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Mara Guadalupe Garca Gutirrez

Dulce Izel Martnez Guillermo
Hugo Alberto Rosas Domnguez
Erick Omar Sandoval Prado

Words Key: to recycle, environment, project educational intervention, community.
The present investigation is classified inside an intervention project, at the same time that it is
achieved the instruction, education and the organizers' training. Such a project goes to the
inhabitants of the community of Good View specifically. The main purpose of this work is to
instruct to the community about the great importance that has the one recycled of the garbage,
since it is one of the primordial means for the preservation of the planet and of the ecological
balance, of which we cannot do without; and that with the appropriate practice of this,
considerable benefits can be obtained. When investing in an intelligent way, (the funds received by
the gathering of the recyclable materials). it is developed under the modality of the Learning in
Service. To obtain this information you use a survey with questions of multiple answers, what
allowed settling down that the control of the garbage is carried out in an inadequate way.

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