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Fertility is the final sum of uncountable resulted right

variables. This has been our working model. Classical homeopathy
(Pulsatila 200 CH) has helped us in the beginning of our
practice when we have made fertile an otherwise wasted valuable
bull (Homeopathy (2007) 96,49-51). Lately, however, homeopathy
has become only a minor tool among others pro-life procedures
available. Furthermore, in the last twelve years, Schuesslers
tissue salts homeopathic solutions (Ferr. Phos. 11 DH; Calc.
Phos. 10 DH; Natr. Phos. 5 DH; Kali Mur. 5 DH; Kali Phos. 6 DH;
Natr. Mur. 5 DH; Calc. Fluor. 11 DH; Calc. Sulph. 10 DH; Natr.
Sulph. 5 DH; Kali Sulph. 5 DH; Mag. Phos. 10 DH and Silicea 7
DH) have being used as the unique treatment that animals have
being receiving from birth to slaughter. Meanwhile, in 2013, out
coming all official data (EMBRAPA Brazilian Beef Cattle
Research Center), our fertility rate has reached an amazing 96%
(377 weaned calves/393 suckling cows/90 days breeding season).
To promote all life forms within the agricultural soil, in all
over ground green and in all breathable atmospheres is to be the
final goal of any in depth, irreversible and long lasting
therapeutic approach. Adapting our life promoting model to treat
human infertility may drastically play a significant role to
assure future generations lives on earth, which, in turn, may
radically change todays diseases goaled treatments almost
always seen through lenses of innocence, insufficiency and

Pulsatila; Schuesslers tissue salts; improving fertility.

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