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Catcher in The Rye Final Exam Essay

Felipe Alarcon
English 11
June 19, 2013

Catcher in the Rye - The Background
of Lennons Assassination

The Catcher in the Rye can be strongly considered as one of the greatest novels
of all time and Holden Caufield distinguishes himself as one of the greatest and most
diverse characters, because for him phonies stand for everything that is wrong in life.
One of the most controversial questions asked about Lennon's assassination is that if
Mark Chapman is at all related to the main character of the novel. The Catcher in the
Rye written by S.D Salinger is a book that had a great impact on the world since it may
be the explanation of John Lennons assassination and the story behind the madness of
the case. This book talks about different themes that might have lead Mark Chapman to
do what he did. Mark Chapman was not only a fan of John Lennon and his music
revolution, but instead, he had become obsessed with him and in an attempt to
protecting him, he killed him. Holden lives in a world full of phoniness, which he hates
and criticizes, even though he is becoming one of them. This book, character and belief
had such a great influence on Mark that in order to prevent Lennon of becoming a
phony, he killed him.
One of the main themes in the book is as Holden continues to repeat the
phrase phonies in society. Holden replies that all adults are phonies and that even
they can't see their phoniness in themselves. Even though Holden criticizes people who
are phony over the book he contradicts himself in a way by being a liar and a fake
person, or a phony. One outstanding quote of this novel is Im standing on the edge of
Catcher in The Rye Final Exam Essay
Felipe Alarcon
English 11
June 19, 2013

some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the
cliffI mean if theyre running and they dont look where theyre going I have to come
out from somewhere and catch them. Thats all Id do all day. Id just be the catcher in
the rye and all.(Salinger, 1951), meaning that in a way Holden must be the protector of
those who are destroying themselves; of course by turning into phony and fake people,
the reason why he killed Lennon, "he was protecting him". Mark Chapman said this
same quote when he was on trial. For Mark Chapman John Lennon was more than a
hero, but after an interview in which John Lennon said We're more popular than Jesus
Christ now, Mark Chapman decided that it was enough and his hero has gone too far.
At the same time Chapman decided to go back into his favorite novel and in a way he
felt identified with Holden.
The Catcher in The Rye was the novel that had inspired Chapman to plan his
assassination and Holden Caulfields personality impacted him so much that his
obsession started to become more dangerous. Even considering changing his name to
that of his fictional hero.(History, 2012). Holdens isolation from the world, lets us infer
that it may be one reason for why Mark Chapman identified himself with the main
character. We come to know, by his biography, that Chapman had several mental
problems, for he had lived a very rough childhood and he had always been an isolated
boy bullied at school and forced to live a harsh reality, just as Holden Caufield. It was a
random night of December in 1980, when the murder took place. Chapman was
mentally ill and his hysterical obsession was stronger than himself. He seemed to be
very problematic and just as our main character, he thought differently than everyone
Catcher in The Rye Final Exam Essay
Felipe Alarcon
English 11
June 19, 2013

else and failed to create a strong personality leading him do things randomly. Holden
says things he doesnt really mean and that lets us know how he is an outsider full of
problems. "Life is a game, boy. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules. -
Yes, sir. I know it is. I know it. Game, my ass. Some game. If you get on the side where
all the hot-shots are, then its a game, all rightIll admit that. But if you get on the other
side, where there arent any hot-shots, then whats a game about it? Nothing. No
game. (Salinger, 1951, p.19)
The Catcher in the Rye includes themes that may possibly be an inspiration for
John Lennons assassination by Mark David Chapman. No one will object that
Salingers novel influenced The Man who Assassinate John Lennon, since he erudite
The Catcher in The Rye better than no one. The personality presented by Holden
Caulfield may have been the cause of his ostracize form society leaving his insecurity
vulnerable. Chapmans obsession with the character and his feelings towards
phoniness could be a reason for his propensity into adopting a hate towards the artist.
The Catcher in the Rye had a great impact on society and the way of thinking of many
people. As long as Lennon fans exist there will always be controversy and questions
about his death

Catcher in The Rye Final Exam Essay
Felipe Alarcon
English 11
June 19, 2013

History. (2012). Crime Investigation Network. Retrieved june 16, 2013, from

Salinger, J.D (1951) The Catcher in The Rye. Boston, MA: Little Brown.

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