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Pre Assessment

Name ________________________ Date ___________________

Draw the hour and minute hands on the clock to show each time
1. 2:30

2. 8:45

3. 5:34

4. 10:42

Write the following times in words
5. 8:01

6. 4:43

Fill in the missing numbers
7. 6:15 is ____ minutes past 6.

8. 5:45 is ____ minutes to 6.

Compete using past or to
9. 8:07 is 7 minutes _________ 8.

10. 7:30 is 30 minutes ________ 8.

The time is six fifteen. It
is _____ minutes after 6.
The time is five forty-five. It
is _____ minutes before 6.
Express the time in minutes
(Think about how many minutes are in an hour)
11. 2 hours = _______ minutes

____ minutes + ____ minutes
= ____ minutes

12. 1 Hour 10 minutes = ______ minutes

____ minutes + ____ minutes
= _____ minutes

Complete using addition

13. 3 hours 20 minutes + 2 hours 10 minutes =

= _____ hours _____ minutes

14. 2 hours 35 minutes + 4 hours 11 minutes =

= _____ hours _____ minutes

1 hour
1 hour 10 minutes
10 minutes
3 hours + 2 hours = ____hours
20 minutes + 10 minutes =____ minutes

2 hours + 4 hours = ____hours
35 minutes + 11 minutes =____ minutes

Complete using subtraction
15. 8 hours 45 minutes - 3 hours 20 minutes =

= _____ hours _____ minutes

16. 4 hours 30 minutes - 1 hours 20 minutes =

= _____ hours _____ minutes

17. What time is 2 hours after 7:15 P.M.?

18. How many hours are there from 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. ?

8 hours - 3 hours = ____hours
45 minutes - 20 minutes =____ minutes

4 hours - 1 hours = ____hours
30 minutes - 20 minutes =____ minutes

19. John left school at 2:30 P.M. and arrived home at 2:48 P.M. How long did it
take him to get home?

20. A movie started at 7:15 P.M. and lasted 25 minutes.
What time did the movie end?

Pre Assessment Data and Analysis

Student Score Score (Percent)
A 18/18 100%
B 18/18 100%
C 14/18 77%
D 15/18 83%
E 11/18 61%
F 8/18 44%
G 6/18 33%
H 4/18 22%
I 9/18 50%
J 9/18 50%
K 11/18 61%
L 9/18 50%

The pre unit assessment demonstrated that most students in this math class did
not have a complete understanding of telling and manipulating time. Although
students had learned some of these concepts in second grade, four students
were not able to tell time to the minute. These students were unsure which
hand pointed to the hour and which hand pointed to the minute. Three students
did not know what the numbers on the clock represented. Some students
remembered that there were 60 minutes in one hour; however, others struggled
with the questions that tested for this prior knowledge. More than half of the
students were able to add and subtract time without regrouping. The
assessment guided students to combine hours with hours and minutes with
minutes. Half of the twelve students were able to utilize prior knowledge to
successfully complete elapsed time word problems.. The twelve third graders
in this math group demonstrate a wide range of prior knowledge and strengths
and While students A and B were able to complete the entire
assessment correctly, other students seemed to have no experience with
concepts of time. The data showed students struggling with basic time
concepts therefore I could not begin teaching this unit with elapsed time. It
was essential that I spent time reviewing all previously learned time concepts.
We needed to begin instruction with the basic parts of the clock and continue
with telling and writing time to the nearest minute.

This graph shows the scores of each individual student. While students A and
B were successful at all concepts on the Pre Assessment, others lacked prior
knowledge to complete many of the questions.

The graph above demonstrates the distribution of scores on the Pre
Assessment. 50 % (6 students) of the students scored a 59% or below. 17 % (2
students) of the students scored between 60% and 69% 8% (1 student) of the
students scored between 70% and 79%. 8% (1 student) of the students scored
Pre Assessment Scores
Pre Assessment Score
Pre Assessment Score Distribution
between 80% and 89%. No students scored between 90% and 99%. 17% (2
students) of the students scored 100% on the Pre Assessment.

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