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Deforestation destroys forests and jungles of Earth massively causing immense damage to soil

quality, rain forests and rain forests could completely vanish in a hundred years if the current rate
of deforestation.
Farmers cut forests in order to get more space for their crops or grazing livestock. Often large
amounts of small farmers clearing wooded acres to feed their families, through logging and fire in
a process called ' slash and burn.
The first casualties of desertification are basic resources such as fertile land surface, vegetation
cover and traditional crops. The people begin to experience the consequences when the supply of
food and water becomes scarce, and in extreme situations suffer famine, mass migrations and
significant economic losses.
The most viable solution is to carefully manage plant resources by eliminating agricultural
clearances to ensure that forest environments remain intact. The logging is done must be done in
a balanced way by planting trees young enough to replace the oldest in all forests and jungles. The
number of new tree plantations is increasing every year, but the total still equals a tiny part of the
forest area on the planet.

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