc
vehement impetuous; with marked vigor mnh lit, kch lit, d di; say m
indolence laziness S li bing
stint supply; allotted amount; assigned portion of work h tin ,hn ch
gullible easily deeived kh di, c tin
palatial magnificent nguy nga, trng l, nh lu i
recondite abstruse; profound; secret Kh hiu, ti ngha, b him.
rote repetition Kiu hc vt
aloof remote in manner; apart; reserved adj-adv- xa, tch xa, cch bit
ribald wanton; profane Hi hc 1 cch th tc.
skulk move furtively and secretly Ln trnh, ln trn
correlation mutual relationship mi t-ng, quan t-ng h
fluency smoothness of speech s ni lu lot; vit tri chy
humility humbleness of spirit s khim tn, nhng nhng
adulation flattery; admiration S nnh ht, b
abstruse deep in meaning; difficult to understand; obscure; profound; dif
ficult to understand 1. Kh hiu. 2. Thm thu, su sc
eschew avoid trnh, king c
facilitate make less difficult lm cho d dng, thun tin
lucrative profitable c li, sinh li
pseudonym name taken, especially by author, instead of his real name; pen
name (Cach vit khac: nom de plume) bit hiu, but danh
mnemonic pertaining to memory (thuc) tri nh; giup tri nh
hirsute hairy rm lng
mendacious lying; false
droll queer and amusing khi hai, bun ci, nh tro h; ky cuc, ky quc, anh h; ong
rabid like a fanatic; furious Hung d, b bnh di, in
adamant hard; inflexible 1. adj-cng rn, st . 2. n-Ci cng nh , k c-ng
minion a servile dependent Ke b ; thuc ha; tay sai
reverie daydream; musing S m mng, m mng
imbroglio a complicated situation; perplexity; entanglement tnh trng hn
n, rc ri
censure blame; criticize ph bnh, ch trch, khin trch
parry ward off a blow ming , ming gt, ng tc , gt
perdition damnation; complete ruin kip trm lun, s dit vong
brindled tawny or grayish with streaks or spots vt nu m
endue provide with some quality; endow mc (o, qun); ph cho (ai/ c tnh)
exculpate clear from blame gii ti, bo cha, tuyn b v ti
felicitous apt; suitably expressed; well chosen rt thch hp, kho lo; may mn
immune exempt c min (thu), min dch
euphoria sense of well-being; elation; feeling of exaggerated (or unfound
ed) well-being
goad urge on kch thch, thc gic
impale pierce m qua, xin qua, lm cht ng,lm ngy ngi, ro bng cc
indefatigable tireless Khng bit mt
meticulous excessively careful
dilettante aimless follower of the arts; amateur; dabbler ngi ham m ngh thut tay
chi tai t, ngi khng chuyn su; (a)tai t
mercurial fickle; changing Hay thay i, khng kin inh, ng bong
anomalous abnormal; irregular Bt th-ng, d th-ng, khng quy tc
conclave private meeting bui hp kn
progeny children; offspring con cai; dong doi, con chau; (nghia bong) kt qua
abstemious not eating and drinking too much; frugal; temperate; sparing in
dringk, etc. 1. Tit ch, c iu . 2. S si, m bc
profligate profligate person; shamelessly immoral; reckless, extravagant; d
issipated; wasteful; licentious (a) phong ang, trac tang; hoang toang, ngng cung;(n) ke ph
ong ang, ke trac tang
nefarious very wicked Hung ac; Bt chinh
descant discuss fully ba bnh lun di dng
augment make or become greater, increase
tawdry cheap and gaudy loe loet, ph trng, hao nhoang
amass collect, pile or heap up Cht ng, tch lu, cp nht
virtuoso highly skilled artist ngh s bc thy, ngi ngh s rt thnh tho; s cho
arduous hard; strenuous kh khn, gian kh,ht sc mnh, gng gi
belie give a wrong or untrue idea of; fail to justify or be equal to what is h
oped for or promised; contradict; give a false impression gy n tng sai lm, , khn
g gi li ha,ni ngc li
lacerate mangle; tear x, x rch, lm tan nt
disperse scatter <something> in all directioms; rout giai tan, phn tan xu
a tan, lam tan tac (my mu...); rai rc, gieo vai, gieo rc, truyn (tin n...)(vt ly) tan s
chaste pure trong trng, tit hnh
staid sober; sedate Trm tnh t ni
craven cowardly nht gan
diaphanous transparent, translucent; sheer; transparent trong m
polemic controversy; argument in support of point of view (n)(s nhiu polemics)
cuc lun chin, but chin; bai lun chin, but chin; ( s nhiu) s lun chin, s but chi
fervid ardent nng nhit, nhit thnh
lithe flexible; supple mm mi, d un, yu iu, uyn chuyn
forbearance patience, self-control s t ch, kin tr; s lng
irascible irritable; easily angered nng ny cu knh
meretricious flashy; tawdry ep gia tao; ep ma; hao nhoang
lustrous shining Bong lang, rc r, choi ngi
vivacious lively,high-spirited,gay; animated; gay si ni, hot bt, lanh li; (thc vt
) sng dai, lu nm
apathy absence of sympathy or interest; indifference; lack of caring; indiffere
nce S th , h hng, lnh m
peculate steal; embezzle tht kt, bin th
chagrin vexation; disappointment s chn nn, s tht vng
reminiscence recollection S nh li, hi tng, k nim
languid weary; sluggish; listless u oi, l , yu ui, thiu sinh ng, chm chp
voluble loquacious; able to talk very quickly and easily; fluent; rotating; flue
nt; glib lin thong, lm, ba hoa; lu lot, trn tru, tri chy thanh thot
apocalyptic prophetic; pertaining to revelations Thuc sch khi huyn( cun cui cng
ca b kinh Tn -c-tn gio), c tnh tin tri
convoluted coiled around; involved; intricate qun , xon , phc tp
abysmal bottomless Khng y, thm thm, su khng d -c, v cng
austere strict; stern khc kh, kh hnh
bellicose warlike hiu chin, thch nh nhau, hay gy g
eulogy tribute; high praise bi tn dng, ca tng; li khen,/ca tng
bumptious self-assertive t ph, t mn
conventional ordinary; typical hnh mu nguyn mu
rudimentary not developed; elementary S b, bc u, mi phi thai
decadence falling to a lower level in morals, art, literature, etc. especi
ally after a period at a high level; decay n suy i
paraphernalia equipment; odds and ends dng c nhn, trang thit b cho s thch c
disavowal denial; disclaiming s chi, s khng nhn; li chi, s t bo
earthy unrefined; coarse nh t; bng t; (nghia bong) trn tuc, pham tuc
elusive evasive; baffling; hard to grasp c tnh cht lng trnh, thoi thc
manifest understandable; clear Ro rang, hin nhin
livid lead-colored; black and blue; enraged c mu ca ch, xm hi xanh, bm tm, thm t
tm gan, cu tit
incessant continuous; not stopping; often repeated; uninterrupted Khng ngng,
khng ngt, lin min
choleric hot-tempered hay cu, nng tnh
frenetic frenzied; frantic in cung; cung tn
bereavement state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved
tnh trng b mt ngi thn, vt thn thit
fulsome disgustingly excessive thi qu trong li khen, lng yu mn
grandiose imposing; impressive hng v, ph trng
haphazard random; by chance ba bi, lung tung
quixotic idealistic but impractical hao hip vin vng, nh ng-ki-st
inherent firmly established by nature or habit Vn c, c hu, vn thuc v
perfidious faithless; treacherous; basely false phn bi, la di, khng trung thnh
luminous giving out light; bright; clear; easily understood; shining; iss
uing light ta sng trong bng ti, d quang, r rng minh bch
genre style of art illustrating scenes of common life th loi
impervious not allowing water, etc. to pass through; not moved or influence
d by; not penetrable; not permitting passage through Khng th thm qua c, tr, khng b
parsimonious stingy; excessively frugal chi li, keo kit, bn xn
puerile childish co tinh cht tre con; to ra non nt; tm thng, vt vanh
raucous harsh and shrill Khn khn, kh nghe (ging ni)
disjointed disconnected bi thao ri ra bi thao ri khp ni ra; bi trt khp ri rac,
risible inclined to laugh; ludicrous ng bun ci, tc ci; d ci.
resonant echoing; resounding; possessing resonance Vang di li, vang vn
reverent respectful Tn knh, cung knh; c cha.
flaccid flabby mm nhn; o l; yu ui, u m
epitome summary, digest; something which shows, on a small scale, the characteri
stics of something much larger; summary; concise abstract bn tm tt, hnh nh thu
nh, v d mu mc/ hon ho
homily sermon; serious warning bi thuyt php, nhng li dy bun t
exuberant abundant; effusive; lavish hoa m; di do; cha chan (tnh cm), sum
strut pompous walk; supporting bar Dng i khnh khng, knh kiu
timorous fearful; demonstrating fear s st, nhut nhat
imperious commanding; haughty; arrogant; urgent; domineering Hng hch, c d
on, khn cp
ulterior beyond what is first seen or said; situated beyond; situated bey
ond; unstated v sau; sau, tng lai; kn om ko ni ra; nm ngoi iu quan st
vacillation fluctuation; wavering (s) lc l, lo o; chp chn, lung lay; do d, dao
imbue saturate; fill nhng, lm thm m
lachrymose producing tears hay chy nc mt, khc lc, bun ru, st si, st mt
effeminate having womanly traits ging nh mt ngi an ba; khng mang tinh an ng
wanton unruly; unchaste; excessive bng, ngang ngnh; phng ng, ba bi, tri o c
ingratiate bring oneself into favor,especially in order to gain an adventag
e; flatter; become popular with Lm cho mnh c mn
abscond go away suddenly and hide; depart secretly and hide B trn, trn trnh php l
tantalize keep just out of reach something that somebody desires; raise ho
pes that cannot be realized; tease; torture with disappointment nh, nh tru ngi
travail painful labor cng vic kho nhoc, cng vic vt va, nhng c gng kho nhoc
terse concise; abrupt; pithy "ngn gon; suc tich, dung it t (vn),cc lc, cut ngun, it l
objurgate scold; rebuke severely Trach moc, qu trach, mng nhic
wreak inflict tin hnh (tr th); lm cho h, trt gin
roseate rosy; optimistic Mu hng sm; lc quan, yu i.
