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Online Walking and Jogging

Road Race Participation Assignment

Reflection questions:
What was the name of the event?
Great Strides Cystic Fibrosis Walk of Southbury
What was the purpose of the event (fundraiser, race, etc?
Fundraiser to help fund research in the name of curin! Cystic Fibrosis
What was the distance of the event?
"bout #$% miles
&id you race it or do it for fun?
' participated in it for fun
Were your happy with your performance?
(es, ' en)oyed walkin! it for fun and walkin! with my friends, and ' think the whole point of the
thin! was to raise awareness and help fund a cure so that was a !ood thin!
*ow would you prepare differently for another event like this or for ne+t years, event?
'f ' wanted to race it, ' would,ve walked and ran more in the weeks and days leadin! up to the
What were the hi!hli!hts of the event (course, hills, t-shirts, water stops, post race food, music,
awards, etc$?
.here were water stops alon! the route, and lots of !roups who had team t-shirts and there
were post-race food stands$ "lso, ' liked the speakers in the be!innin! who shared their story
and why this walk was so important, it made me want to participate a!ain in the future$
What would you do to make this event better for ne+t year?
' think the bi!!est thin!s is )ust to !et more of my friends involved and really work to make it
even bi!!er and more of a whole town involvement type of thin!, ' think that it,s an important
issue to raise awareness of and it,d be !reat to do that$
What else would you like me to know about your event?
',m !lad that you recommended that ' do this, it was a !rowin! e+perience that !ave me a new
interest in fundraisers like this, they are fun and help people, but they,re also a !ood way to !et
out and e+ercise$

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