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Unit 16 LO1

List of images and clips from the internet for Video Essay

Title for How To and Magic Lantern
Magic Lantern
Thoumotrope title
Thoumotrope picture
Example title
My video of a thoumotrope
Thoumotrope picture
Title got Praxinoscope
Picture of a Praxinoscope
Picture of a Praxinoscope
Video of Praxinoscope
Title for first photograph
Picture of first photograph
Eadweard Muybridge title
Video of the horse experiment
Picture of the the horse experiment
Title for My Eadweard Muybridge
My Eadweard Muybridge
The Lumiere Brothers
Picture of the Lumiere Brothers
Picture of cinomotrograph
Picture of the Lumiere Brothers film
Picture from the film
Clip from the Lumiere Brothers film
Title for Gorge Milies
One clip for A trip to the moon
Another clip from A trip to the moon
Title for D.W Griffith
Clip from Birth of a Nation
Title for Lev Kuleshov
Picture of Lev Kuleshov
Clip of his montage
Picture of his montage
Title for My Lev Kuleshov experiment
My Lev Kuleshov Experiment
Title for Sergei Eisenstein
Picture of Sergei Eisentstein
Picture of Hollywood sign
Clip from his film
Title for shot types
Close up
Extreme close up
Mid shot
Worm shot
Birds eye shot
Extreme long shot
Long shot
Rule of thirds
Jump Cuts and Breathless
Jump cuts
Match cut
Timing and pacing
Clips from James Bond
Timing and pacing
Lost in translation clip
Timing and pacing and screen shot
My timing and pacing
Chris hood example
Continuity editing, shot reverse shot
180 degree rule
The social network clip
Seamless editing
Parallel editing
Multiple perspectives and 500 days of summer
The Thomas affaire crown

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