insipid tasteless; dull v v, nht pho, chn ngt t ngt, khng sinh ng
accrue come as a natural growth or development; come as a natural increase espe
cially of money; come about by addition 1. Sinh ra t, do tm ra (+from). 2. dn v (+to)
3. Dn li, tch lu li
pariah social outcast ngi cng kh
intransigent a person who is intransigent; uncompromising, especially in poli
tics; refusing any compromise
proviso stipulation (s nhiu provisos, provisoes) iu khoan, iu qui inh; iu kin (
, hp ng...)
accomplice a person who helps another in a wrong act; partner in crime
K tng phm, k ng lo
propagate multiply; spread nhn ging (cy, ng vt...); truyn ba (quan im, t
ly) truyn (m thanh, anh sang...); sinh san (cy)
elucidate explain; make clear; throw light on a problem, or difficulty; ex
plain; enlighten Lm sng t, gii thch
obliterate rub, or blot out; remove all signs of; destroy; destroy complete
ly Xoa, ty hoc xoa sach, xoa m (du vt...); Pha huy hoan toan, lam tiu ma
scrupulous conscientious; extremely thorough Cc k cn thn ,Cc k chi tit ,Khn
veracious truthful chn thc, ng s thc
fiat command mnh lnh, s ng ; s tha nhn, cho php
ken range of knowledge phm vi hiu bit, tm mt
iniquitous unjust; wicked Ti li, ht sc bt cng, tri o l
reprobate person hardened in sin, devoid of a sense of decency Ngi ti li, v
li, phng ng, tru lc
delineate show by drawing or by describing; portray delineation miu t, phc
virile manly cng dng, c kh nng sinh nhiu; hng dng, rn ri, ra v n ng
stigma token of disgrace; brand Vt nh ,Ni nhc
condone overlook or forgive an offence; overlook; forgive tha th
bolster support; prop up ng h
maudlin effusively sentimental uy mi, hay khoc loc, st mt; ngi uy mi, ngi hay thng
prosaic commonplace; dull khng sang tao, tm thng, khng lang man; bun te
soporific sleep producer S gy bun ng
reprehensible deserving to be blamed; deserving blame
stamina strength; staying power Sc chu ng ,Kh nng n nh
tumid swollen; pompous; bombastic khoa trng , bi sng ln, bi phu ln; ni thanh u
nexus connection Mi quan h, mi lin h
preponderate be superior in power; outweigh (vi) (+over) tri hn, u th, ln at, nng h
, chim a s hn; nghing v mt bn (can cn)
fathom comprehend; investigate tm hiu, thm d
odious hateful gh tm, ng ght
parity equality; close resemblance s bnh ng, t sut, (tin) m chn l
opprobrious disgraceful nhc, lng m
tenacious holding fast dai, khng qun (tri nh)
surfeit too much of anything, especially food and drink; [cause to]take too much
of anything; cloy; overfeed "s tha thai, s n ung qua ,s ngy . V.chi bi qua ,
precept moral instruction; practical rule guiding conduct (n) chm ngn, li giao
hun, lnh; (phap ly) trat, lnh t chc bu c, lnh thu tin, lnh tra tin (thu...); (tn
substantiate verify; support chng minh
obloquy bad words spoken of a person or thing; ill repute; disgrade; slander; di
sgrace; infamy
supplant take the place of ; take the place of someone, especially after
getting him out of office; replace; usurp thay th; chim ch (cua ai/cai gi); ht cng
adjure request solemnly 1. Bt th, bt tuyn th. 2. Khn ni, van ni
disparity inequality; difference; difference; condition of inequality
s chnh lch, s khng bng nhau, s khng binh ng; s khac bit, s cach bit
pecuniary pertaining to money thuc tin ti, np pht
mordant biting; sarcastic; biting; sarcastic; stinging Chua cay, ay nghin, chm choc
(li noi...)
surmise guess; conjecture s phong oan, s c oan
blatant loudly offensive om xm, hay ku la
nettle sting oneself with nettles; make rather angry; annoy; annoy; vex
choc tc, choc gin
hypocritical pretending to be virtuous; deceiving o c gi
innuendo hint; insinuation Li m ch, ni bng gi, ni cnh
cavil make frivolous objections ci bng
impolitic not wise Khng khn ngoan, vng
precarious uncertain; risky (a) (phap ly) tam, nht thi, khng n inh; him nghe
savor have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality ngi cu nguy, ngi gi tin tit ki
inscrutable mysterious; that cannot be understood or known; incomprehensible
; not to be discovered kh nhn thu c, b him kh hiu, khng d c
candid straightforward ngay thng, bc trc
rivet circular rounded protuberance (as on a vault or shield or belt); focus o
ne's attention on something; fasten with a rivet or rivets inh tn; ghp bng inh tn
; tp trung (s ch ).
cajole coax; wheedle tn tnh
contemn regard with contempt; disregard
relinquish abandon B, t b
waive give up temporarily; yield (php l) b, t b, khc t; thi
abhor hate something very much; detest Gh tm, ght cay ght ng
caustic able to burn or destroy by chemical action; acrid; sarcastic; burning; s
arcastically biting n da; chua cay, cay c
implication that which is hinted at or suggested S li ko vo, s dnh lu, n , li
efface rub or wipe out; obliterate; make indistinct; rub out xoa, xoa bo lam lu m;
at, tri hn
stipulate state or put forward as a necessary condition; insist upon as pa
rt of an agreement; make express conditions; specify Quy nh ,t iu kin
prognosis forecasted course of a disease; prediction (s nhiu prognoses) (
y hoc) d oan (v s tin trin cua bnh), tin lng bnh; s d oan (s phat trin cua cai
indict charge Truy t, buc ti
relegate send someone to a lower position or grade; hand over a matter fo
r decision or carrying out; banish; consign to inferior position H cp bc, gin
g chc; re(=back) +leg(=send)
expunge cancel; remove xo, b
despoil plunder c-p ot, chim ot
discomfit frustrate the plans or expectations of; make someone uneasy or c
onfused; put to rout; defeat; disconcert anh bai lam hong, lam tht bai (k hoach...)
am bi ri, lam lung tung; lam chng hng
contrite filled with deep sorrow for wrongdoing; penitent n nn hi hn
peruse read carefully c k, nghin cu k(sch)
gregarious living in groups or societies; liking the company of others; soc
iable sng thnh tp th
surreptitious done,got made, a secret,stealthy way,clandestine len lut;
gian ln; bi mt; la di
condescend do something that one's rank, merits, abilities, etc. do not req
uire one to do; lower oneself; behave graciously, but in a way that shows one's
feeling of superiority; bestow courtesies with a superior air h c, chiu c
bereave rob; leave sad by taking away ly i ca ai
venerate revere tn trng, tn knh
inequity unfairness S khng cng bng
derelict ship abandoned at sea; worthless person; person who neglects his
duty; abandoned; deserted and left to fall into ruin; failing in one's duty
b ri, khng
castigate punish severely with blows or by criticizing trch mng, ch trch, t
rng pht nng n
forensic suitable to debate or courts of law (thuc) php l, ta n
burlesque give an imitation that ridicules tr khi hi, s ch giu; ch giu, n
provident displaying foresight; thrifty; preparing for emergencies
co hoc to ro s khn ngoan i vi cac nhu cu trong tng lai; lo xa; tit kim
jettison throw overboard s vt hng xung bin cho nh tu, s vt b
cohesion force which keeps parts together s c kt, lc c kt
resolution fixed determination; formal expression of opinion by a legislati
ve body or a public meeting; solution of a doubt, question, discord, etc.; proce
ss of separating into constituents S kin quyt, ngh quyt, quyt nh, cch gii quyt
re(=intensive) +solu<solv(=loosen)
cadaver corpse xc cht, t thi
obdurate stubborn, obstinate, inflexible
transpire give off moisture or pass off vapor; become public or come to be
known; exhale; become known; happen bay hi, thoat,l ra, tit l ra
prolific producing many young or much fruit; turning out many products of
the mind; fruitfl; abounding; abundantly fruitful mn (e), sinh san nhiu, san xut nh
iu, e nhiu; sai (qua), lm qua
modulate regulate; change the voice; vary the frequency, amplitude or pha
se of a waves Un giong, ngn nga, ln giong xung giong
concise brief; giving much information in few words; brief and compact ngn gn, sc
conglomeration mass of material sticking together kt thnh khi, kt hp
recusant person who refuses to comply Ngi khng quy phc.
