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Karen Perez

Maria Silva
End of Course Reflections
When taking health, I put forward a lot of effort. Whether it was class participation or the
small project we were assigned, I put in most effort. Before entering this class I did not know all
the consequences of domestic violence, or dating violence. I also didnt know the laws and
charges that came with that. Now that a couple of our classes were designed to learn these
different topics, I have gained a better understanding. A myth I commonly heard was that the
pull-out method could prevent pregnancy. When discussing this topic I learned that this wa
incorrect because there is still a chance a male might pull out too late and still get the female
After taking health class I feel I have a way better understanding on the topics we went
over and now feel that I can comfortably take what I learned and use it to be careful in my own
life. One of my favorite topics that we discussed as a class was stereotyping. I enjoyed this topic
because it was cool to see how the guys in the room viewed the females and see the reactions of
the guys reacted when they saw how we viewed them. I discovered ways women and men were
used for advertising. When learning this we were shown moving videos about women and men
that showed the truth behind stereotyping men and women. By the end of this course I realized
that I can take the awkward topics we learned and be comfortable enough to discuss it with the
class and not be looked at in a weird way.

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