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Entry #1: What things in the pre-test had you heard of before?

Some of things in the pre-test I have heard of before are the FDIC, and Interest rate on money that is in
a bank account.
- What things in the pre-test were you unfamiliar with?

Some things that I am not familiar with that was on the pre-test were the topics about the
insurance of the housing and the property charges.

Entry #2: What simulations did you do on the IRS website? What did you learn from completing these
Simulation 2: During simulation 2 I learned that your employer is required to furnish your W-2
form by January 31
Simulation 4: During simulation 4 I learned that you cannot be claimed as a dependent if you
live by yourself.

Entry #3: Write a summary of what you did in each game and then write what you learned from
practicing writing checks and balancing checkbooks.
The Mint online games allowed me to properly fill out a check. It also gave me practice
with balancing a checkbook. I learned that I keeping track of when you made the purchases play
a key role in balancing your checkbook.

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