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2014 arade App||cat|on

Mlracles ChrlsLmas arade welcomes your lnLeresL ln becomlng a floaL parLlclpanL.
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1o presenL Lhe besL ChrlsLmas parade clLlzens of Lhe SouLh lalns of 1exas have ever experlenced.

1he Mlracles ChrlsLmas arade exlsLs Lo brlng cheer Lo every specLaLor, parLlclpanL and organlzer and Lo provlde famllles and
lndlvlduals an evenL LhaL wlll bulld lasLlng hollday memorles.

2014 M|rac|es arade Informat|on
What: 10
Annual Mlracles ChrlsLmas arade
When: uecember 13, 2014
Where: Avenue C Lo lndlana Avenue
1|me: 6:00 M
1heme: !"#$%&' )$%&'* + ,&#$*'-.* /01$%&'*2
App||cat|on Dead||ne: 1uesday, December 1, 2014
I|oat 8u||d|ng Workshop: 1hursday November 13, 2014
Mandatory arade Meet|ng: 1uesday, December 9, 2014 mlraclesparade[ 806.771.0043 (eoples 8ank) /806.771.0046 lAx

Mlracles ChrlsLmas arade ls an enLerLalnmenL evenL, deslgned Lo appeal Lo famllles and Lo brlng Lhe communlLy and
reglon LogeLher. As a componenL of Lhe parade, some of Lhe parade unlLs may be deslgned Lo honor Lhe rellglous
slgnlflcance of Lhe hollday season and Lhe culLural herlLage and eLhnlc dlverslLy of Lhe reglon. Mlracles ChrlsLmas arade
wlll make declslons aL lLs sole dlscreLlon as Lo Lhe conLenL, deslgn and parLlclpanLs ln Lhe parade. 1he parade wlll noL be
a forum for lnLolerance or pollLlcal messages.
now to App|y:
1. Comp|ete a|| requ|red |nformat|on.
2. kead and s|gn the art|c|pant ku|es and kegu|at|ons
3. kead and s|gn the Indemn|ty Agreement |n front of a Notary ub||c
4. Send, or take your comp|eted app||cat|on and a non-refundab|e app||cat|on fee to:
M|rac|e Chr|stmas arade
3801 34
Lubbock, 1k 79410

Croup or 8uslness name: ________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________ ClLy: ______________________ SLaLe: ____ Zlp: _______
8uslness hone number: (______ )__________________ 8uslness lax: (_______)___________________
ConLacL name: ________________________________________ 1lLle: ____________________________
ConLacL: hone number (day): (_______)___________________ Cell number: (______)______________
ConLacL Lmall Address (prlnL clearly, please): _________________________________________________
AddlLlonal ConLacL: ____________________________________ Cell number: (______)_______________
number of arade arLlclpanLs: __________________ Age 8ange of arLlclpanLs: ____________________
arade Iee: $23.00 non-Commerclal Croups ( non-roflLs, lamlly Croups, Clubs) $30 afLer mandaLory meeLlng.
$30.00 Commerclal (buslness enLrles) $100 afLer mandaLory meeLlng.
CaLegory of ?our LnLry: ____ Commerc|a| I|oat ____ Non-Commerc|a| I|oat
lease uescrlbe LnLry ln ueLall (l.e. decoraLed plck up pulllng llghLed Lraller wlLh manger scene, eLc.):
Are you and your parLlclpanLs prepared ln Lhe evenL of lnclemenL weaLher (raln gear, [ackeLs): ?es ___ no ___