callow unfledged; youthful non nt, tr mng, t kinh nghim
guise appearance; costume chiu bi, lt v
incisive sharp and cutting; acute; clear-cut; cutting; sharp Bn, nhn,su
sc, thm tha, chua cay
burgeon grow forth; send out buds m chi
purloin steal n cp, xoay, n trm
incommodious not spacious Kh chu, phin phc, bt tin
frugality thrift tnh cn c, tnh tit kim
proselytize convert to a religion or belief khin ai t bo tin ngng hoc tn giao cua ho
ngng hoc tn giao khac
skeptic doubter Ngi hay hoi nghi
banal commonplace; trite; hackneyed; commonplace; trite v v
gamut entire range ton b
mandatory person or state to whom a mandate has been given; of a command;
compulsory, obligatory Co tinh cach bt buc (ch khng phai nhim y)
behoove suited to; incumbent upon c nhim v
halcyon calm; peaceful thanh bnh, m
implement tool or instrument for working with; carry an undertaking, agree
ment, promise into effect; suppy what is needed; furnish with tools Dng c, cng
c; s thi hnh, thc hin (giao ko)
incubate hatch; scheme p (trng), (bnh), nui trong lng p (tr s sinh)
harangue noisy speech li h ho, li ku gi
sophistry seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning Php ngu bin ,Li ni ng
u bin
invective abuse language; curses; violent expressions li cng kch d i, li t c
h lit, li chi ra thm t, li tha m
panegyric a formal speech or writing praising a person or event; high or h
yperbolic praise,laudation; formal praise bi tn tng, ca ngi
replica a reproduction or copy of a work of art, especially a copy by the maker
of the original; facsimile Bn sao rt ging tht, m hnh; re(=again) +plic(=fold)
ethnic relating to races thuc dn tc , thuc tc ngi
erratic odd; unpredictable tht thng, khng u, khng ng tin cy
salvage the rescue of a ship and cargo at sea from peril such as fire, shipwreck
, etc.; cargo, property, or ship saved; payment given to those who save property
; <saving of> waste material that can be used again after being processed; save
from loss, fire, wreck, n-v- s cu h, Trc vt
slovenly of or like a sloven; untidy; careless in work habits Nhch nhc,
lum thum, cu th
improvident not looking to future needs; wasteful; thriftless Khng bit l
o xa
pinnacle tall, pointed ornament built on to a roof or buttress; high, sle
nder mountain peak; highest point (n) thap nhon, inh cao nhon (nui, tang a..); (ngh
ia bong) cc im; inh cao nht; (vt) t ln thap nhon, trn cao chot vot
canard unfounded rumor; exaggerated report tin vt
finite limited hn ch
meander to wind or turn in its course Ngon ngoeo, quanh co, khuc khuyu, un khuc; i lan
g thang, i v vn
disparate basically different; unrelated khac hn nhau, khac loai; tap nham
squalid dirty; neglected; poor d dy bn thu ,ngho kh
tenacity firmness; persistency; adhesiveness dai, khng qun
zealot fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal ngi cung tn, ngi qu khch
stanch check flow of blood Cm mu ,lm ngng, khng ch
implicit understood but not stated Ngm ngm, n tng,n
imprudent lacking caution; injudicious Khng thn trng, khinh sut
oscillate vibrate pendulumlike; waver dao ng, lung lay
ironic resulting in an unexpected and contray manner
impugn attack by argument or criticism,express doubt about a statement,act,qual
ity,etc.; doubt; challenge; gainsay cng kch, bi bc, t nghi vn
subjugate conquer; bring under control chinh phc, khut phc, n l ho
traduce say untrue or malicious things about; slander; expose to slander
vu khng; noi xu; phi bang
hermetic obcure and mysterious; occult kn
lethal deadly lm cht ngi, gy cht ngi
latent present but not yet active, developed or visible; dormant; hidden
ngm ngm, m , tim tng
abase make someone lower in rank, position, character, etc.; lower; humiliate
lm h phm gi, lm mt th din, lm nhc
parallelism the state of never meeting because always at the same distance f
rom each other; similarity; state of being parallel; similarity quan h song song,
tng ng
presumptuous arrogant; taking liberties qua tao bao hoc qua t tin; hanh ng khng c
han cn thit
hyperbole exaggerated statement made for effect and not intended to be tak
en literally; exaggeration; overstatement li ni cng iu
prodigal wasteful; too free in giving or spending; abundant; wasteful; re
ckless with money (a) hoang phi (v vic tiu tin, s dung tai nguyn); (n) ngi hoang
bruit tell or spread rumors ting n
vogue popular fashion mt, thi trang; th ang c a chungm thnh hnh; s hoan nghnh;
genial favorable to growth; mild; warm; kindly,sympathetic; sociable vui v, thn
i, n cn
engender bring about; cause; produce sinh ra, gy ra, em li
indulgent inclined to indulge; lenient or kind, often to excess; humoring;
yielding; lenient Hay nung chiu, khoan dung
avarice greediness for wealth tham lam
bane cause of ruin nguyn nhn suy sp, b, thuc c
defamation harm that is given to one's reputation; slander; harming a perso
n's reputation ni xu ph bng
feign pretend gi v
dally triffle with; procrastinate r r , dy d-a
igneous produced by fire; volcanic c tnh cht la, do la to ra
proscribe forbid someone to do something; put outside the protection of th
e law; force someone to go away; ostracize; banish; outlaw t (ai) ra ngoai vong
phap lut; truc xut, ay ai; cm, bai tr (vic dung cai gi coi (nh) nguy him)
versatile interested in and clever at many different things; having variou
s uses; having many talents; capable of working in many fields linh hot, nhiu ti,
tho vt; a nng; ko kin nh
rancor = rancour bitterness; hatred Th on, him th
prate speak foolishly; boast idly (n) s noi huyn thin; tm phao; (vi) noi huyn thin
schism division; split s li gio ,s phn li ,Ti lm li gio
ineluctable that cannot be escaped from; irresistible; not to be escaped
Khng th trnh khi
fledgling young bird just able to fly; young inexperienced person chim non
mi tp bay; ngi thiu kinh nghim
cognizant having knowledge or being fully aware of hiu bit, c nhn thc
piety devoutness; reverence for God (n) long m ao; long hiu thao; long trung thanh vi
Filial piety long hiu thao cua con i vi cha me
ephemeral living for a very short time; trasitory; short-lived; fleeting
ph du, chng tn, sm n ti tn
erudite having or showing a wide knowledge gained from reading; learned; learned
;scholarly uyn bc, thng thi
equivocal doubtful; ambiguous lp l, nc i, ng ng, kh nghi; khng r rt, kh
passive not active; acted upon b ng
catalyst a combination which starts a reaction; agent which brings about
a chemical change while it remains unchanged cht xc tc
doughty courageous (t c,nghia c); (ua ct) dung cam, gan da; gan goc
garrulous loquacious; wordy ni nhiu, ba hoa
dross waste matter; worthless impurities xi, ct st cn ba, rac ri
laconic brief and to the point vn tt, gn gng, sc tch
vicarious acting as a substitute; done by a deputy thay cho; thay mt
cho ngi khc thc hin
salubrious healthful tt lnh ,Mnh kho
serendipity gift for finding valuable things not searched for Kh nng cu m
rigor severity S nghim khc, nghim ngt, khc kh.
ameliorate improve nt-ngt: lm tt hn, ci thin
apocryphal relating to the apocryphal; not genuine; not genuine; sham
graduated arranged by degrees (of height, difficulty, etc.) theo mc
winsome attractive; pleasing, bright; agreeable; gracious; engaging hp dn, quyn
r, li cun; vui v, ti tnh, rng r
atrophy wasting away of the body or of a moral quality; cause atrophy in or wast
e away teo, hao mn
viscous sticky; gluey sn st, ly nhy, nht; do dnh
hybrid mongrel; mixed breed lai
prodigy highly gifted child; marvel ngi ky diu, ngi phi thng; ( inh ng) thn ky,
flamboyant ornate chi li, sc s; hoa m, khoa trng
abominate loathe; hate Gh tm, ght cay ght ng
arbitrary based on opinion or impulse only, not on reason; dictatorial; us
ing despotic power; fixed or decided; despotic chuyn quyn , c on, tu hng
elicit draw out; evoke; draw out by discussion Khu ra, gi ra, suy lun ra
digress turn or wander away from the main point i lac (chu chinh) trong bai noi hoc bai
it; ra ngoai ; lac
vindicate prove the justice, truth, validity, etc. of; clear of charges
minh oan; xc nhn, chng minh l ng
paragon a model or pattern of perfection or excellence; model of perfection
mu mc
munificent extremely generous; large in amount or splendid in quality; very
generous hao phong
sundry various; several gm nhiu th khac nhau; lt vt; tap nhap
myriad very large number Mi nghin; V s
enamored in love say m, ham thch
indigence poverty, indigent S ngho kh, bn cng
taciturn habitually silent; talking little it noi, lm li, khng ci m (ngi)
abnegation repudiation; self-sacrifice 1. S b (o), s t b, t chi (quyn li,
S hi sinh, x thn (=self abnegation)
epilogue peroration, <opp.> prologue; last part of a literary work; short
speech at conclusion of dramatic work phn kt, li kt, l kt
abrogate abolish laws, customs, etc. Bi b, hu b, th tiu, bi tr
nostrum questionable medicine Mn thuc c gii thiu gia di la co hiu qua; thuc lang b
parallel to cause to correspond or lie in the same direction and equidist
ant in all parts song song, tng ng
quintessence purest and highest embodiment tinh cht; tinh tuy, tinh hoa;(trit hoc
) nguyn t th nm; thi du hoan hao cua (mt phm cht)
sunder separate; part phn ra, tach ra, ring ra ai/cai gi (nht la bng sc manh)
effusive expressing excessive emotion in an unrestrained manner; pouring
out; overflowing; pouring forth; gushing Do dt, phun tro
sloth laziness; slow-moving tree dwelling mammal S li bing ,s chm chp
resolve determination Quyt tm, kin quyt, phn gii.
effervescence Cach vit khac : effervescency inner excitement; exuberance s sui, s sui
ong bong, s suc si, s si ni
mitigate appease
torpor lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy trang thai l ; trang thai u oai
sanction approve; ratify n-s tha nhn ,s cm vn; V- ng vi
gauntlet leather glove bao st, bao di, gng tay
palpable that can be felt or touched; clear to the mind; tangible; easily
perceptible s tn tay c
gossamer sheer; like cobwebs mng nh t nhn, t nhn (n)
mercenary soldier hired for pay to serve in a foreign army; working only f
or money or other reward; inspired by love of money; interested in money or gain
linh anh thu; tay sai
partisan one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party ngi ng h
compendium concise and comprehensive account; summary; brief comprehensive
summary bn tm tt, bn trch yu
elegy poem or song expressing lamentation Khc bi thng
nullify to make invalid Huy bo; lam thanh v hiu
beget father; produce; give rise to l cha ca ai, sinh ra, gy ra
idiosyncrasy peculiarity; eccentricity c tnh, kh cht, phong cch ring
countenance face, including its appearance and expression; support; give sup
port, approval, or encouragement to; approve; tolerate v mt , sc mt, s tn thnh
disdain contempt; scorn; look on with contempt; think it dishonorable to do some
thing; be too proud; treat with scorn or contempt s khinh bi co thai khinh thng y
gi khac; v:coi khinh; khinh thi; khng them (lam gi...)
