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Deadbeat summer, it's just a deadbeat summer.

Deadbeat summer, it's just a deadbeat summer.

Deadbeat summer, it's just a deadbeat summer.
"Edward," I mumbled into my pillow as I hit the sleeping lump of a man behind
me, "pick up the damn phone."
Edward groaned and lifted his arm from around my waist, blindly reaching to the
nightstand behind him for the phone. "Jasper if you're calling me in for work the
answer is n-" he paused and sat up, "For real! "kay, shit, yeah we'll be right
"#hat is it"
"$et up and dressed. %ow." &e instructed, standing up, "'osalie's water broke."
I smiled and hopped up out of bed (uickly, running around it and pushing past
Edward and into the bathroom.
"&ey!" he said, knocking on the door, "I was )ust about to get in there!"
"*ough shit! I'm about to be a $odmother! $o get dressed or something!" I said,
s(uee+ing toothpaste onto my purple toothbrush.
"&ey, I'm about to be a $odfather and an uncle, therefore I'm more important that
you. $et out."
",orry, already brushing my teeth!" I mumbled.
"$ah!" &e groaned and I heard his footsteps pad away. I smiled as I brushed my
teeth, staring down at the honking ring on my finger. It'd been almost fi-e months,
and we were still in the planning process, but I'd promise 'osalie that we'd wait
after the baby was born to ha-e the wedding. "The Maid of Honor can't be a
whale!" she'd said to me countless times.
I spit into the sink and (uickly ran a brush through my hair before Edward
obno.iously burst through the door and grabbed his toothbrush. I looked down at
his outfit. &e was wearing plain skinny )eans and an old /eatles tee shirt. I nodded
in appro-al before looking down at his feet.
I laughed, "0id you turn the lights on when you got dressed"
&e looked down at his outfit as he started to brush his teeth, "#hat's the batta' wi'
it" he asked.
I laughed, "1heck your feet."
&e looked down at his feet to see that he was wearing a white %ike sneaker on his
left foot and a black 1on-erse on the other. &e groaned and rolled his eyes,
running out of the room while I continued to brush my hair. I rolled my eyes and
laughed. If Edward was this bad with his nephew, I could only imagine what we
would go through when it was us.
"#e're here!" I said as I smiled to 'osalie while she lay on her back with Emmet at
her side. Jasper and 3lice were out in the waiting room waiting for Esme and
1arlisle to show up with Jasper was busy talking to 'osalie's parents who were
desperately racing to the airport back home in ,eattle.
'osalie sighed, "*hank $od! I thought you weren't going to make it!" she said as
she held her arms out to me. I s(uealed and hugged her.
"3re you kidding #hat kind of $odparents would we be if we missed this!" I
laughed and let go, looking up at Emmet, "&ow you feeling, 0addy" I laughed.
"4ike I'm about to throw up. I mean like, in a good way. /ut oh, my $od, /ella I'm
gonna be a dad! *his is cra+y!"
I laughed and went hugged him tightly, "I'm so happy for you! 5ou guys are gonna
be ama+ing parents."
"4et's focus on getting this kid out of me first, huh" 'osalie laughed. "5ou think
if I did )umping )acks /aby J would take the hint" 'osalie asked, trying to a-oid
all male-pronouns. I was still the only one who knew the baby was a boy. I had to
stop myself on many, many occasions from calling the baby 6him' in front of
Edward. /ecause e-en though Edward can keep a secret from me 7i.e. him being in
lo-e with me and his proposal plan8, he has never been able to keep a secret from
his brothers.
"%o!" Emmet said, "5ou are not doing )umping )acks! 3re you cra+y!"
"'ela., Em."Edward said from his place beside me, "I'm pretty sure she was
Emmet was freaking out. &is usual hyper attitude was turned up about ten notches.
Edward smiled down at 'osalie and kissed her cheek, "&ow you feeling"
,he sighed, "#ell, like I'm about to push a watermelon through a straw."
