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abide by conform, act in accordance uymak, riayet etmek
account for explain, be the reason for, form,
be a particular amount of
aklamak, oluturmak,sebebi
auction off sell at a cheap price ok ucuza/yok pahasna satmak
back out no longer support, retreat from an
early commitment
desteini ekmek, sznden
back up support desteklemek
bear out support, back up desteklemek
break away escape, move away kamak, ayrlmak, kurtulmak
break down stop operating, break into pieces bozulmak, paralara ayrmak,
break into enter a building illegally bir yere zorla/yasad yol ile
break off cut off, discontinue iliiini kesmek, kesmek, bitirmek
break out start unexpectedly patlak vermek, aniden balamak
break through pass through (barrier,difficulty) bir zorluu/engeli amak
break up separate, disperse ayrlmak, toplanty, gsteriyi
bring about bring forth, give rise to, cause,
lead to
yol amak, sebep olmak
bring down move something to a lower
aa seviyeye ekmek
bring forth bring about, cause sebep olmak, yol amak
bring in earn, gain kazanmak, baarmak
bring off achieve a goal bir amac gerekletirmek
bring on cause to arise ortaya kartmak
bring out bring onto the market piyasaya kartmak, yaymlamak
bring over persuade ikna etmek
bring through save kurtarmak
bring up mention, raise gndeme getirmek, ocuk
build up increase, develop arttrmak, oaltmak
burst into start unexpectedly aniden balamak
call for require, ask for gerektirmek, rica etmek, istemek
call out cry out, shout seslenmek, barmak
care for look after bakmak, ihtiyacn karlamak
carry away remove from a certain place alp gtrmek
carry on go on, continue devam etmek, srdrmek
carry out perform, do yapmak, hayata geirmek
cast aside dispose, ignore gz ard etmek, bir kenara
catch on become popular tutulmak, moda olmak
change over make a complete change deitirmek, deiime gitmek
clear away remove temizlemek, uzaklatrmak, yok
clear out clear away, remove yok etmek, temizlemek
clear up clarify, clean aklamak, netletirmek,
close down cease to operate tamamyla kapatmak, kapatmak
close up block passage geii engellemek


come across run into, find by chance, come up
ans eseri bir ey/birisi ile
come along come into existence, appear ortaya kmak
come apart break, separate dalmak, paralanmak
come from to be the result or product bir eyden elde edilmek,
come in enter, get into, be received girmek, gelmek
come over come across, visit karlamak, ziyaret etmek
come through succeed, survive atlatmak, stesinden gelmek,
come up against come across karlamak, yz yze kalmak
come up with think of sth.such as an idea or
(zm fikir ) bulmak, retmek
come with accompany elik etmek, beraberinde gelmek
concern about worry zlmek, endielenmek
concerned with deal with ilgili olmak, ele almak
connect with join one thing with another balamak, balanmak
cope with deal with uramak, stesinden gelmek
count on depend on, rely on gvenmek
cut back cut down on, reduce the amount miktarn azaltmak, ksmak
cut down on reduce the amount, cut back miktarn azaltmak, ksmak
cut off cut, break up kesmek, kopmak
cut off from break up, separate kopmak, ayrlmak
cut out delete, remove iptal etmek, kartmak
deal with cope with, be related to ilgili olmak, stesinden gelmek
depend on rely on, count on gvenmek
die out become extinct yok olmak, nesli tkenmek
do well prosper gelimek, iyiye gitmek
do with related to ilikili olmak
do without go without bir eysiz yapabilmek, idare
draw up write plans or details yazya dkmek
drive off force to go away geri pskrtmek
drop off fall, diminish, retreat, get worse ktlemek, azalmak, dmek
embark on start balamak, girimek
end up finally be or do sth. sonunda olmak, o ekilde
face up to accept and deal with kabul etmek, yzlemek
fall apart separate ayrlmak
fall away get worse, decrease ktlemek, azalmak
fall back on recourse, rely on gvenilecek bir kimseye / yere
fall in with agree, comply with uymak
fall off diminish in size, shrink daralmak, ekmek, klmek
fall short fail to meet (expectations or
fall through fail, collapse baarsz olmak, kmek
feel up to feel fit to do bir ey yapabilecek kadar iyi
fight off force back dman ya da bir gc
figure out understand anlamak, kavramak
fill in write all the required information
onto a form
form doldurmak, bilgi salamak
fill out complete, fill in form doldurmak, bilgi salamak


