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Today Malaysia is 56 years old.

I feel that our country has progressed in

leaps and bounds becoming this modern and going forward country .Of course a
lot more could have been done like enforcing the laws against the collection of
leather back turtle eggs which are now almost extinct, we could have prevented
the cutting of large areas of our forest reserves, we could have educated the
people about saving the environment. Many of these laws are already in place
but we do not know really take them seriously. But do not forget our country is
free from war, which is why there is this Independence Day. We are also free
from natural disaster like tsunami, tornado, earthquake and many more.
56 years of sacrifice, tears, tempers and triumphs have preserved the
dignity, sovereignty and unity of this unique land that I call my native land.
Today, on Malaysias 56
birthday I wish her peace and harmony for the next
fifty years, I wish that our people would realize that we are indeed a great nation,
that our various prime ministers have done their best to make this country a
prosperous one. i wish you a very happy birthday, Malaysia.

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