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Teacher: Heidy Daniela Vsquez Albizurez

Date: April 24, 2014
Grade: kinder
Subject: School supplies

Enduring Understanding: Recognizes the different school supplies
used in class by doing their own pencil case Time: 20 minutes
Theme: school supplies Poem, rhyme or chant:
Value: Work in silence and follow instructions Required Materials and Equipment: TV, draws of school supplies

Days Thursday 24
Pencil, eraser, scissors, notebook, ruler, glue, crayons, sharpener

Creates their own pencil cases using the school supplies see in class
Warm up Im going to put under their tables a picture with the school supplies that we are going to see, they have to find it and paste it in their

What is the main function of the school supplies in our daily life?
Practice P: Im going to present them some draws of different school supplies, together we will find the real objects around the class and I will
explain their functions.

P: Controlled: Im going to give to each action that each supply does, a mimic, Im going to show the school supply and they will have
to do the mimic that goes to the action that the school supply does.
Semi-controlled: I will give them some draws of the school supplies seen in class pasted in pallets, I will show them some pictures of
actions in the TV and they will have to raise the draw that they consider that the image action is showing
Free: I will give them a worksheet in which they will have a lot of school supplies, they will have to color the draws of the school supplies
that they consider that we most use in class

P:I will give them a little paper bag and a sheet with draws of school supplies, they will have to decorate the bag and to color and
decorate the schools supplies that they want, they will have to create their own pencil case with the school supplies that they want.

Wrap up
They will share their pencil cases with their classmates

Core Skills
Written, verbal and nonverbal communication.
Logical, reflexive, and analogical reasoning.
Social development and proactive leadership.
Information and technology use and management.
Moral, ethical, religious, civic, cultural, and ecological
Cooperative work.

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