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06:17:07 PM<BloodnSpice>*men leading wagons and horses rushed to get in position, following the

commands of a pirate king as he yelled out orders. All the carts together formed an arc, uncovering their
luggage to reveal the long and large metal objects beaneath, metal balls stacks to each side of each one. *
06:24:09 PM<SunflowerSmash>Sabal: -Karshan soldiers scattered the shores. Shoddy watchtowers were built
every half mile or so. Sabal stood watch ready to give commands to the goblin generals when the time came. She
did not seem to be happy to be there. Behind her stood a figure with a red smile upon their mask looking out on the
masses as well-
06:29:46 PM<Gollyzilla>Quill: *Is currently in the area, having been scouting around-- and he happens to see this
little show going on. He's currently spying on Sabal and Smiley red since /he knows these punks/, but he hasn't
approached them just yet*
06:33:25 PM<BloodnSpice>*There was a deep silence after the pirates were prepared, nervousness showing
in their sweat and the way they watched the sky. It filled the air for a goof few minutes before there came a
harsh rythmic beating of wings* "The dragon's on us! Get ready to fire on my command! " *the pirate king
shouted before fastening an odd device over his own mouth. He looked to the short man beside him, said
man looking hesitant but understanding the signal and walking away*06:34:08 PM<BloodnSpice>*GOOD
06:39:51 PM<SunflowerSmash>Sabal: "It is time." -She nodded at one of the commanders as she turned to
descend down the stairs. Multitude of horns echoed throughout the coast. The goblin troops shuffled into some
semblance of a formation. The masked agent nodded at the drow before slipping away into a shadow before
reappearing at the back of the troops.-
06:52:06 PM<BloodnSpice>The dragon let out a lour roar that alone almost made the men run. It raised
further int he sky, intent on just passing them by until another roar called back to his, though much
smaller. Another dragon, also black in color but not even half its size came charging up towards the beast,
catching it's attention immediately. *
06:56:35 PM<SunflowerSmash><b>Sabal:</b> -She called to the goblin commanders and troops to hold their
ground but most didn't listen. She then looked up to the sky with wide eyes but she didn't move from her spot.
<b>Smiley Red:</b> "Oh how exciting this is!" -Chirped the masked figure who was backing up slowly away
from the scene-
07:04:40 PM<BloodnSpice>The smaller dragon once gaining the larger ones attention turned tale and came
right at the men and their carts with MUCH haste. The large dragon snapping at the other's tail end, far too
narrowly missing*
07:05:32 PM<Gollyzilla>Quill: *When Smiley Red vanishes, he tries to look around for the other-- but it soon
distracted at the sight of the dragons. He watches them with a concerned frown before vanishing himself,
reappearing further away towards the back of the troops. And surprise, surprise, there's smiley red, moving further
from the scene. He hurries over there since he knows that guy* Red! What's going on here?
07:09:36 PM<SunflowerSmash>Smiley Red: -They chuckled at Quill- "It's pretty obvious, isn't it Agent Quill?
Dragons! It's rather interesting is it not? And rather exciting if you ask me. This event here will surely make
history." -They said as they continued to scoot away from the scene-
07:10:10 PM** Altiloquentthas left [timed out]
07:10:19 PM<SunflowerSmash>Sabal: -She turned and looked at Tiernan and the men with the metal balls
looking slightly nervous-
07:11:56 PM<Gollyzilla>Quill: *Yeah, he's okay with scooting away from these scene, watching as the more
distance dragon chases the little one* 'Exciting' isn't the word I'd use, 'risky' is. Won't the dragon's poison reach all
those soldiers?