Edward winced, "Ew."
I laughed and leaned into him as he threw his arm around my shoulder. "#hen do
they think you'll be ready to deli-er"
"*hey ha-e no clue. I'm only two centimeters dilated now." 'osalie answered as
Emmet began pacing around the room.
"*his is weird." Edward stated.
"#hat is" I asked.
&e shrugged, "I don't know, I guess I )ust became so accustomed to you being
pregnant that its weird that in a matter of hours there's gonna be a little baby like...
out here in the world. It's weird. 4ike, I mean in a good way."
3nd as I thought about it, Edward was right. *his was weird. In only a matter of
hours, there would be a new addition to our family, and e-eryone's li-es would
change fore-er. I would be a $odmother, and the baby's aunt in a matter of
months. Edward and Jasper would be uncles, Edward a $odfather 7yes, he had
referenced the mo-ie e-ery time he said it8. 3nd Emmet and 'osalie would be
parents. I knew they would be incredible parents. *hey were the epitome of the
mom-and-dad couple. *here was going to be a little bouncing baby boy brought
into the world, and it was going to be ama+ing.
3bout an hour or so later, I was sitting in the waiting room with 4iam, who was
asleep on my lap. Esme and 1arlisle were in the room with Emmet and 'osalie.
Emmet's ner-es were starting to get the best of him. &e was pacing so much I think
he was putting a whole in the floor.
Edward had gone with Jasper and 3lice down to the cafeteria to get us all some
coffee and other sustenance. I -olunteered to stay back with 4iam, who had fallen
asleep about fi-e minutes after he sat down in the waiting room. I ran my fingers
through his curls as I heard Edward's laugh boom from down the hall.
&olding a finger up to my lips, I shushed Edward as he came into my sight. &e
smiled apologetically and, shrugged off his )acket, laying it o-er his sleeping
brother before handing me my coffee and one of those giant chocolate chip
cookies. I smiled in thanks as he sat beside me, stealing my coffee for a sip.
I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder, "1an you belie-e Emmet's gonna be a
dad" I asked, la+ily running my fingers through 4iam's hair.
"%ot really, no." he laughed a bit, "I still think of him as my dorky future-used-car-
salesman older brother."
I laughed, ",top it," I looked up at him, "&e'll be a great dad."
""h, I know, it's )ust... really weird. E-erything's changing, you know I mean, in a
good way, but still. Emmet's a dad, I'm getting married, Jasper and 3lice are
happily with 4iam. #e'-e all )ust grown up a lot o-er the past three years, you
I sighed and leaned my head against his shoulder, ",eems like )ust yesterday we
were all running around in your backyard and rolling around in the dirt."
&e nodded and kissed my head, "1amping out and catching fireflies. #e ha-en't
done that in so long."
"*hat's because there's no fireflies in 1alifornia."
"9gh, I know! It totally sucks. #hen we ha-e kids we ha-e to take them to Forks
like all the time so they can spend time with their grandparents and 9ncle ,eth and
we can teach them how to catch lightning bugs. #e'll take 6em e-ery summer. :lus
the Forks beaches are like ten times better than 43 beaches. 3nd I don't want my
daughter around these 1alifornia. o not happening."
I laughed, "5eah, 6cause Forks guys are so much better." I teased him with a nudge
to the shoulder.
&e shrugged, "&ey, I'-e said it before and I'll say it again. ;y daughter won't be
dating until she's married. I'll be picking her husband for her. 5ou nor her will
ha-e any say in the matter."
"Edward, we're not e-en married yet. 5ou can stop arraigning our daughter's
marriage for now." I laughed.
",oon, though." Edward said, "Four months." &e smiled.
I looked up and kissed his nose, "3ugust <th =>?@." &e smiled. "A-<-?@. ,ounds
",ounds perfect." I smiled. "I )ust hope it won't be too hot in the church. *here's no
air conditioning in there."
