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Sidney is a black man who worked in an

engineering firm where banter is common.
When he bought a new car, two of his
colleagues made repeated jokes saying that
he must be a drug dealer to be able to afford
such a nice car. Sidney made a complaint to
his employer about his treatment, but was
ignored. One of his colleagues found out
about this and confronted Sidney. A scuffle
broke out and Sidney was dismissed by his
employer for fighting at work.

Joan is an older woman who applied for a
job as a driving instructor. She was
unsuccessful, and was told that the reason
for this was that it was not considered a
suitable job for an older woman. The driving
school advised her that it did not think that
she would have the strength and agility
needed to grab the steering wheel or be able
to brake quickly

Simon, who is gay, works in childcare and
got a job in a nursery. Shortly after starting,
his manager told him that she had received a
complaint from a boy's mother who objected
to her child being taken to the toilet by a gay
man. The nursery manager had told the
mother that Simon was a highly qualified
employee with an impeccable record. After
consulting head office, the manager told
Simon that he could not take children to the
toilet in future. Simon resigned in protest.

Assif was the only Muslim in a team of police
officers. After a terrorist attack in the UK, his
colleagues began to treat him differently.
They stopped talking to him and inviting him
to workplace social events. One of his
colleagues reported him on suspicion that he
was a terrorist and he was suspended.
Although Assif was later reinstated, he felt
that he had become a "pariah" and resigned.

James is a heterosexual man who is HIV
positive. He told his employer when he
joined the company of his HIV-positive
status, but did not want his colleagues to
know. The employer treated this information
in confidence, but a colleague found out and
told other employees. James overheard one
colleague saying that his illness was a
punishment from God for being gay
(although he is, in fact, heterosexual).
Several colleagues went on to express their
fear of being infected and the employer was
eventually persuaded to dismiss him

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