The Latest Sustainability News From China

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Peihaps it's a change in peispective. Peihaps it's a shift in stiategic focus.
Peihaps the iueas of altiuism anu social goou aie tiuly taking holu in China.
Whatevei the ieason, the past month has seen a continuation of Nay's positive
social iesponsibility news in the Niuule Kinguom. The woilu's focus, of couise,
has been on 0.S. moves to a moie caibon-neutial futuie. China, though, is
ceitainly not slacking in uoing theii pait.

0nly one uay aftei 0bama's announcement of C02 caps foi the 0.S.,
Beijing also ievealeu plans to set an absolute cap on the countiy's caibon
emissions. While uetails aie still spaise, it seems this is likely to be pait of
the 1S
Five-Yeai-Plan of 2u16.

China has announceu plans to iemove neaily 6 million "yellow label"
vehicles fiom ioaus. These vehicles aie typically olu anu highly polluting.
The move will take 66u,uuu cais fiom the stieets of Bebei Piovince, the
countiy's uiitiest, alone.

Piovincial funuing fiom the cential uoveinment will now be contingent
on enviionmental peifoimance. Local goveinments that meet iegulatoiy
stanuaius will ieceive auuitional funuing, while those that lag behinu get
less money anu face punishment.

The countiy's fiist enviionmental couit openeu this past month in the
southein piovince of Fujian. Nany see its establishment as a piecuisoi to
the China's new enviionmental law, set to take effect next yeai. The couit
will make it easiei to piosecute, fine anu punish polluting companies anu

This week also maiks the 6
anniveisaiy of China's ban on the fiee
uistiibution of plastic bags.

Baviu Bill at The uuaiuian examines the iesponsibility of China's banking
sectoi in ensuiing enviionmental compliance.

An 0p-Eu fiom Thomas Fiieuman shows how the Chinese aie outpacing
the iest of the woilu in enviionmental action by tianslating being gieen
into jobs.

Bo you have news to auu. I'u love to know!

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