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Numbers: (we can just take this off later but for now just put your numbers here)

Also Connor took notes on the groups that presented today so if anyone wants them I
have them and can send you it - Ryan

Connor - 5/24 extra edits have been made. First scene shortened. Harrison, some lines
were changed to sound more like Sherlock but in the movie, many of those lines are
exactly what Sherlock says. Introduction is finished also just in case we have to do the
voiceovers on Monday.

Final Edits Have Been Made

Summary: In this play, Sherlock Holmes is confronted by his brother Mycroft, to help him
prevent a terrorist attack on London. Sherlock Holmes doesnt like cases that are boring but
fortunately for Mycroft and the city of London, Sherlock Holmes is informed by Howard Shilcott
that a man goes missing on the last subway during a quiet night in London. Sherlock gets
involved in the case and puts together pieces of evidence to figure out the connection between
the terrorist attack and the missing man. In this play we shall see the conventions of Sherlock
Holmes as he solves the mystery of the attack on London.

Setting: 221B Baker Street, background is Sherlocks information wall. (Different papers, maps,
clues etc)
Cast of characters: Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, John Watson, Howard Shilcott, Lord
Moran, Mary Morstan
First Scene: Sherlock is in his room, he is setting up papers and pictures on his wall.

Sherlock: London...full of incompetent criminals who act upon stupidity and greed...its all too
easy and boring!

(Mycroft enters the room and they both sit down opposite of each other.)

Mycroft: Sherlock! London needs your help! the terror alert has been raised to critical.

(They play Chess)

Sherlock: Boring! Your move.
Mycroft: We have solid information that an attack is coming.
Sherlock: Solid information? A secret terrorist organization is planning an attack, thats what
terrorist organizations do isnt it?
Mycroft: An agent gave his life to obtain that information. Your move.

(Sherlock moves a chess piece.)

Sherlock: Your move.
Mycroft: I have given the prime minister my personal assurance that you are on the case.
Sherlock: I am on the case, were on the case, look at us now.
Mycroft: Dont be smart.
Sherlock (mocking voice): Dont be smart Sherlock, Im the smart one. Well this is boring, lets
play something different.
Mycroft: I am the smart one. Why are we playing games?

(Sherlock stands with one foot on top of a chair.)

Sherlock: Well, Londons terrorist alert has been Im just passing time. What do
you think about this hat?

(Sherlock walks over to the table and grabs a wooly bobble hat with earflaps (any hat should

Sherlock: hmm Mycroft?

(Throws it to Mycroft)

Mycroft: This is silly. (catches hat)
Mycroft: I always win.
Sherlock: Which is why you cant resist.

(Sherlock Laughs and smiles)

Sherlock: You cant analyze this hat better than me
Mycroft: There is no time for games Sherlock, I must go and you must be on top of this case.
Sherlock: Youre so boring just like everyone else.
Mycroft: Well, back to work Sherlock
(Mycroft exits)

Scene 2:
Setting: Howards house
Sherlock rings the door bell, Insert doorbell sound, or knocking is fine too
Howard answers the door.

Sherlock: Whats this about Mr. Shilcott?
(Howard looks as if he has been unveiled. Howard leads Sherlock to his room)
(Need a picture of a laptop, underground railroad, or something here.)

Howard: I work at the tube, Londons underground metro system, on the District Line, my job
is to wipe the security footage. Look at this I think youll like it. I was looking through it, and I
found something bizarre. A man gets onto the train, and never gets off. He gets into the last
train at westminster and is the only passenger. And the next stop, St. Patricks Park station, is
empty. Explain that Mr. Holmes. Theres a safety mechanism that doesnt allow the door to open
during transit.
Sherlock: And the driver? He was in on it? Then did the passenger get off?
Howard: Theres no where he could of gone to, the train is a one way, no turns, exits, anything.
The train never stops but the man disappears? Explain that!

(Sherlock Goes into his mind palace, places both of his hands on his hands and mumbles)

Sherlock: Tube lines, tube maps, London, disappear, westminster, man, YES.
Scene Change

Scene 3:
Setting: 221 Baker Street
Sherlock sits on the couch, Watson sits across from him

(Points to the photo on his information wall)

Sherlock: Lord Moran, minister of overseas development, hes been working with North Korea
since 1996. A big rat indeed.

