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According to the Mayas schedule, in December 21 of 2012 is the end of this civilization
and the beginning of a new one. Which hasnt relation whit the present, but they not
mentioned the cause. Al least we dont gonna die crushed by giants balls of fire. They
said that the last day doesnt mean the arrival of any calamity.
This implies a new cosmic awareness and a new spiritual transition to a new age. Given
that the Mayas were expert sky watchers, the scholars of this civilization studied the
future sky to December 21 of 2012 and they realized that the reason by the Maya
determined this day like the last. This day will be a winter solstice. Seems Nostradamus
also lends a hand to the Mayas and confirms that the universe falls in that year.
Ultimately, we have to prepare to become saints from January of 2013. Scholars
ensure that the end of the first cycle is the realization of galactic year.
The Milky Way, takes 225 million earth years make a rotation on the sky. So then,
2012 also marks the end of:
* A cycle of 26 million earth years.
* The end of the schedule Maya of 26.000 years.

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