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a+b=c/sin cos tan( sinA= cos B, cos A=sinA,

workenergypower()electric charge
displament magnitude+direction

by a regular number , kA=|k|

magnitude of A ,direction of kA= 1.the same as A if k is positive 2.the oppostie of A if k is
A-B = A+(-B)
i j ,A= Axi+Ayj
s d
velocity speed
average acceleration= v/t , meters per second (m/s),
v a v a
5. Big five
big five p39a
s= vt- 1/2at v=v0+2as (=+2)
Position vs. Time:
Velocity vs. Time:
Velocity vs. Time Graphs: How Far displacement()
g =9.8m/s 10m/s
s= v0t+1/2at
at an angle other than straight upward
parabolic trajectory
launch angle: p49
at the topvy=0
a =0
How far will it drop

law of inertia (no force means no change in velocity)

Fnet=ma (The larger the force,the larger the acceleration,
Fnet a F m positive scalar,Fnet kgm/s,
1newton ( N) 1N
F v a v a F
1 2 2 1
F1-on-2 and F2-on-1 action/reaction pair
10. p61
Any two objects in the Universe exert an attractive force on each other (gravitational
G(universal gravitational constant)= 6.6710-11Nm/kg
gravitational force: F=Gm1m2/r

11. p65
Fw=mg( W )
12 The Normal Force(p68)
perpendicular to the surface
normal force(,normal means perpendicular)
13 p68
1)static friction
2)kinetic(sliding) friction
: normal force

Fstatic friction max= s FN
Fkinetic friction= kFN
14. Pulleys(p71)
SAT frictionless and massless
15. inclined planes(p76)
16. Work p86
W=Fd cos! FT d
17. Kinetic Energy
K= 1/2mv,joules
The Work-Energy Theorem:W=K

Wtotal= K

18. Potential Energy(p94)

Potential energy(symbolized as U or PE) is independent of motion and arises from the objects
gravitational potential energy()Ugrav
Ugrav= -Wby gravity
Ugrav =mgh
19. Gravitational Potential Energy p96
18* U g g
U= -GMm/r ( Wby grav= GMm (1/r2-1/r1), W=-UU2-U1=-GMm(1/r2-1/r1),
U=0U20 as r2 )
20. Conservation Of Mechanical Energy
+= U+K=E mechanical energy, E
Ki+Ui=Kf+Uf =
v= 2gh (v-v0=2ax, v0=0,v=2ax,v= 2ax)
21. Power (p101)
P=W/t J/s (joule per second), watt(W)
22. Linear Momentum(p108)
F=p/t(F=ma=mv/t,p=mv F=p/t)
m v kg m/s,
23. Impulse(p109)
J=p( impulse-momentum theorem)
s=second ms=millisecdons (1 =1000 )
24. Conservation of Linear Momentum (p112)

The two interacting objects experience equal but opposite momentum changes
m 1v 1+m 2v 2=0 ( 0 )
25. Collsionsp113
1)elastic collision:
2)Inelastic collision:

3)Perfectly or Total Inelastic collision: stick together

total P before collision=total P after collision
26. p122
centripetal vs. centrifugal( ) :
centrifugal objects
27. Center of Mass(p126)

x-axis, origin (x=0),
particle xcm center of mass
x find the center of mass in x-coordinates and y-coordinates
Fnet= macm no
external force means the center of mass will not accelerate
28. Rotation and Translation(p131)
A motion is combined of translation and rotation
29. Rotational Dynamics(p132)
Torque( )/
angular accelaration()

torque= rFsin r distance from the pivot to the point of application of the force F ( r
f )
r pivot F

pivot r F torque=lF
p134 F pivot F lever
arm/moment arm, l
torque moment of the force
torque=rFsin torque=lF L l=rsin
l r F r torque=rF
r F torque= Fr
30. Equilibrium (p137)
1)translational equilibrium 0Fnet=0 a=0v 0
2)rotational equilibrium 0torque =torque 0

3)equilibrium 0

4)static equilibrium
31. Angular Momentum(p140)
linear momentum
m r, v F
F=p/t=mv/t r, rF=torque, torque=mvr/t
F=p/t = torque=L
L=rmv( )
m v r v r
L=II moment of
inertia, I translational world mass,
I mass average radius from the axis of rotation
32. Conservation of Angular Momentum(p141)
Fnet=p/t , F=0 p linear momentum
net=rmv/t=L/t net=0( 0)L
e.g close to the rotation axis, I
external torque angular momoentum(L) L=II
spins faster
33. Rotational Kinematics (p142)
() s v a F
rigid body: all points along a radial line always have the same angular displament()
average angular velocity: =/t ()
average angular accelaration: =/t
= v=r( = )
34. Kepler s Laws(p145)
1) every planet moves in an elliptical orbit,with the sun at one focus(
2): a line drawn form the sum to the planet sweeps
out equal areas in equal time intervals()
3)Third Law: T a
35. Simple Harmonic Motion(SHM)(p154)
The Spring-Block Oscillator()Fs=-kx(=-)
Hooke s law,k spring(or force)constant, indicates how stiff
the spring is. Fs x spring wants to return to its

