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Discipline is a form of disciple.

Teachers use discipline to guide the students in their

learning. The principle is that the students will be able to become autonomous learners.
This means that the students will become in charge of their own learning. As the
teacher I guide the students on a path to becoming life-long learners by internal
motivation rather than grade driven. I expect certain policies and procedures to be
followed. If these policies and procedures are not followed, then there will be
consequences. The classroom is meant to be a comfortable, safe environment and any
student that jeopardizes the positive atmosphere for learning will be asked to correct the
misbehavior immediately. If the behavior is not changed, then the student will have to
follow the consequences of said choice and action. Once the structure of the classroom
is understood and implemented, the students will begin to have the ability to make
choices. These choices must be in the guidelines of the policies, procedures and the
structure of the classroom. All of these will be discussed in detail. The students are
responsible for their learning and must make the choices to succeed in my class. As the
teacher I will guide all of you in achieving the goals that each student sets for
themselves. Every student can obtain greatness in the class, with hard work,
determination, and discipline.
These concepts derive from Harry and Rosemary Wong and William Glasser. The
Wongs theory is to set standards of structure and have procedures that are to be
followed. Glasser explains that all students should have a level of choice in the
classroom. It is only when bad choices are made that the student is asked to make a
better choice. Both theories guide the students in good behavior by structure and their
choices. The students choice is how the student becomes responsible for their learning
reaching their goals and success for the future.

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