(lease make a copy of Lhese rules & guldellnes for reference and plannlng)
1hese ru|es, regu|at|ons and gu|de||nes ex|st for the safety of the part|c|pants and spectators of the M|rac|es Chr|stmas arade.
Mlracles ChrlsLmas arade Wrang|ers are Lhe offlclal marshals of Lhe parade and conducL Lhe parade. A Wrang|er wlll be asslgned Lo each
secLlon of Lhe parade and wlll compleLe Lhe parade rouLe wlLh Lhelr secLlon. Wrang|ers are clearly ldenLlflable and are Lhe auLhorlLles for
Lhe Mlracles ChrlsLmas arade.
1hls ls a famlly orlenLed evenL. uo noLhlng LhaL would compromlse Lhls evenL.
no acLlons LhaL would endanger specLaLors along Lhe sLreeL or parLlclpanLs ln Lhe parade.
?ou are responslble for Lhe safeLy of Lhe parLlclpanLs ln your vehlcles, floaLs, and walklng groups.
1hls ls a lC8WA8u MC1lCn parade (always movlng forward). All enLrles musL compleLe Lhe parade.
All enLrles musL have Lhelr enLry number (glven aL check-ln) vlslble Lo Lhe [udge's eye for proper [udglng. 1he enLry number musL be
dlsplayed ln Lhe fronL (drlver's slde) of Lhe vehlcle or floaL.
LnLrles are nC1 allowed Lo have or dlsplay a real llfe SanLa Claus on Lhelr floaL, ln Lhelr vehlcle, or ln walklng groups. 1he reason for Lhls
rule ls slmple. 1he 8LAL SanLa Claus ls a parLlclpanL ln Lhe parade and wlll be rldlng on Lhe lasL floaL. We do noL wanL Lo confuse chlldren
by havlng mulLlple real llfe SanLas ln Lhe parade.
All enLrles and groups musL use creaLlve cosLumlng/decoraLlons Lo meeL Lhe parade's crlLerla of enLerLalnmenL value.
Cnly ChrlsLmas muslc ls allowed Lo be played durlng Lhe parade unless approved prlor Lo Lhe parade prlor Lo Lhe parade by Lhe Mlracles
ChrlsLmas arade organlzers.
no adverLlslng of drugs, alcohol or Lobacco producLs. no promoLlon of pollLlcal, soclal, or personal agendas. no pollLlcal adverLlslng or
dlsplay of any elecLloneerlng maLerlal durlng Lhe parade.
All parade parLlclpanLs (lndlvlduals or organlzaLlons) shall be requlred Lo adhere Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhe 1exas SLaLe enal Code parL
46.04, LlLled laces Weapons rohlblLed and any changes LhereLo.
All drlvers of vehlcles musL have currenL personal llablllLy lnsurance and provlde a copy of Lhelr proof of lnsurance wlLh Lhelr appllcaLlon.
urlvers musL have a copy of Lhelr proof of lnsurance Lhe nlghL of Lhe parade.
All vehlcles musL have an accesslble flre exLlngulsher on board. IIkL Lk1INGUISnLkS AkL MANDA1Ck and wlll be parL of check-ln
procedures. MaLerlal used ln consLrucLlon Lhe floaLs musL be flre reLardanL and noL of a dangerous naLure.
1here wlll be nC movemenL from a vehlcle Lo a Lraller. no one ls allowed Lo rlde on a runnlng board, hood, roof, vehlcle fender, or slL on
Lhe sldes of Lrallers wlLh Lhelr legs and feeL handlng over Lhe slde of Lhe Lraller.
A handhold or oLher supporL musL be provlded for all enLry rlders who are requlred Lo rlde ln a sLandlng poslLlon. SafeLy belLs wlLh a qulck
release mechanlsm are recommended for all rlders.
No |tem of any k|nd may be thrown from a un|t |n the parade (|nc|udes candy, toys, brochures, etc.). 1h|s po||cy |s str|ct|y enforced.
|ease adv|se a|| parade part|c|pants of th|s ru|e and enforce th|s |mportant safety restr|ct|on.
arade floaLs and Lhe vehlcles pulllng Lhe floaLs musL be well llL and fully decoraLed for ChrlsLmas. 1h|s |s a n|ght t|me Chr|stmas parade
and your veh|c|e and f|oat w||| not be seen |f not we|| ||t. We recommend aL leasL 300 llghLs per vehlcle and floaL. Any enLry noL fully
decoraLed and llL wlll be removed from Lhe parade.
orLable generaLors or compressors, car baLLerles used on Lhe floaL musL be securely mounLed on a vehlcle or oLher subsLanLlal base. A
mlnlmum of 12' clearance musL separaLe any parL of Lhe generaLor/compressor from combusLlble fabrlcaLlon maLerlal.
CeneraLors/compressors musL be equlpped wlLh flrmly aLLached exhausL sysLems LhaL LermlnaLe elLher lnLo a common exhausL servlng
Lhe vehlcle or ln Lhe same manner as vehlcle exhausL.
lloaLs may noL exceed 13'6" hlgh (from Lhe ground Lo Lop of enLry) or be more Lhan 10' wlde (edge Lo edge).
All wlrlng musL be properly secured Lo prevenL mechanlcal damage and ln[ury Lo rlders. All connecLlons musL be made wlLh uL-approved
elecLrlcal boxes or devlces.
Seml-Lrucks wlLh flaL bed Lrallers are allowed ln Lhe parade CnL? as long as Lhey are decoraLed for Lhe evenL. 1hls can be a large