reprieve postponement or remission of punishment, especially by death; de
lay or respite; postpone or delay punishment; give relief for a short time from
danger, trouble, etc.; temporary stay Hon thi hnh, tm thi thot khi nguy him, rc ri;
=back) +prieve <prehend(=take)
exigency a situation demanding urgent action or attention; urgent situati
on tnh trng cp bch/khn cp
innate existing naturally rather than acquired; existing as an inherent attribu
te; inborn Bm sinh
kinship a close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nat
ure mi quan h h hng, s ging nhau v tnh cht
savant scholar c cp hc bng, hc gi
inertia state of being inert or indisposed to move Tnh
quagmire bog; marsh bai ly, m ly, vung ly (nh) quag (nghia bong) tinh trang
moot debatable co th ban, co th tranh lun
paradigm model; example; pattern mu, m hnh, kiu
splenetic spiteful; irritable; peevish hay cu knh ,hay bc dc
disseminate distribute or spread widely ideas, doctrines, etc.; scatter like
perfunctory done as a duty or routine but without care or interest; doing th
ings without concern or solicitude; superficial; listless; not thorough lm chiu l c
ho qua chuyn
ligneous like wood bng g, ging g, c cht g
beneficent doing good; kind; kindly; doning good tt, c ch
pathology science of diseases bnh hc
obfuscate darken or obscure the mind; bewilder; confuse; muddle lam hoang
mang, lam bi ri
superfluous excessive; overabundant; unnecessary tha, v dung, khng cn thit
vex annoy; distress lm bc mnh, lm pht ; chc tc, quy ry
charisma divine gift; great popular charm or appeal of a political leader
uy tn, sc li cun qun chng
perpetual never-ending; going on for a long time or without stopping; cont
inual; often repeated; everlasting chung thn, vnh vin, bt tn
recidivism habitual return to crime S ti phm ti.
impassive showing no sign of feeling; unmoved; without feeling; not affect
ed by pain Khng cm gic, trm tnh, im tnh
armada fleet of warships hm i
mellifluous sweet-sounding, smooth-flowing; flowing smoothly; smooth
ngot ngao, ngot nh mt, diu dang (giong noi, li noi)
jocund merry vui v, vui ti, vui tnh
profusion lavish expenditure; overabundant condition s co nhiu, s tha thai, s
, s v khi
castigation punishment; severe criticism s trng pht, s ch trch nng n
fustian pompous; bombastic so rng, khoa trng
brevity shortness of statements, human life and other nonmaterial things; concis
eness khc trit ngn gn, ngn ngi
calumniate slander ni xu, vu khng
guile deceit; duplicity la gt
inured accustomed; hardened
jeopardy exposure to death or danger nguy c, cnh nguy him, cnh him ngho
educe draw forth; elicit rut ra (hoa hoc) chit ra
tumult commotion; riot; noise ln xn, s nao ng, s hn n
lionize treat as a celebrity a (ai) i thm nhng cnh l, i xem nhng vt l, i thm n
ferret drive or hunt out of hiding i sn; tm kim, truy kim, khm ph
vagary caprice; whim thi ng nh; tnh cch tht thng hay thay i; tnh ng bng
copious plentiful giu c , y
mien demeanor; bearing Ve mt, sc mt, dung nhan
depict show something with a picture; describe something in words; portray
miu t phc ho
garner gather; store up b vo kho; np, thu vo kho
vilify slander ni xu, lng m, ph bng, gim pha; vu khng
wily cunning; artful xo tr, qu quyt, lm mu
diversity remarkable difference; variety; variety; dissimilitude tinh a dan
qualify to endow or furnish with requisite ability, character, knowledge, skill,
or possessions (lam cho ai) co u t cach/kha nng/tiu chun/iu kin; (ng phap) m ta m
wheedle cajole; coax; deceive by flattery vi vnh, phnh nnh; nn b, tn tnh
perjury the act of making a false statement after taking an oath to tell the tru
th; wilful false statement; false testimony while under oath li khai man trc ta,
li ha man
plethora excess; overabundance (n) (y hoc) trang thai qua tha (mau...); (nghia
bong) trang thai qua tha thai, s lng ln hn cn thit
rebuff snub; beat back C tuyt, t chi dt khot; y lui (1 cuc tn cng)
strident loud and harsh The th, inh tai
umbrage resentment; anger; sense of injury or insult bng cy, bng rm;s xc phm, s ph
gic b xem thng
dowdy slovenly; untidy ti tan; khng lich s, khng ung mt
spurious false; counterfeit sai, khng xc thc, gi mo
unfeigned genuine; real khng gia v; chn thc, thanh tht
aghast filled with fear and surprise; horrified Kinh ngc, kinh hong, tht ki
gist essence l do, nguyn nhn chnh, thc cht
turpitude wickedness, depravity tinh trang i bai, tinh cht i bai; s sa oa
fawning courting favor by cringing and flattering xu nnh, b , nnh ht
coy shy; modest; coquettish bn ln, e l
inveigle lead astray; wheedle d d, tn ly c
hallowed blessed; consecrated linh thing, thing ling
brusque blunt; abrupt l mng, cc cn
heretic person who maintains opinions contrary to the doctrines of the church
ngi theo d gio
conciliatory reconciling; soothing ho gii
gainsay deny chi ci, ni ngc li
contusion bruise nh lm gip vt gip
unequivocal clear, having one only possible meaning; plain; obvious r rng, ko
mp m; ko kh nghi; r rtk, dt khot
garish gaudy lo lot, sc s; chi mt
blithe gay; joyous thanh thn, v t
insensible unconscious; unresponsive Bt tnh, m, khng bit khng cm thy
decorous proper ng mc, oan trang
decorum decorous ng mc, oan trang
malefactor wrongdoer or criminal Ngi lam iu ac, ke bt lng, ke gian ta
auspicious showing signs or promising good fortune, favorable; favoring suc
cess c trin vng thng li
pretentious claiming great merit or importance; ostentatious; ambitious
t phu, kiu cng, khoe khoang
remonstrate say or plead in protest, objection, complaints, etc. Phn i, than
phin; re(=again, against) +monstr(=show)
incognito concealed under a disguised identity; with an assumed name; with
one's name, identity, etc. concealed; with identity concealed; using an assumed
name Khng l tung tch, ci trang
beholden obligated; indebted chu n
travesty any treatment that makes a serious work seem ridiculous; imitati
on or description of something; comical parody; treatment aimed at making someth
ing appear ridiculous s bt chc, s nhai; tro h nhai
inordinate not properly restrained or controlled; excessive; immoderate; un
restrained; excessive Qu mc, qu x, tht thng
refractory resisting control, discipline, etc. wilful; not yielding to trea
tment; hard to melt, fuse or work; stubborn; unmanageable Bng, kh bo; dai dng,
kh cha (bnh); kh nung, kh chy; re(=again) +fract(=break)
fraught filled y; xp y
disinterested not influenced by personal feelings or interests; fair; indiffer
ent; unprejudiced
perennial perennial plant; continuing throughout the whole year; lasting f
or a very long time; living for more than two years lu nm, bch nin
gratuitous given, obtained, or done without payment; done, or given without
good reason; uncalled; given freely; unwarranted cho khng, vu v
plenary unlimited; absolute; attended by all who have a right to attend; complet
e; full (a) (noi v quyn lc, quyn han..) khng co gii han; tuyt i;(noi v cac cuc hi
u co mt y u; toan th
anachronism mistake in dating something; something out of date now or in a d
escription of past events; an error involving time in a story 1. S li thi, vic, ng-i
li thi. 2. S sai nin i
dormant in a state of inactivity but awaiting development or activity; sleeping;
lethargic; torpid nm im lim, khng hoat ng; ngu ng; tim tang; ngm ngm, m i (th
vn); (phap ly) khng ap dung, khng thi hanh
empathy projecting oneself into and so fully understanding, and losing one's ide
ntity in a work of art or other object of contemplation; sharing another person'
s feelings S thu cm
censor overseer of marals; person who reads to eliminate inappropriate remar
nhn vin kim duyt; kim duyt
dissonance discord (m nhac) s nghich tai; tinh khng hoa tan; s khng hoa hp, s bt
placate soothe; pacify; pacify; conciliate (vt) xoa diu (ai); lam cho (ai) bt g
cacophony discord m thanh chi tai, tp m
apotheosis deification; release from earthly life; deification; glorificati
on 1. S tn sng, s thn thnh ho, l tng ho. 2. S gii thot khi trn tc
lassitude tiredness; state of being uninterested in things; languor; weari
ness s mt nhc, s mt mi, s u oi
maladroit not adroit; clumsy; tactless; clumsy; bungling Vung v, khng khn kheo
grouse complain; fuss cn nhn, cu nhu
gauche clumsy; boorish vng v
vitriolic corrosive; sarcastic sunfuric; cay c, chm chc, chua cay
wan having a pale or sickly color; pallid xanh xao, vng vt, nht nht; u oi, mt mi
ko thn sc
evanescent tending to fade from sight; soon going from the memory; ephemera
l; fleeting; vanishing ph du, chng phai m
verbiage unnecessary words for the expression of an idea, etc.; pompous a
rray of words s ni di, s lm li; li ni ba hoa
ideology ideas of a group people h t tng
figment invention; imaginary thing iu tng tng; iu ba t
render cause someone or something to be or become; give in return or exchange;
present, send in; give a performance of; express in another languge; deliver; pr
ovide; represent Tr li, dng np; a ra, nu ra; ren<re(=back) +der<dit(=give)
evoke call forth or summon a spirit, etc.; draw forth or elicit a particular m
ental image, reaction, etc. gi ln, gi ln
astute wise; shrewd sc so, tinh khn, mnh kho
obsolete outmoded C xa, qua han, a li thi
regal of a king,royal; characteristic of a king,splendid,stately,magnificent,e
tc. Thuc v vua cha, vng gi; reg(=rule) +al(=nature of)
accretion growth; increase 1. S ln dn ln, pht trin ln, bi p vo. 2. Ph
pht trin thm. 3. S tng thm ca ti sn, ca ci
acrid sharp; bitterly pungent 1. Hng, cay x. 2. Chua cay, gay gt( li ni, thi )
multifarious varied, diversified; varied; greatly diversified nhiu, khac
nhau, phong phu
aggregate sum; total N-v-adj: tp hp, kt hp, gp li
tenet doctrine; dogma nguyn ly; giao ly; chu nghia
allusion indirect reference S ni bng gi, s m ch
ostracize shut out from society; refuse to meet, talk to, etc.; exclude fr
om public favor; ban ty chay
opalescent iridescent trng c
desultory aimless; jumping around ri rc ngu nhin
shard fragment, generally of pottery Mnh v
ambivalence the state of having either or both of two contrary or similar va
lues, meanings, etc.; the state of having contradictory or conflicitng emotional
attitudes S mu thun trong t- t-ng, s va yu va ght ci g
rendition translation; artistic interpretation of a song, etc. Dch, th hin
, din xut.