07:12:23 PM** Altiloquentthas joined
07:13:41 PM<Gollyzilla>snogs maddy )
07:16:12 PM<Altiloquentt>...!!!!! makes out w/ golly, oh my ;y )
)07:16:42 PM<Canajun>peaks thru peephole))
07:17:32 PM<BloodnSpice>*The pirate king kept his cool among the men but caught the look of the royal
guard. He opened his pack, offering her a mask like the one he wore*"Brace yourself dear." *no later then
his warning the large dragon landed, the force shaking the ground beneath the feet of their men. The small
dragon taking the form of a much smaller man and bolting past the crowd like a mad man*
07:18:06 PM<Nyyrikki>Xiil: A relatively good distance from the chaos a rather large corm could be seen, sitting
on the ground and simply watching. The golem didn't want to get any nearer to the dragon, after the last experience
they had with it they weren't too keen on getting closer. Two dragons were certainly not better than one, in their
07:19:57 PM<SunflowerSmash>Sabal: -She gave that mask a strange look before strapping on the mask- "Very
07:20:11 PM<SunflowerSmash>Smiley Red: "That is a very real possibility. Which is why I'm backing up!"
07:21:31 PM<Gollyzilla>Quill: *GR8. He continues backing up with Smiley Red, glancing behind them and
noticing a golem watching nearby. A familiar golem, actually. He squints at it* I suppose we aren't the only
audience here...

07:22:53 PM** imaginarycolorhas joined07:27:16 PM<Nyyrikki>Xiil: The golem lifted a hand in greeting at
Quill, their movements a bit slower and more halting than they usually were. Well! It seemed as if the drow had
made it away from the dragon's first appearance with little damage!
07:32:31 PM<BloodnSpice>Tiernan prepared himself when the small dragonborn ran past, taking
command of one of the canons himself, the dragon still entirely focused on the small creature despite the
army around it. It opened it's mouth and no sooner then it began breathing out a burst of miasma was there
a shout of "FIRE" and the field became engulfed in the thundering sounds of blasts from the canons, the
burst of miasma moving past the king . The dragon however stumbled backwards as his shot went down the
dragon's throat, thick and rancid blood pouring out from it's mouth. It was stunned as the barrach of heavy
metal balls hit against its thick armor , the pirates continuing their cannon barrage*
07:33:00 PM<Gollyzilla>eat canon mr draggo )
07:33:15 PM<Gollyzilla>OMG )
07:33:19 PM<Gollyzilla>EAT CANON MR DRAGON )
07:35:57 PM<SunflowerSmash>Sabal: -She shook slightly as the CANNONS went off never having had
experience with them. She mumbled softly as the commotion around them continued- "Impressive..."
07:36:35 PM<SunflowerSmash>Smiley Red: -The masked figure waved at the golem- "The golem has come to
see the show as well!" -And as the cannons sounded- "The show has started! How glorious it is!"
07:38:16 PM<Gollyzilla>Quill: *This is so totally unglorious, he frowns deeply as he watches the shots fired
against the beast. It's hard to see from where they were, but he thought he saw a bit of blood coming out of its
mouth... perhaps they managed to wound it? He crosses his arms, continuing to watch*
07:53:50 PM<Nyyrikki>ey, feel free to skip me, working on the side so i'll be slow ;Y))
07:54:14 PM** Canajunhas left
07:55:54 PM<BloodnSpice>The mask did its work for Tiernan, preventing him from choking and falling
right there, the men behind him not being as lucky. He looks to the drow woman* "Send them forward
now. Crack through that armor! " He returned his attention to his own men, making sure they keep up
their fire, the force of the impacts obviously jostling the creature though it manages to swing its tail taking
out a few carts*
07:57:53 PM<SunflowerSmash>Sabal: -The drow woman was also fine. She lifted her arm and gave a signal to
the remaining commanders and hoards of goblins descended upon on the dragon-08:04:16 PM<BloodnSpice>The
dragon gave a gargled roar, being overwhelmed. It resorted to trying to crush as many of the little creatures
as it could, the canon fire making cracks in it's hard scales gradually*
08:05:57 PM** sasookayhas joined
08:06:10 PM<SunflowerSmash>aaaay))
08:06:31 PM<sasookay>hoolllaaaaa =v=//))
08:06:59 PM<SunflowerSmash>Goblin Masses: -They keep prodding at the dragon's scale trying to poke