(Sherlock then shows the security footage of the trains)

Watson: thats odd, where could he have gotten off?
Sherlock: Theres something missing...its staring at me right in the face.

(Sherlock examines footage and pictures on his wall, and closes his eyes to think)

Sherlock: Yes YES YES, Ive been a blind idiot! Oouuuu, thats good. Mycroft was correct
about the underground network because its an UNDERGROUND network John.

(Watson shakes his head like he knows whats going on)

Watson: Right.. what?

(Sherlock replays footage)

Sherlock: Look John, 7 carriages at the beginning, at the next station, theres only 6. Moran
didnt disappear, the entire tube compartment did. The driver must have diverted the train and
detached the last compartment.
Watson: Detach it where? I thought it was a straightaway.
Sherlock: It vanishes between Westminster and St. James. Lord Moran vanishes. and You
nearly burned at the fireworks. -Gasp- -snaps his finger- Whats the date John?
Watson: November the . Oh my God.
Sherlock: Lord Moran. Tonight, parliament signs the new anti-terrorism bill. But Lord Moran, he
wont be there, not on the fifth of November.
Watson: Remember remember...the fifth of november.

Scene 4:
Watson and Holmes go to Howards house

Howard: Mr. Holmes, theres no sidings and no ghost stations
Sherlock: Sumatra Road, and Parliament street
Howard: Wait. Sumatra Road, there was a station down there but they never fully built it due to
legal issues.
Sherlock: Under the palace of Westminster
John: Whats down there? A bomb?

(Sherlock walks away)

John: Oh. Right.

(They both gather their jackets and leave)

(Scene changes to hotel room. Lord Moran is watching Tv.)

News commenter: Voters are saying the anti-terrorism bill is too close to call.

(Shuts down TV.)

Lord Moran: Soon, London will fall. (serious look)

(Scene changes, Sherlock and Watson are in an underground railroad station)

John: So its a bomb, a tube carrying explosives.
Sherlock: Must be, what else can it be, Cmon John think! What are you doing?

(John pulls out his phone)

John: Calling the police
Sherlock: No! No, they will get in the way, they always do.
John: Parliament needs to be evacuated!

(John looks at his phone)
Sherlock: There wont be enough time to evacuate. We must defuse the bomb.

(They begin walking.)

John: Arent the rails still operating?
Sherlock: Youre right, just avoid the rails and well be good.
John: Just avoid the rails...great!
Sherlock: This way!
Watson: You sure?
Sherlock: Ah, here it is!
(They go in and investigate the carriage.)

John: Theres nothing, its empty.
Sherlock: Ooooh noo. This whole thing must be a bomb.

(Sherlock lifts the seats up to discover many bombs)

Sherlock: This carriage IS the bomb. Its not carrying the bomb, IT IS THE BOMB.
John: We need bomb disposal.
Sherlock: Its too late.
John: So what do we do?
Sherlock: I dont know
John: But youre THE Sherlock Holmes. Youre as clever as it gets.
Sherlock: Which means I can diffuse a bomb?
John: Well Im a bloody doctor!! Cant we rip off the timer?
Sherlock: Yes, if you want us to die and have parliament come crashing down.

(Lord Moran, enters the code and starts the timer.)
(Timer starts)
(Breathing fast)

John: My God!! Why didnt you call the police?!
Sherlock: Its no use now.

(John turns around, and back again, shakes his head and puts his hands on his hips)

John: Think Sherlock Think!!
(softly) think
(intensely) THINK!

(Sherlock puts his hands on his head and thinks, and lets out a groan
he stops and then looks at Watson blankly)

John: Wow.
This is it.
Oh my god.
such wow.
Sherlock: uh.Im sorry. Forgive me. If I wasnt here you would have a future with Mary.
John: Yeah. I know. I find it difficult, this sort of stuff. Yes of course, I forgive you. Youre my

(John turns around and stands depressed)
(Suddenly theres a click sound.)
(Sherlock begins to laugh)

Sherlock: oh! your face! It was great!
John: What.. you (in disbelief) I KNEW IT!
Sherlock: oh those things you said...they were so sweet.Theres an off switch. (Laughs out
loud) there would be many problems if there was no off switch. Theres always an off switch
John: why you make me go through all that?

(Police forces arrive)

John: Oh, and you called the police.
Sherlock: Of course.
John: Im definitely going to kill you.


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