enrapture please intensely lm v cng thch th, lm m thch, m mn
aviary enclosure for birds chung chim
beatific giving bliss; blissful ban phc lnh, hnh phc
serrated having a sawtoothed edge c rng ca
benefactor person who has given financial help to a school, hospital, or ch
aritable institution; gift gver; patron ngi ho tm
parapet low wall at edge of roof or balcony lan can, cng s
obeisance deep bow of respect or homage; homage; obedience, submission
s tn trong, s kinh phuc
biennial plant that lives two years; occuring every two years hai nm
furtive stealthy c thc hin b mt, ln lt; ngm ngm
renaissance the revival of letters, and then of art, which marks the transit
ion from medieval to modern time S phc hng, thi k phc hng.
coalesce combine; fuse kt hp lm mt nhm, mt cht, mt khi
cabal small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests m
mu, b ng
arid dry; barren kh
mutinous unruly; rebellious ni dy chng i, ni loan, lam binh bin, lam loan
taut tight; ready cng, khng chung ,cng thng
thrall slave; bondage ngi n l
carnage killing of many people; destruction of life s chm git, s tn st
abeyance condition of not being in force or in use for a time; suspended
action 1. S ng li, hon li, nh ch. 2.(php l) tnh trng tm thi v ch khng c ng
uyt(1 chc v)
alchemy medieval chemistry Thut gi kim(tm cch bin cc kim loi thnh vng)
bauble trinket; trifle trang sc r tin, khng c gi tr
secular worldly; not pertaining to church matters; temporal Trng k, trm nm mt ln
anathema formal declaration of the church, excommunicating somebody or co
ndemning something as evil; solemn curse 1. S nguyn ra, s ght cay ght ng. 2. (t
tn gio) Rt php thng cng
circumlocution roundabout way of speaking; roundabout expression; indirect or r
oundabout expression li ni quanh co lun qun
indemnify make secure against loss; compensate for loss Bi thng, n b, bo m
chafe warm by rubbing; make sore by rubbing ch st, chc tc
tribute tax levied by a ruler; mark of respect vt triu cng; cng nap
eccentric odd; whimsical; irregular ngi lp di, (ky thut) banh lch tm; (a) l
uc, lch tm, khng ng tm
divestiture Cach vit khac : divestment an order to an offending party to rid it
self of property; it has the purpose of depriving the defendant of the gains of
wrongful behavior s ci qun ao; s lt qun ao, s tc bo, s tc oat; s tr bo, s
foray raid s cp ph, s t nhp
agrarian pertaining to land or its cultivation Thuc v rung t, lin quan n t
betroth engage a waman in contract of marriage; become engaged to marry ha hn, nh hn
urbane suave; refined; elegant lch s, tinh t; ho nh, tao nh
laudatory expressing praise tn dng, ca ngi, khen, hay tn dng, hay khen
brook tolerate; endure chu ng
dearth scarcity thiu thn, him
debonair friendly; aiming to please than thin, d gn
cupidity greed tham lam, mu tham
relevant closely connected with what is happening, being discussed, done,
etc.; to the point Thch ng, c lin quan; re(=again) +lev(=lift, light)
refute disprove Bc li, b li
lout clumsy person ngi vng v, ngi th l, ngi cc mch
gibber speak foolishly ni lp bp
depredation destruction or pillaging of property; plundering s c-p bc, ph p
stymie present an obstacle; stump lm cho lng tng; t vo tnh hung kh x
cache hiding place ni giu, ni tr
peripheral of external boundary or surface; marginal; outer thit b ngoi
vi, ngoi bin
subside settle down; descend; grow quiet rt xung, rt bt; ln xung; ngt, gim; ch
g, lng xung; ngi phch xung
stoic person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain Ngi khc k, ng+F1071i chu ng t
nghch cnh
abstinence restraint from eating or drinking 1. S king khem, tit ch(n ung,
chi bi...). 2. S king ru, khng ung ru. 3. S n chay
dregs sediment; worthless residue Cn; not a dreg khng con ti gi
baleful deadly; destructive tai ho, xu , d, him
percussion striking one object against another sharply s g, p vt ny ln vt kh
ra ting ng(trng, kng)
dulcet sweet sounding diu dang, m ai, m diu (m thanh)
stolid dull; impassive Dng dng, lnh m, th
efficacy power to produce desired effect tinh co hiu qua; hiu lc
hackneyed commonplace; trite nhm (li l, lun iu)
ferment agitation; commotion men; s xn xao, s no ng
galvanize stimulate by shock; stir up lm phn khi, kch ng
estranged separated xa l, gh lnh, ly gin
repugnant distasteful; causing a feeling of dislike or opposition ng ght, khng
a, xung khc; re(=back, against) +pugn(=fight)
blighted suffering from a disease; destroyed lm hi, hng, tn li
facade front of the building mt tin, b ngoi
preclude prevent; make impossible in advance; make impossible; eliminate
(vt) ngn nga ai/cai gi lam cai gi; lam cho cai gi khng th xay ra
fecundity fertility; fruitfulness s nhiu; s mu m
fealty loyalty; faithfulness s trung thnh
oligarchy government by a few u x
petulant touchy; peevish nng ny, hay hn di
finesse delicate skill s kho lo; mnh kho, mu mo
verity truth; reality s tht; chn l; tnh cht chn thc
cower shrink quivering, as from fear cun ly by
advocate a person who advocates; barrister; speak in favor of something;
urge; plead for 1. Bin h, bo cha, tn thnh, ng h. 2. Ng-i bin h, ng-i bo cha
indiscriminate acting without care or taste; choosing at random; confused
Khng phn bit, ba bi
collusion secret agreement for an unlawful or evil purpose; conspiring in
a fraudulent scheme s cu kt, thng ng
garbled mixed up; based on false or unfair selection ct xn (on vn, bo co lm sai
h bp mo
striated marked with parallel bands vn, xc
bode foreshadow; portend bo trc
gnarled twisted nhn nh, mo m, xng xu
chronicle report; record (in chronological order) s bin nin
gourmand epicure; person who takes excessive pleasure in food and drink
ngi phm n, thch n ngon
uncouth rough, awkward, not cultured; outlandish; clumsy; boorish cha vn min
h, th l, vng v; hoang vu, hoang d, cha khai ph
flout reject; mock coi thng, mit th; ch giu, ch nho
equipoise balance; balancing force; equilivrium s thng bng, cn bng; trng lng c
g, i trng
debilitate make weak; weaken; enfeeble lm yu i, lm gim s l-ng
duress Cach vit khac : duresse forcible restraint, especially unlawfully
s cu thuc, s cm tu; s cng ep, s ep buc
buttress support or prop ch ta, s ng h
gerrymander change voting district lines in order to favor a political party
xp xp gian ln (trong cuc b phiu ) ginh phn thng
homogeneous of the same kind thun nht
incongruity lack of harmony; absurdity iu khng thch hp, iu phi l
viable capable of maintaining life c th lm c; c th tn ti, c th sng c
immutable that cannot be changed; unchangeable Khng thay i, khng bin i c
insularity narrow-mindedness; isolation tnh cht l mt hn o, tnh hp hi thin c
intransigence state of stubborn unwillingness to compromise
absolve declare someone free from guilt or punishment; pardon an offense
1. Gii, ci, g ra. 2. Tha ti, x ti, min trch cho
portend foretell; presage (vt) bao hiu; bao im, bao trc; bao trc, canh cao
lascivious lustful dm dt, dm ng, khiu dm
germane pertinent; bearing upon the case at hand thch hp, ph hp
pertinent suitable; to the point ng ch, thch ng, i thng vo vn chnh
licentious wanton; lewd; dissolute phng tng, ba bi, dm lon
prattle babble (n) chuyn tm phao; chuyn v vn tre con; (vi) noi bi b; noi chuyn tm ph
usury lending money at illegal rates of interest s cho vay nng li
salient salient angle; forward wedge driven into the enemy's battle front; outst
anding, prominent, easily noticed; pointing outwards li ra ,nh ra ,ni bt
guffaw boisterous laughter ting ci h h, ting ci ha h
lugubrious mournful su thm, bi thm
lurid wild; sensational
desuetude disused condition khng -c s dng
dexterous skillful kheo, kheo tay, co ky xao; kheo leo; thun dung tay phai
malicious dictated by hatred or spite Him c, co ac tm; co him thu, c tinh lam
hoary white with age hoa rm, bc
garrulity talkativeness tnh ni nhiu, ba hoa
grisly causing horror or terror, ghastly gh tm, kinh khng, rng rn
glut overstock; fill to excess nhi nht, tha ma
exude discharge; give forth r, a ra
incompatible inharmonious Khng hp vi, k nhau, xung khc
bucolic rustic; pastoral ng qu, in vin
acerbity bitterness of speech and temper 1. V cht, v chua. 2. Tnh cht chua cht
metamorphosis change of form or character, eg. by natural growth or developmen
t S thay i hinh dang hoc ban cht
ecclesiastic pertaining to the church giao si (thuc) giao hi; thich hp vi giao h
hamper obstruct lm vng vu
misanthrope hater of mankind; person who avoids society; one who hates manki
ennui boredom s bun chn, s chn nn
lucent shining; bright
prevaricate make untrue or partly untrue statements, try to evade telling th
e whole truth; lie noi lp l; noi quanh co ( la di hoc lang tranh s tht)
pernicious injurious; harmful; fatal; very destructive c, nguy hi
fissure crevice vt nt; ch gy
amorphous having no definite shape or form; shapeless V nh hnh, khng c hnh d
nht nh, khng kt tinh (dng cho ho cht)
seethe be disturbed; boil Ni ln ,si bt ,kch ng
fetish object supposed to possess magical powers; an object of special devot
vt th; iu m tn
expedite help the progress of; speed up business, etc. xc tin, tin hnh, gii
incursion temporary invasion S xm nhp, tn cng bt ng
sanguine hopeful; optimistic; having a red complexion; cheerful; hopeful
Lc quan, hng ho
phlegmatic calm; not easily disturbed pht tnh, lnh lng, thn nhin
fortitude calm courage in the face of pain, danger, or difficulty; bravery
; courage s chu ng, ngoan cng; s dng cm