"#ell yeah, but the reception hall has air, and we'll be on the roof for fireworks
towards the end, anyway. I mean, how long will we really be in the church,
I shrugged, "I don't know. 4ike a little less than an hour tops. "h, that reminds me,
for the colors, I was thinking like a light purple-ish gray. I ha-e swatches at home.
It's really pretty. I think you'll like it."
"I don't care what color e-erything is. 3s long as we're getting married, that's what
I smiled, "5ou're too cute."
"#ell, you know." &e smiled.
I rolled my eyes, "&ey, where'd Jasper and 3lice head off to"
"*hey're still down in the cafeteria eating." &e sighed, ";an I wish this baby
would get here already."
"I know. :oor Emmet's freaking out."
"#ell yeah," Edward said, "&is whole life's about to change fore-er. &e's not )ust
looking out for himself anymore, you know &e's got a whole other person to take
care of. &e's gotta protect them, and feed them, and spoil them, and teach them
right from wrong, and... he has another person's life in his hands. It's cra+y."
I looked up at him and smiled, I knew how badly he wanted this for himself.
"&ey," I whispered as he looked down at me, "#e'll ha-e that, too."
"3 million times"
"3 billion."
"0on't push it." I laughed and kissed him. "*here's gonna be little Edward's
running around all the time. I promise."
Edward smiled, "4o-e you."
"4o-e you, too." I smiled and kissed him softly.
"&ey, you guys wanna not make out on top of me *hanks." 4iam's -oice suddenly
filled the waiting room as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.
Edward and I (uickly pulled apart and laughed, ",orry, buddy." Edward laughed.
"#ell, you'-e got two more centimeters to go," the doctor said as he ducked his
head out from the sheet that co-ered 'osalie's legs that were up in the air.
"&opefully you'll be ready to push soon."
Edward was -ery uncomfortable sitting in the room while the doctor was in there
and checking up on things. &e was sitting on the couch on the other side of the
room with his head in his hands, staring at his shoes as if they were telling him
secrets. It was rather funny, really.
'osalie was starting to get ner-ous, she looked up at Emmet, "#ill my parent's be
here /abe, I can't do this without my mom here."
Emmet held her hand tightly, "Jasper and 3lice are on their way to the airport to
pick them up right now. It'll be fine."
'osalie let out a sigh of relief, ""kay." ,he looked at the doctor, "0o you know
how long that will be"
"#ell are you feeling any contractions"
"5es but they're not fi-e minutes apart yet. *hey're around B minutes."
"#hen they get to around se-en minutes call me again and we'll check things out."
"*hanks, doctor." Emmet said before the doctor nodded and headed out of the
"Edward," I nudged him from where I sat beside him, "you can stop now."
"3re her legs down" he asked me softly.
I laughed, "5es."
I hit his arm, "Edward, seriously. 5ou think I'd do that to you"
I rolled my eyes and looked to 'osalie, who laughed.
"Edward, you can look now." 'osalie said. Edward lifted his head slowly.
"0on't e-er make me stay in here through that e-er again!"
"I agree that was weird." Emmet said. "%e.t time the doctor checks something
Edward's outta here."
"*hank you." he sighed and shuddered. "9gh."
'osalie and I laughed. "'osalie I gotta ask," I said as I sat back into the couch,
"#hat does a contraction feel like."
,he sighed, "/asically it feels like... like wa-es of insane cramps that takes your
breath away, your toes curl, eyes bulge,"
":ry your husband's fingers off," Emmet interrupted. Edward winced.
"3nd then )ust when you think it's o-er, you get se-en minutes of awkward pains
and then it starts again." she shrugged as if it was nothing. "/ut it's different for
"#hoa..." I held onto my lower stomach, "*hat sounds..." I shook my head, "#ell,
actually it sounds horrible."
"It's not for whimps, that's for sure."