find out learn bulup ortaya kartmak,
fit in with accord, agree, be compatible uygun olmak
fix up arrange kararlatrmak, sabitlemek
focus on concentrate on odaklanmak, younlamak
follow through bring to a successful issue baaryla sonlandrmak
follow up pursue to a conclusion takip etmek, tamamlamak
force out force to move zorla kartmak, kovmak
get along with get on with, have a good
iyi ilikilerde bulunmak, iyi
get around influence through flattery tatl dille kandrmak, istediini
get away with not to be punished, escape suun yanna kar kalmas,
cezasz kalmak
get in come in, enter girmek, ieri girmek
get in touch with communicate iletiimde bulunmak, balant
get off leave a vehicle aratan inmek
get on with get along with birisi ile iyi geinmek
get out of avoid an obligation sorumluluktan kanmak
get out of hand get out of control kontrolden kmak
get over recover from atlatmak, dzelmek, iyilemek
get rid of eliminate, remove bandan savmak, kurtulmak
get through finish, consume, use up bitirmek, tketmek
get up arise, stand up kalkmak, ayaa kalkmak
give back refund, repay geri vermek, borcu geri demek
give in yield boyun emek, teslim olmak
give out emit, release, send out serbest brakmak, yaymak
give rise to cause, lead to yol amak, sebep olmak
give up abandon, quit, stop brakmak, terk etmek
go along with go with somebody, approve,
beraber gitmek, kabul etmek, raz
go around circulate dolamak, etrafnda dolamak
go for try for, try to attain denemek, almak, abalamak
go in for have as a hobby hobi olarak birey ile uramak
go off explode patlamak
go on continue devam etmek
go out exit, leave kmak, ayrlmak
go over look through, go through incelemek, stnden gemek
go up increase in value or to a higher
go without do without bir eysiz yapabilmek, idame
hang around spend time without any purpose babo beklemek, gezinmek,
have on hand be equipped with something bir eyle donatlm olmak
hold in control, curb, close in engellemek, kontrol altnda
hold on hold out, endure, wait on the
dayanmak, direnmek, tefonda
hold out continue to be enough, be
usable, resist
yetmek, dayanmak
hold up make someone late or delayed geciktirmek, engellemek,
iron out settle zmek, halletmek


join in participate in, take part in katlmak, itirak etmek
keep away prevent from coming close uzak tutmak
keep down limit the amount, control artmasna izin vermemek
keep in with stay friendly with someone dost kalmak
keep on continue, keep to devam etmek
keep out prevent from entering giriini engellemek, darda
keep pace with keep up with , maintain the same
ayak uydurmak
keep to cling to bir sze/ykmlle bal
keep up keep to, continue srdrmek, devam etmek
keep up with move at the same speed as ayak uydurmak
lay emphasis on emphasize the importance nemini vurgulamak
lay out provide a detailed plan or design planlamak, tasarlamak
lead to cause, bring about yol amak ,sebep olmak
leave out omit, cut out kartmak, iptal etmek
let down disappoint hayal krklna uratmak
let go release gitmesine izin vermek
let off release serbest brakmak, salvermek
light up brighten parlamak, parlatmak, yanmak
look after take care, care for gz kulak olmak, bakmak,
look back look backward geriye bakmak, gemie bakmak
look back on remember hatrlamak
look down on disdain, feel superior to kk grmek, kmsemek
look for search, seek aramak
look forward to expect, wait for something
drt gzle beklemek, iple ekmek
look into investigate, examine aratrmak, incelemek
look out be careful dikkatli olmak
look over look through, go through, go over gzden geirmek, incelemek
look through go through, go over, look over gzden geirmek, incelemek
look up search information bilgi aramak
make do try to do something with what is
elde olan ile idare etmek
make for go in the direction of bir yne doru ilerlemek
make off get away, escape kamak, svmak
make out understand anlamak, kavramak
make over transfer the ownership of
make room for provide space yer amak
make sure of make certain, ensure bireyin yapldndan emin
make up constitute, form, comprise oluturmak, meydana getirmek
make up for compensate for telafi etmek, tazmin etmek
make up to try to win favour of others beeni kazanmaya almak
move off with escape with something bir ey ile kamak
move round travel gezinmek, dolamak
open up open, pave the way, pioneer amak, nclk etmek
pass on to go on, move on bir sonrakine gemek, ilerlemek
pay off give back all the money you
bor kapatmak, bor demek
pick up catch, collect hastalk kapmak, toplamak


