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Hannah Loiselle

Mr. Schumacher
Online Walking and Jogging

Types of Training

Interval Training: training that incorporates both low and high intensity periods of workout as well as
incorporates rest periods, designed to improve speed and cardiovascular fitness
Example: 3x800m at 7:50/800m, with 400m slow jog between each interval
Repeat Training: you can break up a long distance workout into repeats, in which you do the same
action/distance in the same time or intensity level, with short rests in between
Example: 12x200m at 2:00/200m, 1 minute rest in between each repeat
Threshold Training: is designed for you to work at a rate in which your lactic acid will build of faster in
the body than it can be cleared away. You train at this point so that you can slowly push this point to a
higher level of training intensity in which this occurs. By working gradually overtime, you will morph
your lactate threshold to the point where you can be at about 80-90% of your VO2 max level and still be
able to remove lactate from your body.
Example: 3200m at 33:18 to be at your lactate threshold, increase distance about 20% per week

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