deciduous falling of as of leaves ing l
whet sharpen; stimulate (s) mi sc; kch thch, khuy ng
askance with suspicion; with a sideway or indirect look nghing, ng vc
alleviate make pain or suffering less or easier to bear; relieve Lm gim nh,
lm bt, lm du, lm khuy
opaque dark; not transparent ti tm, khng thng sut, tr n
repertoire list of works of music, drama, etc., a performer is prepared to
prese Vn tit mc (tt c cc bn nhc, v kch 1 ngh s c th trnh din)
bombastic pompous; using inflated language khoa trng
raze destroy completely San bng, xo tri
stupor almost unconscious condition caused by shock, drugs, alcohol, etc.; stat
e of apathy; daze; lack of awareness S ngn ng, t+F1046rng thi kinh ngc
ensconce settle comfortably gn ln, ngi gn ln, ngi thu lu
parley conference cuc ha m, thng lng
pensive dreamily thoughtful; thoughtful with a hint of sadness su sc, trm ngm
fulminate thunder; explode xo la, n, ni gin ng ng; tun ra, phun ra
blasphemous profane; impious bng b, nguyn ra
despotism tyranny bo ng-c , chuyn quyn
celibate unmarried; abstaining from sexual intercourse c thn
perquisite any gain above stipulated salary bng lc, tin th lao thm, tha hn
crass very unrefined; grossly insensible th b , n n dt dc
redundant superfluous; superfluous; excessively wordy; repetitious
Tha, rm r; red<re(=back, again)+und(=wave)
coda concluding section of a musical or literary composition (m nhc) on cui
pied variegated; multicolored a mu
pious devout (a) ngoan ao, sung ao; ao c gia; (t c,nghia c) hiu thao, l
piquant pleasantly tart-tasting; stimulating (a) hi cay, co vi cay cay d chiu; (ngh
ia bong) kich thich, kich ng nhe; khu gi ngm; co duyn thm
platitude trite remark; commonplace statement (n) tinh v vi, tinh tm thng, tinh
nham chan; li noi v vi, te nhat
denouement outcome; final development of the plot of a play kt qu,kt thc
1 v kch
tribunal place of judgment; court of justice toa an
disavow deny belief, approval or knowledge; refuse chi, khng nhn, t bo
fetter shackle tri buc; kim ch; cm, xch
epitaph an inscription on a gravestone; inscription in memory of a dead person
vn bia, vn m ch
dissolution disintegration; looseness in morals s ra ra, s tan ra, phn huy; hoa t
an; tan ra (bng, tuyt...); s giai tan (nghi vin, quc hi); giai th (mt cng ty...); huy
hn nhn...) s tan bin, s bin mt s cht
euphony a pleasant sound; sweet sound ting m tai, tnh thun tai
derogatory tending to damage or take away from one's credit, etc.; insultin
g; expressing a low opinion s xc phm, phm lut
pungent stinging; caustic hng; cay (t...); sc sao; nhoi, but, nhc (au...); su cay
cay, cay c (v nhn xet)
pungency sharpness; stinging quality vi hng; vi cay (t...); tinh sc sao, s nhoi
s but, s nhc nhi (au...); tinh chua cay (cua li noi)
faction party; clique; dissension b phi; b cnh
rampant rearing up on hind legs; unrestrained Chm ng ln, hung hng, khng kim ch c,
appropriate a. suitable, v.'acquire; take possession of for one`s own use
a. ph hp, v. chim ot lm ca ring
realm kingdom; sphere Vng quc, a ht, lnh vc
potable suitable for drinking (a) dung ung c, co th ung c
recession withdrawl; retreat Rt lui khi v tr trc y
shoddy of poor quality; made to seem better than it is; sham; not genuine; infe
rior hng ti sinh ,hng xu hng th phm
benign kind, gentle; mild; not dangerous; kindly; favorable; not malignant
lnh, tt, nhn t
succinct terse; expressed briefly and clearly; brief; terse; compact
ngn gon, c ong, suc tich
subsidiary subsidiary company; serving as a help or support but not of firs
t importance; subordinate; secondary ph tr, ph thuc, do mt cng ty khc kim sot; cn
resurgent rising again after defeat, etc. Tri dy, hi sinh.
encroach go beyond what is right or natural or desirable xm ln, xm phm
laggard slow; sluggish ngi chm chp, ngi i chm ng sau
jocose giving to joking a bn, vui a, hi hc, khi hi
sardonic disdainful; sarcastic; cynical ma mai, chua cht
besmirch soil; defile bi nh , ni xu, gim pha
pommel beat (n) qua tao chui kim (num tron chui kim); qua tao yn nga ; (vt) m th
(nh) pummel
ballast heavy substance used to add stability or weight dn, s chc chn
shoal shallow place Ni n+F1032ng cn, khng su
contumacious resisting authority; obstinate and disobedient; disobedient; res
isting authority bng bnh ngang ngnh
sinuous winding; bending in and out; not morally honest Ngon ngho, quanh co un khc
sordid filthy; base; vile bn thu ,nhp nha, d dy
soliloquy talking to oneself S c thoi ,on c thoi
marauder raider; intruder Ke cp
impede hinder; block Ngn cn, ngn tr
diverge get farther apart from a point or from each other as they progress; turn
off; deviate; vary; go in different directions from the same point phn ky; re
ra; khac nhau (v y kin, quan im...); bt ng y kin (nghia bong) xa ri
stagnant motionless; stale; dull ng (nc), tr tr
pandemonium wild and noisy disorder; wild tumult huyn no, a ngc, qu d
magnate person of prominence or influence yu nhn; ngi quyn quy, ngi kit xut, ng
(t ban); vua (t ban)
visage face; appearance (a ct) b mt, nt mt, mt ca mt ngi
capricious flickle; incalculable hay thay i, ng bng
exonerate relieve of a burden, obligation, etc.; free from a charge or the
imputation of guilt, exculpate; acquit; exculpate min cho (ai), gii ti
lethargic drowsy; dull hn m
subtlety nicety; cunning; guile; delicacy " tinh phang pht, tinh huyn ao,
s tinh vi, s tinh t; s khn kheo, s khn ngoan, s tinh nhanh
resplendent very bright; splendid; brilliant; lustrous Chi li, rc r, lng ly;
re(=intensive) +splend(=shine)
transmute change the shape, nature or substance of; change; convert to som
ething different chuyn hoa, i dang, bin i ban cht; chuyn thanh vt khac
fickle often changing; not constant; changeable; faithless hay thay i; khng kin
torpid dormant; dull; lethargic thiu linh hoat, u oai, m mt; tri tr
innocuous causing no harm; harmless Khng c hi, v thng v pht
trek travel; migrate di c; i di c
trite hackneyed; commonplace lp i lp lai, cu rich, mon, sao, nham
discordant not in agreement; not harmonious; harsh; inharmonious; conflicti
ng bt hoa, trai ngc nhau, khng hoa hp; choi tai, nghich tai; khng hp m
reciprocal mutual; exchangeable; interacting Ln nhau, tng h, qua li
amalgamate combine; unite in one body Trn, pha trn, hp nht
discrete separate; unconnected ring bit, ring re, ri rac
unruly not easily controlled; disorderly; disobedient; lawless ng ngc, ngang bng; bt
kham, ko vng li; phng tng
vacuous empty; inane rng, trng rng; ng ngn, ngy ng; ri, v cng ri ngh
venal capable of being bribed d mua chuc, d hi l; v li; b nh hng bi n hi l
equinox period of equal days and nights; the beginning of Spring and Autumn im
phn, im thu -xun phn
vicissitude change, especially in somebody's fortunes; change of fortune
s thng trm (s nhiu); s thay i theo chu k, s tun hon
enervate deprive of strength, force, vigor, etc.; weaken physically, ment
ally, or morally ;; weakened lm kit sc , lm mn mi
virulent extremely poisonous c hi, kch c; c c, him c
fastidious difficult to please; squeamish kh tnh, kh chiu; kn c chn canh
dank damp m -t
incarcerate imprison B t, b giam, o b
turbid muddy; having the sediment disturbed uc,m, ln ln, hn n, ln xn, mt trt t
ascetic practicing self-denial; austere kh hnh
deprecate feel and express disapproval of; disapprove regretfully khng ng h ,
khng tn thnh
credulity belief on slight evidence d tin, c tin
bedizen dress with vulgar finery t son im phn lo lot
wizened withered; shriveled kh xc, nhn nheo; ho hon
ambiguous having more than one meaning; of uncertain meaning or intention;
doubtful in meaning Kh hiu, m h, nhp nhng
molten in a melted and therefore very hot state; made of metal that has been me
lted and cast nu chay (kim loai)
cessation stopping s ngng, s chm dt
docile easily trained or controlled; obedient; easily managed d bao, d sai khin, ngoa
n ngoan
discourse formal discussion; conversation bai thuyt trinh; bai din thuyt; bai lun v
v: thuyt trinh; din thuyt
sedulous diligent cn mn, chuyn cn, sing nng, kin tr
saturate soak Nhng t, lm t sng
fervor glowing ardor s nhit tnh, s hng hi
propinquity nearness; kinship s gn gui (v khng gian, thi gian; hang xom..); qua
uyt thng, quan h ho hang gn
diverse differing in some characteristics; various gm nhiu loai khac nhau, linh t
inh; thay i khac nhau
dichotomy division into two parts, groups. or classes, especially when the
re are sharply distinguished or opposed; branching into two parts s tach th
anh hai hoc gia hai nhom hoc vt khac nhau va i lp nhau, s lng phn; tun trng na v
stipend pay for services Lng ,thu nhp chnh thc
anarchy absence of government or control; disorder; confusion; absence of govern
ing body; state of disorder Tnh trng v chnh ph, tnh trng hn lon
loquacious talkative,fond of talking ni nhiu, ba hoa
fallible liable to error c th sai lm
occult hidden; secret; mysterious; supernatural; magical; mysterious; secret; s
upernatural su kn, huyn b, che khut, b che lp
fortuitous accidental; by chance tnh c, ngu nhin, bt ng
disparage say that someone or something is of small value or importance; s
peak ill of; belittle lam mt uy tin, lam mt th din, lam mang tai mang ting, lam danh
ch bai; coi re, xem thng, mit thi
complacent self-satisfied t mn
ominous threatening im xu
excoriate flay; abrade lm tut/try da; bc,lt (da)
burnish make shiny by rubbing; polish (s) nh bng
paucity scarcity khan thiu
