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Name: _______________________

Mr. Krahel
English II
The Bell Jar - Test
PART I. ESSAY. (40 points)
Respond to the following question, which is a real SAT prompt from December 20!"
Despite what the prompt sa#s, $S% &'() %*A+,(%S -R&+ T.% B%(( JAR"
Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the
assignment below.
Being unwilling to change is often seen as a limitation. For example, a
common accusation people often make in arguments is that the other person
refuses to even consider taking new positions on issues. But being consistent
is not always a bad thing. In fact, firmly supporting a position or point of
view shows that one is stable and constant and does not change one's
position whenever circumstances change. This consistency is far more
important than a willingness to adjust one's thinking.
Is it more important to remain consistent than to change one's mind when
circumstances change? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your
point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and
examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.
Name: ______________________
Mr. Krahel & Ms. Damron
English II
The Bell Jar Quiz
PART II: Matching. (20 points.) +atch the items on the left with their correct
description on the right"
1. ____ Ja !ee
". ____ !onstantin
#. ____$hilomena %uinea
&. ____ 'osen(ergs
). ____ Mar*o
+. ____ Ell ,iggin(otham
-. ____ Joan
.. ____ Doreen
/. ____ 0ets
11. ____ Ir2in
a. Esther3s 4a5e name in N6!
(. ,us(an7 an7 2i4e8 e9e*ute7 in 1/)#
4or s:ing 4or the ;o<iet =nion
*. ;imultaneous inter:reter at the =N>
Esther 7e*i7es to ?let@ him se7u*e her
7. Esther3s 4rien7 at the aslum 2ho
*ommits sui*i7e
e. Esther 2or5s 2ith her at the
magazine> re:resents the ?(a7 girl@
4. Esther3s e7itor at the magazine8 tells
Esther to learn more languages
g. Author res:onsi(le 4or Esther3s
s*holarshi: to *ollege8 7ri<es Esther to
an7 4rom the hos:ital
h. Esther 2or5s 2ith her at the
magazine> re:resents the ?goo7 girl@
i. Birst man 2ith 2hom Esther has se9
C. Man at a :art 2ho *alls Esther a
?slut@ an7 tries to ra:e her
PART III. Short Answer. Unless otherwise specified, WRITE IN !"P#ETE
$ENTENE$. (40 points)
1. Dhat is one :ossi(le reason 2h ;l<ia $lath originall :u(lishe7 The Bell Jar
un7er a :seu7onmE
". In *lass8 2e 7is*usse7 t2o maCor reasons 2h the name Esther is signi4i*ant.
Dhat 2ere those reasonsE
#. Is The Bell Jar a (il7ungsromanE DhF2h notE GDriting the 7e4inition o4 a
?(il7ungsroman@ 2ill (e hel:4ul here.H
&. Drite three a7Ce*ti<es that 7es*ri(e 2hat 2omen 2ere ?su::ose7@ to (e in the
). Dhat 7o Esther an7 the other girls eat that ma5es them <iolentl illE
+. Dhat 7oes 0u77 7o to ma5e Esther thin5 he is a h:o*riteE
-. Drite three metho7s Esther uses Gor thin5s a(out usingH to tr to 5ill hersel4.
.. Dhat 7oes the (ell Car sm(olizeE
/. Des*ri(e the e44e*t o4 Do*tor %or7on3s a7ministration o4 ele*trosho*5 thera:8
an7 *ontrast it 2ith the e44e*t o4 Do*tor Nolan3s a7ministration.
11. The last time 2e see him8 0u77 is *on*erne7 a(out something. Dhat 2orries
him8 an7 2hat :rom:te7 him to tal5 a(out it no2E

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