no hoL-roddlng, hoL shops, horn honklng, or wheelles are allowed ln Lhe parade.
Walklng groups musL be able Lo compleLe Lhe 2.4 mlles parade rouLe ln 2-hours Llme. Chlldren under 10-years of age wlll noL be allowed
Lo walk. LnLrles wlLh parLlclpanLs under 18-years of age musL provlde parenLs, sponsors, or chaperones Lo walk alongslde and supervlse
Lhe wallng group.
Walklng groups musL provlde a sourced of fesLlve llghLlng for each parLlclpanL. 1h|s |s a n|ghtt|me parade and part|c|pants |n wa|k|ng
groups cannot be seen by spectators |f ||ght|ng |s not prov|ded.
LnLranLs LhaL lnclude llve anlmals MUS1 comply wlLh Lhe ClLy of Lubbock's pooper scooper laws. Large anlmals MuS1 be Laken care of or
have someone ln Lhe unlL LhaL wlll clean up afLer Lhe anlmals ln Lhe sLaglng area of Lhe parade, durlng Lhe parade and aL Lhe compleLlon
of Lhe parade. All anlmals musL be leashed or harnessed. Cwners musL provlde lnsurance and proof of llablllLy lnsurance for anlmals Lhe
evenlng of Lhe parade and aLLached Lo Lhls appllcaLlon.
Peld on Lhe 1uesday lmmedlaLely proceedlng Lhe SaLurday of Lhe arade aL SunseL Church of ChrlsL ln 1PL WLLL (34
& Loulsvllle
Avenue aL 6:30 M. An offlclal represenLaLlve form each parade enLry ls requlred Lo aLLend. 1he meeLlng wlll lasL no longer Lhan one

l have read Lhe 8ules, 8egulaLlons & Culdellnes llsLed above and recognlze LhaL our parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe Mlracles
ChrlsLmas arade ls based upon adherence Lo Lhese 8ules, 8egulaLlons & Culdellnes. l agree LhaL lf my group ls
lnvlLed Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe parade, we wlll adhere Lo all 8ules, 8egulaLlons & Culdellnes sLaLed above and LhaL l
have reLalned a copy of Lhese 8ules, 8egulaLlons & Culdellnes for my organlzaLlon.

____________________________________________ _______________________________________________
nAML Cl CCn1AC1/1l1LL C8CAnlZA1lCn/CCMAn?

____________________________________________ __________________
SlCnA1u8L uA1L



Code 8eference: 1994 unlform llre Code (ulC), SecLlon 1104

nC1L: 1hls bulleLln ls a summary of llre ueparLmenL lnLerpreLaLlons of ClLy and SLaLe Codes. lnformaLlon conLalned hereln
applles Lo Lyplcal lnsLances and may noL address all clrcumsLances.

A8AuL lLCA1: arade floaL ls a unlL especlally deslgned or consLrucLed for use ln con[uncLlon wlLh a parade or publlc
uLCC8A1lvL MA1L8lAL: urapes, curLalns, drops, hanglngs, wall coverlng, exLerlor flnlsh, paper, fabrlc and all oLher
decoraLlve maLerlal LhaL would Lend Lo lncrease Lhe flre and panlc hazard.

