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Esai Siddeeq

Ms. Krimmel
Health per 7/8

Sex Etc Article
The article I read was called, Wheres the Sex Ed in College? The article was talking about how
college students are ill-informed about sexual education. It isnt surprising that college students are
dealing with unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, says the author. If the students
arent aware of whats out there, they wont know how to protect themselves. The University of South
Carolina hosted a Project Condom event. The event was to get students talking about condoms and to
be aware.
I totally agree with the article. There should be sexually education in colleges in the United
States. There should be Sex Ed class at a school that has sexually active students in it. The class can
inform students of how to protect and prevent diseases. It can also inform them of whats out there. If
these classes were taken they could prevent unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.
In my opinion there should be sexual education classes in college.

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