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Choose better words for first sentence (remove notorious)

Clarify third sentence to make it less vague
Introduce Conan Doyle earlier
Better transition between sentences
1st body paragraph:
Cut out repetition at end of paragraph and replace with deeper analysis
2nd body paragraph:
Cut out unnecessary details and repetition in scene introduction
Use more specific cinematic terms
Be specific in analysis (i.e. better descriptive words for things such as the
3rd body paragraph:
Be less repetitive throughout paragraph and provide more analysis
Change explanation from Holmes' forehead kiss
Clarify scenes more with better context
Cut out repetition in scene description
Include possibly a connection between Irene Adler and the attempt to
appeal more to female audiences by giving them a character they can
relate to more
Read my entire essay out loud to edit sentences that sound awkward and
replace words for a more sophisticated diction/grammar and other small
Use proper MLA format when citing sources within the paragraph (these
are crossed out)
Change character names to last names
Remove BBC from reference

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