through them, around them, and even some try to pry them off-
08:07:22 PM<BloodnSpice>heyo ))
08:09:17 PM<mopomoko>hello! ]]
08:09:34 PM<mopomoko>OH IT'S DANCU hey ]]
08:10:29 PM<sasookay>YAH IT'S ME I JUST WOKE UP HI jazzi sobs quq ))
08:11:47 PM<sasookay>i forgot i changed my name haH))
08:12:19 PM<BloodnSpice>*the dragon gave another pained roar when the persistent creatures broke
through its armor. Becoming more and more defensless despite its size, and more and more desperate. The
creature spun around wildly taking out a majority of the remaining carts and even knocking the king off his
feat when the tail came crashing in his direction. It opened its mouth to breath miasma but choked up, more
blood pouring down from it's throat*
08:13:41 PM<SunflowerSmash>feat))
08:13:47 PM<BloodnSpice>*feet
08:16:41 PM<SunflowerSmash>Goblin Masses: -They just kept coming and piled themselves against the dragon
relentlessly going after the awesome beast-
08:20:30 PM** YoYoiihas joined
08:21:34 PM** imaginarycolorhas left [connection closed]
08:23:38 PM<BloodnSpice>* The dragon flopped on to it's side flailing wildly, what canon fire was left
stopping as not to hit the goblins just tearing and stabbing the crawling into the giant beast*
08:24:47 PM<SunflowerSmash>hey hey mel!))
08:24:57 PM<BloodnSpice>*cannon
08:25:09 PM<BloodnSpice>Hey hey boober ))
08:25:26 PM<YoYoii>hi there owo!! ))
08:26:16 PM<SunflowerSmash>Goblin Masses: -Some of them tear through the beast and stop inside because
they are not quite sure what they're supposed to do at this point. Others attempt to climb on top pushing others
down in a bizarre display of king of the mountain-
08:29:21 PM<BloodnSpice>*Eventually, after the tearing and some brave goblins even digging through the inside
of the dragon it ceased it's struggling. Breathing hard as blood poured from it's mouth and sides. Looking almost
pathetic despite it's size*
08:30:59 PM<SunflowerSmash>Sabal: -She put her hands behind her back- "That was quite some display there,
Mr. Pirate King." -She watched as some goblins attempted to make off with some dragon scales-
08:35:35 PM<mopomoko>OH hey Mel! c:]]
08:36:24 PM<Altiloquentt>mel, makes out w u ))
08:37:25 PM<BloodnSpice>Tiernan: *he was watching the brutal display, letting out a heavy sigh when Goblins
start scavenging from the corpse.* Get them to cut off the head. End it. Your kingdom can keep th ehead as a
trophy if you like but do what you can to get their paws off the rest. *doing a quick check with his own men*
08:37:50 PM<BloodnSpice>*not corpse but still alive dragon they're pulling it apart sorry
08:39:35 PM<SunflowerSmash>Sabal: "That can be arranged." -She strutted over to one of the commanders who
then gave the orders to the goblin troops to remove the head and most of them got to work on it pronto. Some
stragglers still went about their business being, you know, greedy goblins-
08:41:46 PM<SunflowerSmash>.))
08:43:44 PM<BloodnSpice>Pirates: *the pirates start moving in next, pushing away any greedy goblins and
playing guard to the dying demon dragon*08:45:15 PM<SunflowerSmash>Sabal: -It didn't take long until the
goblins started to scuttle away from the body with the dragon's head. Behind Sabal appeared a masked figure-
08:45:43 PM<SunflowerSmash>Smiley Red: "That'll certainly be a nice gift for the king, don't you think?" -They
08:48:25 PM<BloodnSpice>Tiernan: *when the goblins back off a bit he splits his men into sections. Some
checking on the canons. Others on the men, including a very pale one that definitely stands out amongst all those
sea faring pirates. Tiernan looks towards Smiley and Sabal, watching them both quietly*
08:51:18 PM<SunflowerSmash>Sabal: -She stripped off her mask handing it back to Tiernan before looking at
all of the carnage the dragon had caused- "I suppose it could have been worse." -She waved her hand at a
commander and gave them the orders to start clean up. Or looting. They're one in the same really in Karshan
08:53:53 PM<BloodnSpice><b>Tiernan:</b> I hope this day will be remembered when one speaks of Karsh and
the Godless in the same breath. This beasts breath was it's true horror. Take it away and it was just a giant lizard in
it's current state.
