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Tsunami Destruction
Chapter 1:
It was a very warm Christmas Eve night in the brand new Shang-ri-la Thailand hotel, the
pool glistened beneath as the fireworks spectacular glowed in the sky. There were no words
to describe this amazing event. Daniel, Mitch and I watched in awe as the fireworks glittered
What an amazing Christmas Eve! Daniel explained.
It was amazing! After the spectacular event ended we all went to our room and jumped on
top of all our luxurious double bed. My head sunk deeply into the pillow as I thought to
myself; How lucky are we?
I had woken up at 3:45 by the sound of Mitch;
Its Christmas day! he shouted.
We all got out of bed and raced to our mini Christmas tree, where 3 presents were stacked
on top of each other. I opened my present first and saw a Carton football club Guernsey
signed by the entire team, I was stoked! Next Mitch opened his and got an iPad and Tom got
an iPhone! We were all amazed! Soon later we went back to bed.
Now it was time to get up and have breakfast, so we got up and we went to the breakfast
bar right next to the gold crunchy beach shore and we heard the beautiful sound of the blue
sea waves crashing against the rocks. As we ordered all of our meals, as I paid I accidentally
dropped my coin on the hard timber floor, as I went to pick it up I suddenly saw it shake!
It must be a machine under the planks I thought.
After we had finished eating we all headed straight for the luxurious, crystal blue pool. I
decided to stay in the lounge chair and read one of the books that I bought from the local
book store, Hunger Games: After Earth, while Mitch and Daniel played around in the pool.
As I was reading yet again I felt a vibration, but it wasnt coming from the ground, it was
coming from behind and before I knew it I was tipped into the pool by Daniel and Mitch!
From then on we spent the rest of the day in the pool. We played pool basketball and as
usual I won! It was so much fun, we even played volleyball, did racing and we even went
Snorkelling was an experience Id never forget. The reefs were incredible and the marine life
was even better. Mitch even saw his favourite fish Nemo! The water was so clean and blue;
there was no word to describe this awesome experience.
After a long day at the Shang-ri-la pools we headed across the road at a local Thailand
restaurant which was meant to have the best chicken satay skewers. Surprisingly all three of

us all ordered the same thing. As we were waiting for our food we discussed and described
what a great day we just had.
Another 18 days of fun to go! Daniel exclaimed.
Soon later all our chicken satay skewers arrived, they were extremely tender and the hint of
spice in the homemade satay sauce made it to die for. It was one of the most delicate meals
I ever had that just melted in your mouth! After we had finished our meal we all walked
back to our hotel, as we were walking across the road yet again I felt the ground shake, but
this time I saw a crack form in the road.
It couldnt be an earthquake, could it? I thought to myself
We all jumped on to our beds and planned what we were going to do tomorrow.
Guys what the plan for tomorrow I asked
But there was no reply, I laughed, they must be tired.

Chapter 2:
Tom and I woke up to the sound of Mitch snoring heavily. Daniel and I decided to leave
Mitch and just take a relaxing walk along the beach. We saw a lot of people up early in the
morning at 6:00am just doing the same thing we were. We just sat on the beach watching
the waves wash our feet, it felt so good! After about an hour at the beach we went back to
the room to go and wake Mitch up. We both went in there and Daniel jumped on top of
Mitch. Mitch woke up almost immediately and we all went straight to the pool without even
having breakfast. We all leaned on our lounge chair as I continued reading my Hunger
games book. But suddenly I heard the ground shake, even louder and felt big gusts of wind.
Then suddenly..
A huge wave swept the whole resort away. I gasped for breath as I couldnt see Daniel or
Mitch. I was just floating above the surface when I suddenly saw Daniel clinging on to the
DANIEL I shouted.
I swam right over to him but failed to hang on to the tree. I went straight past him where I
found a big tree that was very stable. I climbed right up and shouted to Daniel;
Daniel swam over to me and climbed the tree. I glanced behind to see Mitch in trouble but
before I could go and save him another wave washed through which made him lose his grip
on the tree he was hanging on to and go somewhere down the powerful stream of water.

The water was still flowing everywhere and didnt look like it was going to stop! And then
another big wave hit, Oh no, Theres another wave coming but luckily we were still in the
tree so we held on to the wood trunk of the tree extremely tight but the powerful wave
snapped the tree directly in half. We fell down heavily yet again gasping for breath. I had
lost sight of Daniel until I heard him scream for help. I quickly helped him get out of the
bushes and we climbed a tree in extreme pain. It had felt like the tsunami lasted for days
and I had been here forever. I was stuck up here crying out for help as we were extremely
hungry. In all the pain I reached in my pocket to grab my iPhone only hoping that it worked,
I picked it up and miraculously it was working but it was only on 4% I needed to call
someone letting them know that we were affected by the enormous tsunami. I quickly
dialled my home number..
Hello? My mum asked
Mum weve been affected by the enormous tsunami I bawled out. I lost Mitch and at this
moment Daniel and I are hanging on to a tree. I cried
Its okay but.. Mum said shocked.
Suddenly the phone died with no battery left. In extreme frustration I threw my phone in
the water. I couldnt believe we were hit by a tsunami, It was meant to be a holiday with
some friends to Thailand but instead we get hit by one of the most monstrous tsunami I had
ever seen. I had never been so scared in my life! There were
So many dead bodies swept away lying waiting to be retrieved, it was so depressing just