desecrate treat a holy thing without respect; profane; violate the sanctit
y of mo phm, bng b
scourge lash; whip; severe punishment Ng-i trng pht ,Ng-i ph bnh nghim khc
vantage position giving an advantage li, li, li; li th, u th; phn thng
breach breaking of contract or duty; fissure; gap vi phm, chc thng
lewd lustful dm dc, dm dt
baroque highly ornate hoa m
derision ridicule bi mc, ch nho, tr c-i
lambent flickering; softly radiant lt nh, lim nh, nhum nh, sng ng nh, sng du
circumvent prevent a plan from being carried out, frustrate; outwit; baffle
dng mu vt qua hoc n trnh ci g
addle rotten; muddled; crazy 1. Ln, ri tr, qun tr. 2. Thi, hng, ung, khng cn t-i
nugatory futile; worthless Vun vt, v gia tri, v dung; V hiu, khng co hiu l
pristine characteristic of earlier times; primitive; unspoiled ban s, ti
nh khi, khng bi h hong, con mi nguyn; ti, sach se nh mi; (thuc ng) nguyn thuy, c
verbose wordy a ngn, lm li, dng nhiu t ko cn thit
synthesis a combination of parts to form a whole; combining parts into a w
hole s tng hp
comprehensive thorough; inclusive bao qut, ton din
sapid savory; tasty; relishable Thm ngon, F1012ho hng
codicil supplement to the body of a will khon b sung vo t di chc
debacle breaking up; downfall thm ho, ththt bi hon ton
endemic prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area c
hu, a phng
inert lacking independent power to move; not active Tr tr, chm chp, tr,
hapless unfortunate ri ro, khng may
paltry insignificant; petty nh nhen, tm thng
saga scandinavian myth; any legend truyn k dn gian ca cc nc bc u v anh hng chi
dng h
feasible practical kh thi, c th thc hin c
vaunted boasted; bragged; highly publicized c ca tng, c tn dng
foment stir up; instigate xi gic, xi by (bt ha, phin lon)
geniality cheerfulness; kindliness; sympathy s vui v, n cn, n ho (thi tit)
delusion false belief; hallucination o t-ng o gic, nh la
motif theme (Vn hoc) chu quan xuyn
propitiate do something to take away the anger of; appease lam lanh; lam diu, l
am ngui; lam thun li, lam thun tin
esoteric known only to the chosen few b truyn
episodic loosely connected thuc on , hi, tnh tit; chia ra tng on , hi
pedagogy teaching; art of education khoa s phm, gio dc hc
equanimity calmness of mind or temper; calmness of temperament tnh bnh thn
, trm tnh; s th thi, thanh thn
doting extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent yu m mn, say m, m nh iu
imprecate curse; pray that evil will befall Nguyn ra
repudiate disown; say that one will have nothing more to do with; refuse t
o accept or acknowledge; refuse to pay an obligation or dept; disown; disavow
Thoi thc, khng nhn, t chi; re(=back, away) +pud(=ashamed)
hone sharpen mi, mi (n)
approbation approval; sanction chp thun
visionary visionary person; existing only in a vision or the imagination;
unpractical; fanciful; produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical (ngi) nhn x
a trng rng; ho huyn h o
maverick rebel; nonconformist
rhetorical pertaining to effective communication; insincere in language
Hoa m; khoa trng.
labyrinth maze m cung, m hn trn, trng thi rc ri phc tp
litigation lawsuit s kin tng, s tranh chp
covenant formed agreement that is legally binding Chnh ng ph hp vi tp tc
truculence aggressiveness; ferocity tinh ng ngc, tinh hung hng, tinh hung h
qualified limited; restricted u t cach; u kha nng; u iu kin; han ch; de dt
purview range of operation or activity; range of sight or understanding; the bod
y and scope of an act or bill nhng iu khoan (cua mt ban iu l...); pham vi co hiu lc
nhin, tm hiu bit
tutelage guardianship; training s giam h;s giao duc, s day d
untoward unfortunate; annoying bt lch s, v l, khim nh; ko may, bt hnh; kh b
; ko thch hp
discombobulated having self-possession upset; thrown into confusion (t My, nghia
My) lam cho lung tung
carte blanche unlimited authority or freedom s c ton quyn hnh ng
ethereal light; heavenly; fine cao tt tng my, trn thinh khng; nh lng lng, si
opulence wealth, abundance giu c, ph nhiu
vouchsafe grant condescendingly; guarantee chiu c, h c, ban cho
rotundity roundness; sonorousness of speech S trn trnh, bo, mp mp;
specious seeming right or true, but not really so; seemingly reasonable b
ut incorrect Ch c b ngoa ,ch tt m
foible weakness; slight fault nhc im, im yu
ruminate chew the cud; ponder nhai li; (+over, about, of, on) t l, trm t su
y ngh, ngm ngh
knavery rascality s bt lng, tnh u gi, tnh x l ba que, hnh ng bt lng, h
cascade small waterfall thc nc
impenitent not repentant Khng hi ci, chng no tt y
vestige trace; remains vt tch, du vt, di tch; mt cht, t;
lax careless lng lo, khng cht ch, khng nghim
privy secret; hidden; not public (a) ring t; kin; bi mt; (n) (t c, nghia c) nha x
iu, nha v sinh; (phap ly) ng s, ngi hu quan
temperament person's disposition or nature khi cht; tinh khi; tinh
penury extreme poverty tng thiu, cng qun
cogent having a powerful appeal to the mind; convincing vng chc, c tnh thuyt
consort associate with
fractious irritable, peevish, bad-tempered; unruly cng u, cng c; cau c
tacit understood; not put into words ngm, khng noi ra, ngu y
terrestrial on the earth (thuc) t; trn mt t, sng trn mt t
contentious quarrelsome
timbre quality of a musical tone produced by a musical instrument m sc
prefatory of a preface, introductory (a) lam li ta gii thiu
uncanny unnatural, mysterious, weird; strange; mysterious k l, huyn b; thn b, ko
t nhin; phi thng; nguy him, ko ng tin
incorporeal immaterial; without a material body V hnh, v th, thuc thn linh
ramification branching out; subdivision Phn nhnh, chia nhnh
trepidation fear; trembling agitation s rung ng, s rung chuyn, s nao ng, s
attenuate make thin or slender; weaken; make thin; weaken lm yu, mng i
impiety irreverence; wickedness S khng tn ngng, s bt knh
toxic poisonous c
bestial beastlike; brutal sc vt, d man
noxious harmful
succor aid; assistance; relief s cu giup; s vin tr; s cu tr; s giup
inimical hostile; harmful; unfriendly; hostile Th ch, c hi
vertigo dizziness s chng mt, hoa mt; cm gic mt thng bng
forestall upset somebody or his plans by doing something unexpectedly earl
y; buy up; do something first and so prevent another from doing it; prevent by t
aking action in advance hnh ng trc ngn chn 1 ngi lm vic g; chn trc
impetuous violent; hasty; rash Mnh m, d di, hng, bc
mollify soothe
obtrude push oneself, one's opinions, etc. forward when unwanted; force oneself
upon others; push into prominence ep buc, tng n, bt phai theo
turbulence state of violent agitation s hn loan; s bt an, s nao ng
abdicate formally give up an office or a duty; give up the throne; renoun
ce; give up 1. T b (quyn li, a v)ngt. 2. (ndt) Thoi v, nhng ngi
reiterate say or do again several times; repeat Lm li, ni li, lp li; re(=again
) +it(=go)
sumptuous costly, luxurious; magnificent, splendid; lavish; rich xa hoa,
xa xi, lng ly
recant withdraw or renounce beliefs, statement, etc. in a formal or public mann
er; repudiate; withdraw previous statement Cng khai rt lui ( kin,..); re (=bac
k, away) + cant (=sing)
immolate kill as an offering; sacrifice one thing to another; offer as a
sacrifice git (vt) cng t, cng t
altercation quarrel or noisy argument; wordy quarrel Cuc ci ln, u khu
criteria standards used in judging tiu chun nh gi
disingenuous insincere; not straightforward; not naive; sophisticated
khng thanh tht, khng tht tha, khng trung thc, quay quc, gian xao
culpable blameworthy,deserving punishment; deserving blame dng khin trc
h co ti
altruistic considering the well-being and happines of others first,unselfis
h; unselfishly generous; concerned for others C lng v tha, thuc ch ngha v tha
assiduous working steadily, diligent; eagerly attentive chm ch,sing nng
pragmatic treating things in a matter-of-fact or pratical way; practical;
concerned with practical values (a) thc t, thc dung; (thuc) chu nghia thc dung; (s hoc)
pedantic showing off learning; bookish thng thi rm
mettle courage; spirit Dung khi; khi khai; khi phach
dais raised platform for guests of honor b bc
ossify change or harden into bone ha thch, ha xng
harass to annoy by repeated attacks quy ry, quy ri, lm phin
fester generate pus mng m, thi ra; day dt, cay c
omniscient all knowing, having unlimited authority; knowing all; having com
plete or infinite knowledge; all-knowing trn thng thin vn, di tng a l( gia
propitious favorable; well-disposed; kindly thun li, thun tin, thich hp cho;
lanh (s im, triu)
swathe wrap around; bandage bng, qun bng; qun ta
insolvent backrupt; lacking money to pay khng tr n c, v n, khng tr ht
dissemble hide one's feeling, intentions, etc.; disguise; disguise; preten
d che giu, giu gim, che y gia tra, gia ao c
flag drop; grow feeble y i, gim st; tr nn nht nho
imminent impending; likely to happen without delay; impending; near at ha
nd sp xy ra
egregious remarkably bad; outstanding, used for someone or something bad;
flagrant; gross; shocking Qu x, i
zenith point directly overhead in the sky; summit thin nh; im cao nht, cc im, t
quandary dilemma tinh th kho x, tinh hung lung tung, tinh hung kho khn
zephyr gentle breeze; west wind gi ty; gi nh, hiu hiu; vi xfia; o mng th thao
ng vin
assay analyze; evaluate th, th nghim,ptch
morose ill-humored; sullen
rummage ransack; thoroughly search lc li ,bi mc
vie contend; compete (with sb for st/to do st) ganh ua quyt lit