#hat! I can't do that! I'm such a crybaby! I wail after I stub my toe! %ot that e-er
thought childbirth would be easy, but holy shit that sounds like it would kill me!
"*here is no wa! I'm doing that!" I said, my eyes wide as the sheer thought of the
pain made me feel faint. "I cry after a paper cut!" there is no way I would be able
to sit through those pains for hours on end. ;aybe childbirth is o-errated "5eah...
maybe kids won't be my thing..."
"9m, /ellato-" 'osalie started.
"3s much as I lo-e kids," I ignored her "#hew. *here is no way."
"/ella!" Emmet inter)ected.
Emmet simply pointed a finger at the couch cushion to my left. I looked to see my
fiancCe staring at me with hurt confusion and anger written across his features. &e
shook his head and stormed out of the room.
9h-oh... what did I )ust do
"&a-e you seen Edward" I frantically asked 0enise as I ran after him.
"5eah, sweetie he went that way )ust a minute ago." ,he said, motioning to the left
"Is something wrong &ow's 'osalie"
",he's fine. ,he's got two more centimeters to go. E-erything's fine. I )ust ha-e to
go find Edward." I forced a smile and headed to the left. I hated lying to 0enise,
but she's ob-iously got enough on her plate right now. *he last thing she needs is
to worry about my relationship with Edward on top of awaiting the birth of her first
grandchild. 3s I walked (uickly through the halls, searching for Edward, I thought
more and more about ha-ing kids, and maybe it really wasn't for me. *he actual
childbirth, I mean. *here's always adoption. ;illions of babies are born to unfit
parents, and Edward and I could ha-e as many kids as we could get our hands on
with no pain endured. *hat's compromise. *hat's what marriage is.
I found a door leading out to a courtyard and figured Edward was out there. &e
liked to think things o-er in fresh air. I pushed through the door and walked down
a little path that turned a corner when I saw Edward pacing back and forth (uickly.
,omething he always did when he was upset or pissed off. I walked up to him and
took his wrist in my hand.
"1an we talk"
&e scoffed in my face, "#hy ,o you can lie to my face again I thought we
promised no more secrets."
"It wasn't a secret and I wasn't lying, Edward. I still want kids!"
"5ou )ust don't want to gi-e birth to them. #ell, news flash, /ella. It doesn't word
like that!"
"%ews flash, Edward," I said in the same condescending tone he used, "it's called
"I don't want to adopt!" he stressed, "I want a baby of my own! "ur own! 3 little
piece of both of us formed together to make the perfect person! I don't want
someone else's kid!"
";arriage is one giant compromise, Edward. #e're not e-en married yet and we're
already not compromising. 3doption is... it's the perfect compromise. 5ou get the
family you always wanted and I don't ha-e to ha-e a baby slide through my body."
"It might be the perfect compromise but it's not what I want! I want to be able to
say 6oh, she has her mom's eyes and her dad's hair' and I want her to look like you
and ha-e your smile and I want... I want to ha-e babies with you, /ella. I want a
lot of babies with you! I don't want kids that don't look like us, or ha-e someone
else's laugh and like, blonde hair. I want your kids, /ella. 3nd if you can't do that
"%o," I whispered, tears streaming down my face, "Edward, please."
"If you can't... I don't know what's going to happen to us."
"5ou guys!" I heard Emmet's -oice. #e both turned to look at him. &e was
running towards us, smiling and crying. "It's a boy!" he shouted as he reached us,
"It's a boy and he's got ten fingers and ten toes and brown eyes and he's perfect!"
he hugged me tightly, "1ome meet your nephew!" he said after hugging Edward.
I walked into the deli-ery room, Edward trailing three steps behind me. I smiled as
I saw 'osalie holding a little blue bundle in her arms, smiling down at it like it was
the grandest thing in the whole world.
"&i, ;ommy!" I said (uietly.
'osalie looked up at me and smiled, "#anna meet your $odson"
I nodded, ""f course."