Chapter 3:
Soon after we figured that the huge tsunami had ended and we started searching for Mitch.
We looked everywhere but we could only see disgusting dead bodies and lots of debris.
Everywhere I looked there was rubbish and dead bodies, we were so lucky to survive this
horrendous event. Pretty much this whole area of Thailand was destroyed and many people
had died. I think we were the only survivors we walked through the mud and debris in
search for Mitch but there was no sign of him.
no response.
We walked through several bushes now when we found a little boy all on his own screaming
out for help. We went over to him and untangled him out of the bushes.

Whats your name? we asked.
Lucas he replied.
Daniel gave him a piggy back where ever we walked. We walked all over cars, food and
heaps of dead bodies which was disgusting. I couldnt believe what destruction this tsunami
had caused. It seemed that we had walked for hours looking but we couldnt see him at all.
Suddenly we hear a loud scream AHHHHHHH Someone yelled then straight after we heard
a car drive of with the person that had screamed.
Was that Mitch?, Daniel asked.
I think it was, I replied.
After a while we kind of figured that the car was taking the person that sounded like Mitch
to the hospital. Daniel and I found our way to a road where we could see Utes driving past.
At last we finally got one to stop and take us to a hospital, so we hopped on at the back of
the ute with a heavily wounded man, he was covered with blood everywhere on his body
and was screaming in pain.
Dad? Lucas said.
Lucas the wounded man cried out.
I couldnt believe it the vehicle we had jumped into was the one with Lucass dad. He was so
happy, and thanked us for looking after his child. He was so grateful and Id never seen a
man so happy in my life! Now the Ute had finally pulled up at the hospital, we got out
painfully and entered the hospital hoping to find Mitch; the only problem was that there
were 6 hospitals in the area so he could be in any one of them. As we entered we saw as
many as hundreds of people just left in there hospital beds in the hallway. There were
people everywhere hoping to find their friends that had been lost in this disastrous tsunami.
Something caught my eye when I saw a notice board with patients from all over Thailand
that had been found alive and what hospital they were kept in!
Daniel, look over here I shouted.
He quickly ran over to the list and we searched through the names when suddenly we found
Mitchells name. It said he was kept in the Ravangel hospital. I was so relieved he wasnt
dead along with the rest of the thousands of people. With the help of some nurses Daniel
and I were able to get on the back of the ute to the Ravangel hospital. As we were driving
you could see hundreds of people on the side of the road getting driven to hospitals, People
were covered in blood crying in agony, I felt so sorry for them. At last we had arrived at the
Ravangel hospital where we were greeted by hundreds of people swarming at the front of
the entrance waiting for help. At this rate we were never going to be able to get in the
hospital! At the back of the hospital you could see dead bodies coming out and being put on

a bus, where they were most likely taking them to somewhere where people where
rounding up dead bodies. Daniel and I barged our way through the crown and finally
entered the hospital. This hospital was huge and it could take hours to find him. There was
no use asking a nurse as they were rushing about with the ever-growing number of patients.
We looked at all the beds with clipboards, when after about an hour we see another notice
board with all the patients at this hospital. I found Mitchs name right at the end, it said that
he was being cared for on floor 3 room 46. I quickly called Daniel and we raced up the stairs
to floor three and looked at every single bed when we saw his room. We walked in the
room to see his clipboard but another man was being put on his bed! I frantically asked the
He going down stairs The nurse replied.
From a view from the room you could see a man limping down stairs, but from my view you
couldnt tell who it was. It kind of looked like Mitch so we both called out;
MITCH We both yelled.
To our surprise he turned around and stared at us for 10 seconds, and then he started
running with all his power towards us. We sprinted like never before until we had reached
him. I was overpowered with joy when I had saw him, I had never been so happy in my life.
Daniel and I hugged him so hard, we were so relieved that we had all survived this
disastrous event!
Next we all got a trip to the local airport and soon we boarded a plane back to Australia,
extremely relieved that we survived.

Chapter 4:
A year later I am still thinking about this extraordinary event. I have extreme battle scars all
over my body and when I sleep I replay the whole event back and forth, I picture the
scattered dead bodies everywhere as well as the patients in the hospital hallways. I have
read so many newspaper articles and have found that over 40,000 people had died and
60,000 were injured including us. I was just so relieved that Daniel, Mitch and I survived and
we were able to meet our families again.

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