original length, equilibrium position( Fnet=0),for this reason, we say that the spring
provides a restoring force()
oscillate: equilibrium position Fnet=0 ( x=0)
x=0, F 0 a 0F=ma
endpoints x F a
36. SHM in Terms of Energy(p156)
oscillate energy transfers
stretched compressed elastic potential energy
kinetic energy (and back again) oscillations.
Us=1/2 kx K=1/2mt
K+Us endpoints
K=0v=0 0
The maximum displacement from equilibrium is called the amplitude of oscillation,or A
instead of writing x=xmax,we write x=A
37. The Kinematics of SHM(p159)
period:The amount of time it takes to complete a cycle
frequency:The number of cycles that can be completed per second, / hertz,or Hz
spring-block system , F m
f=1/2 km T=2 m/k
f T A
the position x can be expressed as a sine or cosine function in terms of t
x=Acos(2ft+) x= Asin(2ft+)
is called the phase, e.g if x=A at t=0, =0
38. The Spring-Block Oscillator :Vertical Motion(p165)

m, d
.The upward force is balanced by the downward force of gravity.
kd=mg d =mg/k
A stretched farther,
, Fs

y = d+y, = k(d+y),
The net force on the block is: F= k(d+y)-mg F=ky kd=mg
F=ky y=0,
39 Pendulums (p168)
A simple pendulum : m bob+
The restoring force is provided by gravity()
Frestoring= mgsin ( string equilibrium position )

L= length of pendulum
1. 0
2 endpoints the oscillation region (where =max),Frestoring and tangential
acceleration (at) speed 0 0
3. speed
: a restoring force that has a strength that s proportional to the
Frestoring =mgsin,
sin()Frestoring =mg
Frestoring =mg
f=1/2(g/L) T=2 L/g
f T Amax,
40. Electric Charge p176
proton +neutron nucleon
electromagnetic force ,protons and electrons have a quality
called electric charge that gives them an attractive force.
electric charge: positive negative
for matter to be charged, an atom must have
unequal numbers of protons and electrons( /
ionization )
Charge is conserved () Net charge cannot be created or destroyed
e (elementary charge/),(ionized) e
, charge is quantized
q coulombs C
41. Coulomb s Law (p177)

electric force |FE|=k|q1q2|/r This is Coulomb s law

Coulombs constant: k=9109m/C

G=6.710-11Nm/kg electric gravitational force k G
n,nano,which means 10-9
42. Superposition p178
electric force
43. The Electric Field (p180)
(gravitational field),

Q (test charge) Q Q
Fon q, F qthe resulting vector is the elctric field vector, E
E= Fon q /q
Q source charge FE
1/rE E vector
test charge F=kQq/r q ,E=kQ/r
electric field vector is tangent to the line everywhere its drawn (E,)
,the field lines are denser, the field is stronger.
vector Etotal=E1+E2

electric dipole
43. Conductors and Insulators(p186)
conductor: Materials that permit the flow of excess charge are called conductors
insulator: atomic lattice excess charge it stays put
superconductor(): crematics
excess charge

44. Electrical Potential Energy(p194)

45. Electric Potential p195
g 19*, UE= kq1q2/r q1q2 UE

E=F/q electric potential V=UE/q () =/

1J/C =1V volt
E=kQ/r V=kQ/r (r Q )
(constant potential),
46. Capacitance(p199)

+Q -Q


parallel-plate capacitors: E
C=Q/V = / C capacitance
C=A/d =8.8510-12C/Nm

farad F 1C/V=1F
1F= 106F()=1012pF
47. p200
(18*) PE=1/2QV =1/2CV =1/2(Q/C)
1) parallel
Cp=C1+C2 =
2) series
1/ =
48. Dielectrics (p204)

A dielectrics induces its own electric field(E),within in itself, E

E Ewith dielectric= Ewithout dielectric-Ei= E/
E=V/d, V decrease by a factor of ,but C=Q/V, C increases by
a factor of
Cwith dielectric= Cwithout dielectric

dielectric constant 1

49. Electric Current(p212)

If theres no net motion of charge,theres no current.

drift speed(),vd,
I =Q/t = 1C/sec =1ampere (A)
50. Resistance(p213)
ohm(omega) 1V/1A =1
e.g L cross-sectional area A resistivity
R=L/A ()
51. Electric Circuits(p214)
direct current
electromotive force,or emf,which drives the flow of charge volts
52. Energy and Power(p214)

53. (p216)

ideal battery r
voltmeter: ammeter: grounding:
54. (p228)
55. Magnetic Forces and Fields(p236)
q v B FB
FB=|q|vBsin v B
v=0 FB=0
v B sin=0,FB=0, cut across
B q v -q -v F

tesla T G gauss 1G=10-4T

56. (p240)
wire of length be immersed in magnetic field B, and the wire carries a current I
57. (p243)
B I/r
B curl towards B
58. Electromagnetic Induction(p252)
Motional EMF v
q FE= Eq FB=q
FE=FB electromagnetic equilibrium
qE=qvB,E=vB =
rod potential difference(p253 )
Vba=E E=vB Vba (A B )= vB
the motion of the sliding rod through the magnetic

field creates an electromotive force, called montional emf.( )

emf =vB
rod F power,P=Fv =IBv
59. Faraday s Law of Electromagnetic Induction (p254)
emf emf
Magnetic Flux, B, A B=B A=BAcos B A

emf induced =
avg = -B /t

Len s law (


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