1. MoLorlzed parade floaLs and Lowlng apparaLus shall be provlded wlLh a mlnlmum 2-A. 10-8:C-raLed porLable flre
exLlngulsher LhaL ls readlly accesslble Lo Lhe operaLor. 1hls flre exLlngulsher musL have a currenL cerLlflcaLlon Lag
lndlcaLlng LhaL Lhe exLlngulsher has been servlced wlLhln Lhe lasL year. 1he gauge musL lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe
exLlngulsher has pressure. 1he exLlngulsher musL be mounLed so LhaL lL ls accesslble Lo Lhe operaLors. uo noL
obsLrucL Lhe exLlngulsher wlLh decoraLlve maLerlal Lo hlde lLs locaLlon.
2. uecoraLlve maLerlals musL be non-combusLlble or lnherenLly flame reLardanL. lf Lhese maLerlals are combusLlble,
Lhey musL be LreaLed" flame reLardanL by a SLaLe llre Marshal Llcensed AppllcaLor." 8e sure Lo keep Lhe
cerLlflcaLe from Lhe appllcaLor so LhaL you can show lL Lo Lhe llre lnspecLor.
3. Cpen flame devlses are prohlblLed n parade floaLs (unless approved by Lhe llr Marshal and Lhe parade dlrecLor).
1he use of fuel flred Lorches, candles or slmllar devlces whlch can lgnlLe Lhe parade floaL are prohlblLed. llreworks
are noL permlLLed Lo be dlscharged.
4. uecoraLlve maLerlal and Lhe parade sLrucLure musL be kepL clear of Lhe exhausL sysLem of a moLorlzed parade
floaL. uo noL leL hanglng maLerlal come ln conLacL wlLh hoL exhausL plpes.
3. orLable generaLors musL be used carefully. uo noL allow Lhe heaLed exhausL Lo come ln conLacL wlLh Lhe parade
floaL. uo noL overload Lemporary elecLrlcal wlrlng. Secure exLenslon cords properly, do noL leL Lhem drag on Lhe
ground or conLacL Llres or Lhe drlve Lraln. lnspecL your elecLrlcal appllances before energlzlng Lhe parade floaL.
6. never re-fuel a generaLor whlle lL ls operaLlng or whlle lL ls sLlll hoL. Allow Llme for a generaLor Lo cool prlor Lo re-
fuellng. Avold re-fuellng by plannlng ahead and fllllng Lhe gas Lank prlor Lo Lhe evenL.
7. LlmlL Lhe sLorage of flammable llqulds (gasollne/dlesel) Lo Lhe absoluLe mlnlmum needed. SLore Lhe fuel ln an
approved fuel conLalner wlLh a self closlng lld equlpped wlLh a flash screen ln Lhe ouLleL. Cnly allow quallfled
lndlvlduals Lo operaLe Lhe generaLor.
8. 8e sure Lhe operaLor (drlver) has a clear fleld of vlew. 1he drlver musL have a wlde fleld of vlew Lo avold oLher
floaLs and Lhe crowd. lf you have Lo back-up your parade floaL, have sufflclenL personnel Lo gulse Lhe floaL.
9. Pold a safeLy meeLlng wlLh Lhe floaL sLaff early. 8e prepared, ldenLlfy Lhe hazards and plan your sLraLegy should an
unexpecLed evenL occur. ldenLlfy Lhe locaLlon of Lhe flre exLlngulsher and how Lo shuL off Lhe generaLor and oLher
elecLrlcal equlpmenL. ldenLlfy a meLhod Lo alerL Lhe drlver Lo sLop Lhe parade floaL.
10. 8e ready for Lhe llre lnspecLor's lnspecLlon on Lhe evenlng of Lhe parade.



8LICkL ML, the unders|gned Notary ub||c, on th|s day persona||y appeared ___________________________,
who be|ng du|y sworn by me upon h|s]her oath deposed and says that:
lf accepLed as a parLlclpanL, l/we lrrevocable granL Lhe Mlracles ChrlsLmas arade Lhe excluslve rlghL Lo use ln any medla
our name, llkeness, phoLos or reproducLlons of our performance for any purpose lncludlng promoLlon, adverLlslng or
oLherwlse. lurLher, l/we hereby undersLand and agree Lo accepL Lhe rlsk of bodlly ln[ury and/or properLy damage whlch
l/we may lncur of cause a Lhlrd parLy Lo lncur as a resulL of my/our parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe Mlracles ChrlsLmas arade. WlLh Lhls
undersLandlng, l/we furLher agree Lo lndemnlfy, defend and save harmless Lhe ClLy of Lubbock, SunseL Church of ChrlsL,
eoples 8ank, Lubbock lndependenL School ulsLrlcL, CreaLlveMaglc, 8uslness roperLy Cwners, 1he Mlracles ChrlsLmas
arade, lLs Crganlzers, lLs 8oard, lLs Commlsslons and Lhelr respecLlve offlcers, agenLs, sponsors and conLracLors from and
agalnsL any and all clalms, losses, ln[urles, sulLs and [udgmenLs arlslng from, or ln connecLlon wlLh, my successors, asslgns,
helrs, execuLors and admlnlsLraLors and any oLher persons or enLlLles who/whlch may have a clalm based on my/our
personal ln[urles and/all faclllLles LhaL Lhe Mlracles ChrlsLmas arade may own and/or conLrol. l/we undersLand and agree
LhaL Lhe Mlracles ChrlsLmas arade may be Lelevlsed and all parLlclpanLs ln Lhe parade rellnqulsh all presenL and fuLure
Lelevlslon, vldeo and phoLographlc rlghLs by vlrLue of Lhelr appearance. lurLhermore, l/we have read and agree Lo ablde by
Lhe Mlracles ChrlsLmas arade 8ules, 8egulaLlons & Culdellnes, as shown ln Lhe pages provlded and Lhose Lo be presenLed
wlLh Lhe parLlclpanL's lnformaLlon package lf my unlL ls accepLed. AppllcaLlons musL be slgned. ALL enLrles are sub[ecL Lo
approval by Lhe even organlzers."
Iurther, Aff|ant sayeth not.

SWCkN AND SU8SCkI8LD before me by __________________________________________________________

Ind|v|dua||y and as author|zed agent for ______________________________________ on th|s the __________

Day of ____________________________________, year ___________.

Notary ub||c |n and for the State of 1exas

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