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Hannah Loiselle

Mr. Schumacher
Online Walking and Jogging

VO2 Max
VO2 max is defined as the amount of maximum oxygen intake allowed in a certain
amount of an interval of activity. It is used as a means of measuring the aerobic physical fitness
of a person, and can also measure their endurance. VO2 max can be expressed as a rate, such as
Liters of Oxygen per Minute of exercise. It is designed to measure the maximum amount of
oxygen intake during a period of high intensity.
To measure VO2 max in a lab, the subject of the test runs on a treadmill while breathing
into a mask. By collecting the air that is breathed out, the amount of oxygen usage can be
accounted for based on the fact that we know we breathe in about 21% oxygen, and however
much the subject breathes out correlates to how much was used, which directly correlates to how
much oxygen was used by the athlete and taken into their body. Through this, we can calculate
the VO2 max. This type of testing is the most accurate way to test for VO2 max. With this test,
we can see how much of our oxygen is consumed for use in energy.
There are many varieties of field tests that can be performed to find the VO2 max. One
example of a field test is the Balke VO2 Max field test, where an athlete will run as far as he can
in 15 minutes, measure the distance covered, and put it into the formula: (((Total distance
covered 15) - 133) 0.172) + 33.3. This will give you your VO2 max value, which you can
compare on the VO2 max table chart to calculate your fitness. Another field test that you can do
to measure VO2 max is the 1 mile test. For this test, you measure out a mile and record how long
it takes you to walk that mile. Then you take your heart rate for 10 second after youve walked
and plug in your results to a VO2 max calculator, and the results of your VO2 level will be given
to you. The third way to field test your VO2 max level is the 3 minute step test. For this, you will
step up a standard stair (left up, right up, left down, right down) for 3 minutes. Set a metronome
to the correct beat (96bpm for a man, 88bpm for a woman) after you have finished, wait five
seconds and measure your pulse for 15 seconds. You can use a VO2 max calculator with this
information and get your results of your personal VO2 max.
VO2 max is important to know and will make you better while training and a better
athlete. Studies have shown that many differences in running performance and placements in
races have directly correlated to the level of VO2 max the runner is capable of. A higher VO2
max correlates to better results, so, by knowing your VO2 max, you can shape your training
around improving it and this in turn will positively impact your results. When you train at a level
that has you breathing as hard as you can (VO2 max) you will be able to most benefit yourself
because this is the way that your VO2 max limit will be pushed to the limit, and will improve.
By being aware of your VO2 max, and being consciously willing to improve based upon that,
your training and performance will benefit more greatly by this.

My VDOT number based on my mile time trial was 14.36
VDOT Calculation: 14.36

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