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You join tables by including a condition in the Where clause to ensure that matching columns
contain equal values
select <column>
from <table>, <table2>
where <table>.<column> <table2>.<column>
and <collumn2> <value>
2. when there is is !otential ambiguity.
". #nner join outer join
$. sub%query inside a sub%query. #nner most sub%query evaluated first, intermediate second and out
&. 'lias is an alternate name for a table. #n the from clause li(e so )from *+, *, -./012+* -3.
you can use it in !lace of a table name li(e so )where *.*+,45.2 -.*+,45.23
6. 7ive the table 2 aliases and join as you normally would.
8. 9y using the .5#15 o!erator. .se the #50+*/+-0 o!erator. .se the 2#5./ o!erator. 0hey
have to be union com!atible meaning that they must have the same number of columns and
their corres!onding columns have identical data ty!es and lengths.
:. they must have the same number of columns and their corres!onding columns have identical
data ty!es and lengths.
;. You would use it in the where clause. '<< is only true if it satisfies all values !roduced by the
1=. '5Y is in the where clause as well. '5Y is only true if one or more of the values from the
subqueries are satisfied.
11. You can use the inner join clause. 'll rows as long as there is a match between the columns in
both tables.
12. 'll rows from the table on the left. <eft join
1". all rows from the table on the right. *ight join
1$. -artesian !roduct.

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