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Francisco Jarrin

Block 7
Senior Speech
Is the end of the year, and we are all tiered. We are all speechless and we just want to get out
and graduate. There are no words that can describe this feeling. We are engaged for the
discovery of a new road. We are all exited to leave the school, and I could care less what would
happen to me, or what would happen to others. But I would always miss the warm feeling of
being around friends I care so much, I will miss some of the teachers that had teach me a lot in
my time at school, and I will miss most of the freshness that I can sense around classrooms.
I met wonderful people in this school. People that now I can call a friend. They gave me so
much. Thanks to them my experience at Colegio Menor was the most amazing thing can ever
happen to me. Im not sad about graduating, because I know that I would never lose those
bonds. I can continue saying many things about what I miss, but in the end, is not about what I
can say, is about what I remember from it, and words are meaningless compared to those
memories that I enjoyed around the people I care.

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