pile up accumulate toplanmak, birikmek, biriktirmek
play down underestimate bir eyin deerini az grmek,
play up overstate the importance olduundan daha nemli
point out mention bahsetmek, vurgulamak
provide for supply with the necessities ihtiyacn karlamak
pull out of move out or away ayrlmak, ekilmek
pull through survive hayatta kalmak, kurtulmak
pull up cause to stop; as of vehicles bir arac durdurmak
put away remove uzaklatrmak, ortadan kaldrmak
put down write down, take down not almak, yazmak
put forward raise, bring up ortaya atmak, gndeme getirmek
put in install, insert takmak, monte etmek
put off postpone, discourage ertelemek, vazgeirmek
put on wear giymek
put out extinguish sndrmek
put over get across anlatmak, aklamak
put pressure on force or persuade so. to do sth. bask yapmak, zorlamak
put through bring to a successful issue bir ii baaryla tamamlamak
put up accommodate misafir etmek, arlamak
put up with tolerate, bear katlanmak, tahamml etmek
reach up catch up yetimek, erimek, ulamak
relate to pertain to ilgili olmak
rely on depend on, count on gvenmek
round up collect, gather toplamak
rule against oppose bir eye, bir kiiye kar kmak
rule out ignore, take no notice of, exclude gz ard etmek, nemsememek
run away escape, flee kamak, firar etmek
run down run over, drive over arpmak, ezmek
run into come across tesadfen karlamak, rastlamak
run off run away kamak
run on continue without a break kesintisiz devam etmek
run out finish bitmek, tkenmek, bitirmek
run over drive over arpmak, ezmek, inemek
run through consume, use up bitirmek, tketmek
run up grow in amount artmak, oalmak
seal off prevent people from entering an
giri ka kapatmak,
see off escort on departure uurlamak
send for call armak
send out emit yaymak, gndermek
serve up provide hizmet salamak
set aside reserve kenara koymak, ayrmak
set down put down in writing yazmak, yazya dkmek
set off set out, start a journey yola koyulmak, yola kmak
set out start, set off balamak, yola kmak
set up establish kurmak
settle down become stable in one's residence sakin bir yaantya gemek
shed light on make clear k tutmak, aa kavuturmak
show off boast vnmek, dikkat ekmeye
show up turn up, arrive ka gelmek


slow down become slow, become slower Yavalamak
sort out solve zmek, halletmek
speed up move faster hzn artrmak
stamp out eradicate yok etmek, kkn kazmak
stand against oppose, protest kar koymak, kar kmak
stand for represent, mean temsil etmek, anlamna gelmek
stand up against defend against an attack kar koymak, kar kmak
step down quit, resign ekilmek, istifa etmek
step up increase artrmak, artmak
stir up arouse, awake, provoke uyandrmak, provoke etmek
stop short of not to do sth. although you are on
the verge of
bir eyi yapmann eiinden
switch off turn off kapatmak, sndrmek
take after resemble benzemek
take along carry with yanna almak, beraberinde
take back bring back geri gtrmek
take care of look after, care for bakmak, gz kulak olmak
take down write down, put down not almak, yazmak
take good care of be careful, be watchful iyi bakmak, zen gstermek
take in absorb emmek, iine ekmek
take into account consider gz nnde bulundurmak
take leave leave, depart veda etmek, ayrlmak
take off be successful, leave ground iin baarl olmas, uan
take on assume, accept stlenmek
take out remove, extract, omit, exclude yerinden kartmak, iptal etmek
take over take on titles, offices, duties,
stlenmek, devir almak
take part in participate in, join in katlmak, itirak etmek
take place happen, occur olmak, meydana gelmek
take to start balamak
take up accept, start as a hobby, occupy kabul etmek, hobi olarak
balamak, (zaman) almak
tell off speak angrily, rebuke, reprimand azarlamak
think out think over, consider carefully enine boyuna dnmek,
think over think out, consider carefully enine boyuna dnmek,
throw up vomit istifra etmek, yediklerini kartmak
tie up attach, bind ilikilendirmek, balamak
try on put on clothes to see whether
they fit
kyafet denemek
try out put to test test etmek, denemek
turn back go back to previous state eski haline dnmek
turn down reject, refuse reddetmek
turn in surrender teslim olmak, boyun emek
turn into cause to change deitirmek, dntrmek
turn off switch off kapatmak
turn out prove beklenmedik ekilde
turn over rotate evirmek, pozisyonunu
turn up arrive, show up ka gelmek


use up consume Tketmek
wait for stay in one place and expect sth. beklemek
wait on serve, assist hizmet etmek, yardm etmek
wait up for not to go to bed until someone
comes home
yatmayp birisini beklemek
wake up stop sleeping uyanmak
walk away with win or achieve easily kolaylkla kazanmak
watch out look out, be careful dikkat etmek, dikkatli olmak
weigh up consider advantages and
deerlendirmek, lp bimek
win over persuade, convince ikna etmek
wipe out eradicate kkn kazmak, yok etmek
work at work on, exert effort aba gstermek
work out come up with, calculate,
(plan..) gelitirmek, hesaplamak,
work through go through, think painstakingly detayl incelemek
wrap up fold as a cover, finish up paketlemek, sarmak, (toplant..)
write off accept the worthlessness deersiz/nemsiz olduunu
kabul etmek
write out put into writing yazya dkmek

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