chaff worthless products of an endeavor tru, v; vt v gi tr; li bn ct
flux flowing; series of changes s tun chy; s thay i lin tc
chasten discipline; punish in order to correct un nn, trng pht; kim ch
aver declare as true; assert; affirm; state confidently xc nhn
reticent not saying all that is known or felt; in the habit of saving lit
tle; reserved; uncommunicative, inclined to silence Trm lng, t ni,kn o; re(=intensi
ve) +tic<tac(=silent)
quizzical bantering; comical; humorously serious thach , hi giu ct, ch nhao; l b
ky quc
discrepancy difference; absence of agreement; lack of consistency; differenc
e s khac nhau, s khng nht quan
torque twisiting force; force producing rotation m men xon
wrest pull away; take by violence (s) git mnh; c rt ra, c ginh ly; lm sai, xuy
connivance pretense of ignorance of something wrong; assistance ng lo tip ta
y cho hnh ng sai tri
annihilate destroy completely; put an end to Tiu dit, th tiu, trit tiu
deleterious harmful c hi, c hi
exorbitant going beyond what is reasonable, just, proper, usual,etc.; exces
sive cao qu ng, ct c
antipathy strong and decided dislike; aversion; dislike c cm
authentic genuine, not fictitious; reliable, trustworthy ch thc, xc thc, ng tin,
chc chn
intermittent stopping and starting again at intervals; periodic; on and off
lin tip ngng ri li bt u, khng lin tc
imputation charge; repraoch S ti, quy ti cho ai
supposition supposing; guess; hypothesis; hypothesis; surmise s gia thit, s g
ia inh; iu c gia inh
emanate come out; issue; issue forth Pht ra, to ra, bt ngun
inept not suitable to the purpose; wrong in a foolish and awkward way; unsuite
d; absurd; incompetent Lc lng, khng thch hp vi 1 nhim v
ubiquitous being everywhere; omnipresent u cung co, co mt khp ni, tn tai khp
diffidence shyness
colloquial pertaining to conversational or common speech thng tc, thch hp vi cc
h ni chuyn thng thng
tractable docile d hng dn, d iu khin, d kim soat
encumber get in the way of; be a burden to; choke up lm lng tng, tr ngi, lm
vng vu, nng ln , lm ba bn
enhance advance; improve lm tng, nng cao, cao, lm ni bt
diffusion wordiness; spreading in all directions like a gas s truyn tin;
s truyn ba; s ph bin; s khuch tan anh sang s rm ra, s dai dong
dilatory delaying chm chap, l m, tr nai
facetious humorous; jocular hay khi hi, hi hc
flippancy trifling gaiety s khim nh, sung s; s hn lo, xc xc
insouciant indifferent; without concern or care khng lo ngh, v tm
assuage ease; lessen pain xoa du
propensity a natural inclination or tendency thin hng; xu hng
fallacious misleading sai lm; lm lc
scurrilous obscene; indecent Tc tu ,th l
factious inclined to form factions; causing dissension gy b phi
daunt intimidate de do, do dm
torturous marked by extreme suffering co tinh cht giay vo; gy au kh
transitory existing for a short time only ngn ngui; phu du; bong chp
throe extreme struggling anguish s au d di; nhng cn au d di
sullen showing a brooding ill humor; darkened by clouds u ru, ru ri, am am; bun t
pinioned (of birds) especially having the flight feathers; bound fast esp
ecially having the arms restrained (n) (ky thut) banh rng chuyn, u canh; canh chim (
ct lng canh, cht canh troi cht
vaunt extravagant self-praise; extravagant self-praise (thi, li) khoe kho
ang khoc lc
preen clean with one's bill, of birds; pride or congratulate (oneself) for an
achievement (vt) ria lng (chim); ( + oneself) lam dang, t im; t khen minh, t hai lon
debauchery a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity n
chi trc tng , h- hng
iconoclast an image-breaker; someone who tries to destroy traditional ideas
or institutions bi tr thnh tng, bc b tn ngng
indolent habitually inactive or idle bing nhc, khng au
indignant having such anger and scorn as is aroused by meanness or wickedn
ess Cm phn, phn n, cng phn
sterile having no reproductive power cn ci ,khng c kh nng sn xut,V sinh
palindrome a word or phrase that reads the same backward as forward
cu c xui ngc u ging nhau
salutatory the opening oration at the commemcement in American colleges
Cho mng,chc mng ,Din vn khai mc
reprehend express strong disapproval of Ch trch, khin trch
acerbic sour or bitter in taste; harsh or corrosive in tone chua cht, gay gt
extricable capable of being extricated c th g ra c, c th thot ra c, c th
fecund capable of producing offspring or vegetation; intellectually productive n
hiu, c kh nng sinh sn; ph nhiu, mu m
insalubrious detrimental to health c c hi cho sc khe
cohort a company of companions or supporters; a band of warriors (originally a
unit of a Roman Legion) i qun, m ng
innovate to introduce or strive to introduce new things a vo nhng ci mi, tin h
i mi
cynical exhibiting moral skepticism hay nghi ng
retroaction Operation on something past or preceding Hiu lc tr v trc (ca 1
ut); tc dng ngc tr v trc.
glutton a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess; wolverine of n
orthern Eurasia k hu n
sycophant a servile flatterer, especially of those in authority or influen
ce ke ninh hot/b
conjoin to unite kt hp
anhydrous withered Khan( ho hc)
provocative serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate; stimulating
discussion orexciting controversy; exciting sexual desire khiu khich, tru choc
; kich thich, khu gi (v tinh duc)
incoherent not logically coordinated, as to parts, elements, or details
Khng mch lc, tp nham
litigate to cause to become the subject-matter of a suitat law kin, tran
h chp
haughty having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views
as unworthy kiu cng, kiu k
arrogant unduly or excessively proud, as of wealth, station, learning, et
c kiu cng, ngo mn, t cao t i
philanthropy voluntary promotion of human welfare; active humanitarianism
lng bc i, nhn t
perceptive having the ability to perceive or understand; keen in discernmen
ta word or phrase that reads the same backward as forward mn cm, d cm th
artifice deception; trickery mnh kho
calk a metal cleat on the bottom front of a horseshoe to prevent slipping; pr
ovide with calks; seal with caulking; injure with a calk mu sc (ng vo mng nga, g
giy); bt, trt, hn
qualm a fit of nausea mi lo ngai, ni e s; ni day dt, ni bn khon; s nn nao, s bun
solicit make a solicitation or entreaty for something; request urgently; make am
orous advances towards; offer one's body for sex in return for money Ni n ,khn k
spendthrift someone who spends money prodigallyRecklessly wasteful ngi n tiu ho
ang ph
fanatic a religious zealot ngi cung tn
benevolent doing or inclined to do good; kindly; charitable; generous; char
itable nhn t, rng lng
nostalgic unhappy at being away and longing for familiar things or persons
Nh nha, nh qu hng; luyn tic qua kh; hoai c
chronology the science that treats of computation of time,or of investigati
on and arrangement of events nin i hc, bng nin i
adulate flatter in an obsequious manner Nnh ht, b
coltish given to merry frolicking non nt, t kinh nghim
ostentatious Isn't it rather ostentatious to wear a Phi Beta kappa key on a c
hain around your neck?; The real hero is modest, never ostentatious. ph trng, kh
oe khoang, thch n
acrimony sharpness or bitterness of speeech or temper S chua cay, s gay
imprecation a curse S chi ra, cu nguyn ra
epiphany any appearance or bodily manifestation of a deity s hin linh
indefatigability tireless determination S khng bit mi mt
intemperance immoderate action or indulgence, as of the appetites s khng iu , s q
u , s n ni khng ng mc
latency the state of being dormant s ngm ngm, s m , s tim tng
eminence an elevated position with respect to rank, place, character, con
dition, etc S ni ting, a v cao
idyllic excellent and delightful in all respects; suggestive of an idyll; charmi
ngly simple and serene th in vin, khc ng qu (thuc)
renascence the revival of learning and culture Thi k Phc hng; s hi phc, ti si
bilge where the sides of the vessel curve in to form the bottom; cause to leak
(as of vessels); take in water at the bilge thng y
hedonistic devoted to pleasure thuc ch ngha khoi lc
vernacular the language of one's country ting bn a, bn x; th ng
expository pertaining to a formal presentation tnh cch m t/gii thch
insalubrity the quality of being insalubrious and debilitating tnh c, tnh c
hi cho sc khe
pervasive thoroughly penetrating or permeating ta lan, thm nhp, khuch tn
uxoricide ti git v, k git v
teem to be full to overflowing tran ngp; y, di dao, co rt nhiu
satiric resembling poetry, in which vice, incapacity,or corruption is held up to
ridicule Tro phng (trong th vn)
beatify to make supremely happy tuyn phc
calcify become impregnated with calcium salts; turn into lime; become calcified;
convert into lime vi ha
loutish ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance
vng v, th l cc mch
enfetter restrain with fetters; constrain; make a slave; xing li, xch li, n dch
consummation the act of bringing to completion or fruition
economical using the minimum of time or resources necessary for effectivene
ss; of or relating to an economy, the system of production and management of mat
erial wealth
economy the system of production and distribution and consumption; the efficient
use of resources; frugality in the expenditure of money or resources
magnanimity extremely liberal generosity of spirit

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