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Post Internship Reflection

Directions: Welcome back to class! Arent you glad were spending the last days of school together?
Using your best grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization skills, reflect upon your
internship, and answer the following questions. Happy Reflection!

VTfT Interns Name: Charles Best

My Cooperating Teachers Name: Lisa Austin

My Internship School: Linkhorn Park Elementary School

My very favorite part about my internship is: All of the Students who give me hope for the
future, they are all so intelligent in their own ways and they make me wish had started my
internship sooner.

The most memorable moment from my internship would be: When my students were writing
their Bare Books and I was reviewing their rough-drafts. There was a student who wrote about a
girl with many responsibilities, piano, violin, soccer practice and dance, who is suddenly
transported to the moon. The girl in the story is fine spending her time on the moon because she
doesnt like the fact that she has so many responsibilities. Now this doesnt seem all that
interesting until you take in the fact that the girl who wrote the story constantly comes into class
with two backpacks, a violin case, and frequently, a change of clothes for dance class. I felt like
this student may have been writing while taking great influence from her own life.

The most important thing I learned during my internship: Is that all students have very
different lives and that all students have very different ways that they learn.

My feelings about teaching now: I am more excited than ever to continue on my teaching track
and to finally begin my career as an educator

Adapted from the Teacher Cadet Curriculum, Property of CERRASouth Carolina 2004, and/or the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Curriculum
Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow

1272 Mill Dam Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23454
(757)496-6719 Fax
First Colonial High School
Family and Consumer Science Department
Christina M. Frierman, Coordinator

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