"/ella, meet :aul Emmet Jonas III."
I smiled and stepped closer taking the blue bundle in my arms, ""h, my $od," I
gasped as I looked down at his face, "&e looks )ust like Emmet!" I turned and
smiled at Emmet who was watching his son from o-er my shoulder. "&i, buddy!" I
whispered down at him, "I'm your 3unt /ella, and you are gonna be best friends!
5ou're so beautiful," I smiled as I touched his face gently "5ou're daddy's right,
you are perfect."
4ooking down at the little bundle of )oy in my arms, I knew I definitely wanted
kids. *hat was a no brainer. "#anna meet your 9ncle Edward" I asked the baby
as I smiled. I kissed his forehead softly and handed the baby carefully to Edward.
"#ow," Edward whispered as he held the baby. "&e does look like Emmet." &e
laughed a bit. "&ey, kiddo." I smiled as Edward interacted with his nephew. "I'm
your uncle Edward. 3nd I'm the cool uncle. 9ncle Jasper's for nothing on me.
0on't let him tell you otherwise, either." #e all laughed. "3nd don't worry, )ust
6cause you look like your dad and ha-e his name doesn't mean you'll get his hair.
;aybe you'll get lucky and get hair like your uncle Edward."
"&ey," Emmet said, his hair. "%ot cool, man."
E-eryone laughed as baby Emmet started to get fussy. Just handed him back to his
mother and she rocked him gently, humming softly as he calmed down almost
instantly. Emmet sat on the bed beside his wife and together they fawned o-er their
little bundle of )oy. I sat back down on the couch while Edward went to get Frankie
and his parents from the cafeteria.
3s I sat in silence, I watched Emmet and 'osalie count their son's fingers and toes
o-er again, )ust to be sureD they )ust sat there, staring at their sleeping angel,
admiring his features and deciding which family member they came from. *hey
were whispering to each other and stealing kisses, completely forgetting I was in
the room. I smiled and pulled my feet up under my body and watched as they
fawned all o-er each other and the baby. I felt a weird feeling slowly take o-er my
whole gut before I finally reali+ed what it wasE en-y.
I was )ealous of Emmet and 'osalie. *hey had e-erything they e-er wanted and the
whole world was )ust born o-er again to them. Edward was right.
3 few minutes later, Edward, 0enise, Emmet ,r., Frankie, Jasper, 3lice, and
'osalie's parents all filed in the room and interrupted the pri-ate moment 'osalie
and Emmet 7and me, technically8 were sharing with their child. I was trying to
catch Edward's attention through the crowded room, but he wouldn't look at me.
I stood up and tried to make my way through the giant group to my fiancCe, gently
mo-ing past Jasper, who was holding his nephew, and finally landing my eyes on
Edward. &e looked at me and looked away (uickly. I sighed and he slowly looked
back at me.
I bit my lip, smiling as I nodded. &e raised an eyebrow as if to ask 6for real' I
nodded and laughed as he darted towards me, kissing me hard on the lips as he
smiled. #e pulled away and Edward looked at me, "5ou're sure"
I nodded as we stepped back from the crowd and watched e-eryone fawn o-er the
baby and pass him around. I leaned into Edward. ",ee that look" I motioned to
Emmet and 'osalie, "*hat look like no matter what happens in life, they ha-e to
whole world in the palm of their hands. *hey get to disco-er the world again and
see e-erything for the first time through his eyes." I looked up at him, "I want that,
Edward." I said, "*he feeling when you're holding something you created in your
arms," I smiled, "I don't know what it feels like," I said, "but I want to find out.
3nd I want it all with you."
Edward smiled and turned me around to face him, "I lo-e you." he smiled and
kissed me.
I smiled, "I can't wait to start my fore-er with you."
Edward smiled and kissed me before we )oined the rest of the group in the )oy of
welcoming our new nephew into the world.
I didn't know when we were going to ha-e kids, but I knew that I couldn't wait.

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