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Larry Watts

300 Misty Lane

Versailles, KY 40383

In reflection of EDU542 I feel that I have gained a better understanding of technology
and its potential use in classroom situations. I had two objectives in mind when I signed up for
EDU542; one is my ability to work with special needs students and increase strategies that will
impact and a change a life because of the work we do in the class. The second area is use of
technology to compliment my first objective. The technology that is now available to teachers
and schools is almost endless; educational apps, resource websites, direct links, articles, learning
tools, graphics and so and so on. As stated on my brainstorming sheet, how--as teachers be short
on knowledge of any particular subject matter or standard that needs to be or is required to be
taught? It is literally at our fingertips!
In many of my article finds, I played the devils advocate and presented the many
down-sides or cautions that schools, administrators and teachers need to be wary of when
opening this freedom to students. I experienced this first-hand, teaching in a system where all
students were given I-pads with access to the internet. On top of this it was an alternative school,
where most students had learning disabilities, severe behavioral disorders and/or were receiving
services. Of course they had to go through the digital drivers licensing, pass a test and sign an
agreement. From one perspective it was an opportunity to engage the students academically as
never beforethen on the other hand it created a whole new set of behavior issues that had to be
dealt with on a routine class basis. Students that suffer from ADHD or ODD are given an
advanced technological device and then given a list of guidelines and rules to follow so they
would use the I-pad only for its intended useReally?? Even the higher achievers had a hard
Larry Watts
300 Misty Lane
Versailles, KY 40383

time focusing while this gadget was on their desk, you could hear teachers up and down the hall
eventually screaming: Please put your I -pad on the deskThank You!!! Was this a daily
occurrence?...How about hourly! Now Im not against the technology age like thisbut some
serious tried and proven methods should be tested before classrooms are so equipped with this
type of technology.

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