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English minor June 2010

1. Translate into Romanian:
She had seen by the papers that his army was being discharged, and r!m day t! day !ther
s!"diers s"!w"y perc!"ated in b"#e streams bac$ int! the state and c!#nty, b#t sti"" her her! did
n!t ret#rn% Each wee$ she had t!"d the chi"dren that he was c!ming, and she had watched the
r!ad s! "!ng that it had bec!me #nc!nsci!#s& and as she st!!d at the we"", !r by the $itchen
d!!r, her eyes were i'ed #nthin$ing"y !n the r!ad that w!#nd d!wn the hi""% N!thing wears
!n the h#man s!#" "i$e waiting% I the mariner c!#"d !nce gi(e #p h!pe ! a ship, that h!rrib"e
grinding !n his brain w!#"d cease% It was this waiting, h!ping, !n the edge ! despair, that
ga(e Emma Smith n! rest% [9 + 1 points]
2. Translate into English:
Orice s)ar i *nt+mp"at, c+t de gra(, ,!ste" treb#ia s- mearg- reg#"at "a bir!# .i se d#sese
chiar de)a d!#a /i d#p- dispari0ia Ninei% 1.i amintise de scris!area trimis- p-rin0i"!r% Mai bine
n# se gr-bea& ac!"!, "a 2r-i"a, ei treb#ie s- i !st s#p-ra0i .i aici Nina *" p-r-sise, a.a c- nici
m-car n# mai era m!ti( s- ie certat c# p-rin0ii% Spera t!t#.i c- Nina se (a *nt!arce% Se
*nap!ia acas- c# speran0a c- ! (a g-si .i c# team- ca n# c#m(a s- n# ! mai g-seasc- nici pe
Ana% Dar Ana era acas-, masa era gata ca de !bicei% Ana .i e" (!rbea# p#0in, c# aceea.i team-
de a atinge s#biect#" prime3di!s% E" n# mai d!rea s- a"e nimic despre Nina, (isa s)! g-seasc-
*ntr)! /i *nt!ars- acas-% [9 + 1 points]
3. Grammar an e!er"ises [ 9+ 1 points ]
I. Explain the difference in meaning between the sentences in the pairs below (3p.)
4% a5 6e rec!(ered s! 7#ic$"y that he didn8t need t! see a d!ct!r%
b5 6e rec!(ered s! 7#ic$"y that he needn8t ha(e seen a d!ct!r%
9% a5 She tried spea$ing :apanese%
b5 She tried t! spea$ :apanese%
;% a5 N! !ne has e(er e'perienced s#ch ee"ings%
b5 N! !ne has ne(er e'perienced s#ch ee"ings%
II. Identify the error(s) (if any) in the sentences below. Some sentences may contain more
than one error. Correct them all. (6 p.)
4% A d!g bitted the p!stman as he was passing by a ence%
9% On the chair was a white bea#ti#" cat%
;% E(eryb!dy be"ie(ed they are sti"" in "!(e and !ne 3!#rna"ist e(en as$ed whether w!#"d they
gi(e him an inter(iew%
<% The news were being widespread ab!#t the miners= ha(ing str!$ed g!"d%
>% S!meb!dy m#st ha(e remembered him t! pay the bi""%
?% This c#pb!ard is c!ntaining the new e7#ipment%
@% The st#dents ha(e ne(er been e'p"ained the pr!b"em pr!per"y%
A% I ne(er watched TB in the e(ening%
C% There was the m!st bea#ti#" gir" in that r!!m%
4D% E(eryb!dy th!#ght she has been dying her hair !r years%
#. $riting.
,!nsider the !""!wing te'tE
It is s!metimes said that the aim ! the hist!rian is t! e'p"ain the past by Finding=,
Fidentiying=, !r F#nc!(ering= the Fst!ries= that "ie b#ried in chr!nic"es& and that the dierence
between Fhist!ry= and Ficti!n= resides in the act that the hist!rian Finds= his st!ries, whereas
the icti!n writer Fin(ents= his% This c!ncepti!n ! the hist!rian=s tas$, h!we(er, !bsc#res the
e'tent t! which Fin(enti!n= a"s! p"ays a part in the hist!rian=s !perati!ns% The same e(ent can
ser(e as a dierent $ind ! e"ement ! many dierent hist!rica" st!ries, depending !n the r!"e
it is assigned in a speciic characteri/ati!n ! the set t! which it be"!ngs% The death ! the
$ing may be a beginning, an ending, !r simp"y a transiti!na" e(ent in three dierent st!ries%
In the chr!nic"e, this e(ent is simp"y Fthere= as an e"ement ! a series& it d!es n!t #ncti!n as a
Fst!ry= e"ement%
G6ayden Hhite, Metahistory !he "istorical Imagination in #ineteenth Cent$ry E$rope%5
%is"uss &arious moes in 'hi"h representations o( realit) are a"hie&e *) histor) an
(i"tion. +ou might 'ish to ta,e the te!t a*o&e as a starting point (or )our "omposition.
,riterii de e(a"#areE C p#ncte p"#s 4 p#nct din !ici#
)a"egerea #n#i tit"# c!resp#n/at!r arg#ment#"#i principa"E 4 p
)c!erenta arg#mentati(aE ; p
)str#ct#rarea ese#"#iE 9 p
)ni(e"#" sti"#"#i academic si c!rectit#dinea e'primarii in "imba eng"e/aE ; p

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