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Brown Grade 8 Science


Cell phones and personal devices are welcome in my classroom! However, like being
a responsible citizen daily, you will be required to be a responsible digital citizen as
well. This Policy and document will help you understand what it means to be a
responsible digital citizen in our classroom. These guidelines can, and should be
followed not only in the classroom and at the school, but anywhere that you may use
technology and the Internet.

Digital Citizenship

Before I allow you to use technology and the Internet in the classroom, you will need
to complete a simple quiz that illustrates your understanding of online etiquette.
This etiquette will ensure that all students will feel safe, and confident when using
technology in the classroom. Each student shares equal rights with their devices, as
well as have the right to privacy with their device. IF being used APPROPRIATELY,
individual devices will remain as their personal belongings, and will be private to
them. However, if the teacher feels that the device is not being used in a respectful
or appropriate manor, then we have the right to implement disciplinary action!


These guidelines have been created for a reason, and need to be followed at all times
in the school. Other teachers may have their own rules and policies for their
classroom, however, I fully expect you to follow these rules along with abiding with
the other policies that may be set out for you by other teachers or administrators.

1 Students will use technology in the classroom to ASSIST in the learning process,
and not be used as a distraction.
- Texting during class times will not be prohibited and tolerated. If a
communication channel needs to exist between students, it has to be via
Email. (Each student will have a designated email address that they will
be required to check frequently).
- Students are allowed and encouraged to access the Internet, either via
Wi-Fi or 3 G, with the intent of research and encouraging exploration. If
this right is being abused, it will be revoked from the student. IF

2 Nothing from the classroom is to be posted to the Internet, including social
media, without consent from all parties involved. This includes pictures, phrases, or
personal bashing. Responsible digital citizens use the web in a respectful fashion,
and do not use it to potentially harm others.

Mr. Brown Grade 8 Science
3 There will be a three-strike policy for abusing your technological rights in the
classroom. The 1st offence will result in a verbal warning with the expectation of
immediate results. The 2
offence will result in confiscation of the device. Students
will be required to turn their device off, and place it in their folder behind the
teachers desk (At no time is any student prohibited access to this area). 3
results in immediate suspension to the use of a device in the classroom. The length
of the suspension will be determined with the co-operation of the parents and/or
administrators in the school.

4 Right to appeal Every student has the right to appeal any of the set out
guidelines and policies. Please approach the teacher at an appropriate time to
discuss the potential process of the appeal. As well, if you feel there needs to be
special accommodations for a specific event, please inquire prior to the event.

I ________________________(Student Name), and my guardian

____________________________(Guardians name) agree to these set out guidelines and

Policies. If _______________________(student name) does not follow these rules, the

designated disciplinary actions may take place.

____________________________(Student Signature)

___________________________(Guardian Signature)

___________________________(Teacher Signature) Date: __________________________________

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