08:53:56 PM<BloodnSpice>Tiernan: I hope this day will be remembered when one speaks of Karsh and the
Godless in the same breath. This beasts breath was it's true horror. Take it away and it was just a giant lizard in it's
current state.
08:54:22 PM<BloodnSpice>Jiao: *wandering back after running like hell, staring at the body dumbfoundedly*
08:54:44 PM<SunflowerSmash>F U C K I N G J O ))
08:58:59 PM<SunflowerSmash>Sabal: "I am sure that it will. Now it's time to clean up after it which might
prove to be just as difficult as taking it down." -She glanced at the small little pale guy wandering back- "Your
volunteer was quite useful. Much more than I had anticipated."
09:01:13 PM<SunflowerSmash>*not pale guy
09:02:03 PM<BloodnSpice><b>Tiernan:</b> He was wasn't he? I thought he'd get caught in the air there for a
09:02:06 PM<BloodnSpice>Tiernan: He was wasn't he? I thought he'd get caught in the air there for a second*
09:02:35 PM<BloodnSpice>Jiao: *he huffs* Yeah me too.
21:02:15 <SunflowerSmash> Sabal: "I am sure that it will. Now it's time to clean up after
it which might prove to be just as difficult as taking it down." -She glanced at the small
little pale guy wandering back- "Your volunteer was quite useful. Much more than I had
21:04:29 <SunflowerSmash> *not pale guy
21:05:20 <BloodnSpice> Tiernan: He was wasn't he? I thought he'd get caught in the air
there for a second*
21:05:22 <BloodnSpice> Tiernan: He was wasn't he? I thought he'd get caught in the air
there for a second*
21:05:51 <BloodnSpice> Jiao: *he huffs* Yeah me too.
21:06:55 ** Altiloquentt has left [connection closed]
21:07:47 <SunflowerSmash> Sabal: -She peered down at the small little guy. So short-
"Then we all agree that you nearly did perish." -Tilting her chin up, she asked- "What is
your name?"
21:08:23 ** mopomoko has left [timed out]
21:09:59 ** YoYoii has left [timed out]
21:10:19 <BloodnSpice> Jiao: *stares up at Sabal suspicious* Jiao Long, ma'am.
21:10:23 <BloodnSpice> Jiao: *stares up at Sabal suspicious* Jiao Long, ma'am.
21:10:43 <BloodnSpice> Tiernan: He's a young dragonborn. *smirks*
21:12:13 ** Nyyrikki has left [connection closed]
21:12:37 ** Jamie-L has joined
21:13:18 ** Jamie-L has left [connection closed]
21:13:26 <SunflowerSmash> Sabal: "I see..." -She did not seem to be impressed by this
fact- "I suppose we'll make a note of you in the records of the day's events."
21:13:35 ** Jamie-L has joined
21:15:12 <BloodnSpice> Jiao: Don't do me any favors. I'd rather be forgotten thank you.
Tiernan: Shadow Dragonborn are hunted by other dragonborn. So excuse him if he forgets
to be grateful. It was a pleasure working with you Sabal.
21:16:07 ** Jamie-L has left [timed out]
21:18:11 <SunflowerSmash> Sabal: "And you as well, Mr. Pirate King. Now. I shall
oversee the clean up of the fallen and we will return home. I believe we will then begin
clean up of the Averoth region." -She sighed and shook her head as she walked away-
"What a mess." -Smiley Red who was standing behind them gave them a finger waggle
before slipping into the shadows and nyooming away-
21:20:40 <BloodnSpice> Tiernan: *watches as the woman walks away, sighing a bit and
letting himself relax before he gets to work himself with his own men*

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