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English language/ secondry2/ first midterm exam

lecture: Khawla Juma Hnebr. Subject: pronunciation.
Name: . Total marks: 30
Q1_complete these rhymes with words from the box

_There was a young lady called kate, Who always got out of bed , the first thing she said
.., when she lifted her .Was I thought it was better to.
_There was a young waiter called Dwight, who didn't like being .., if you asked him for ,
he was terribly.., and invited you out for a.. . (8 marks)
Q 2_ Circle the word which doesn't have the sound /t/:
1. Asked, castle, letter, first. 2. eight , Thames, whistle, walked. 3. ended , wished, left, hoped.
4. Thomas, needed, time, liked. 5. Listen, winter, eaten, after. 6. Whiter, greater, soften, writer.
/ ,circle them: / which are not vowels o w phrase there are t Q3_In each sentence or apple and a banana. 2. The parrot was asleep. 3. from Canada to china.
4. the cinema was open. 5. The photographer's assistant. 6. A question and an answer.
7.a pasta salad. (8marks).
Q4_ write the words in the correct part of table:

Vowel in weak syllable =/I/
/ Vowel in weak syllable =/


Good luck
Rude said late head fight polite food wait
Orange_ woman_ teaches_ return_ collect_ marking_ begin _visit_
asleep_ women_ needed_ salad_ letter_ sofa_ peaches_ quarter

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