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As the author of a book on Rasputin, and having read well over 100 books on him, in
French and nglish, as well as the memoirs of m! great"great uncle who was Rasputin#s
secretar!, $ can tell !ou that Rasputin had absolutel! nothing to do with the revolution%
&e also didn#t begin drinking until late in his life% 'he accusations of se(ual promiscuit!
and adherence to the )hl!st! sect *who promoted sinning in order to repent, which is not
Russian +rthodo(! at all, were made b! those who hated him and, unfortunatel!, became
-ho hated him and wh!. 'he clerg! hated him because he gave d!namic sermons that
related to peoples# ever! da! lives% &e was investigated three times for belonging to the
)hl!st! sect and found innocent% 'he aristocrac! hated Rasputin because he was an
advocated of e/ual rights for the severel! oppressed 0ews " and wanted the 'sar to be
closer to the peasants% 'his was threatening to the aristocrac!% 0ews were hated in Russia
at that time% 'he! were sent to live in a ghetto *'he 1ale of 2ettlement,, and deprived of
nearl! all civil rights, b! law% 'he! were denied educations, the occupation of their
choice, and man! other things% $n addition, the militar! *with the 'sar#s knowledge and
approval, conducted raids *called #pogroms#, where the! would torture and slaughter
entire villages of 0ews% 1olitical cartoons in the newspapers depicted Rasputin the same
wa! as 0ews " as demonic, ugl!, filth! characters% 0ews were accused of being spies%
Rasputin begged the 'sar to give them e/ual rights but never succeeded% &e did,
however, help man! 0ews get admitted to schools, live outside the 1ale and be released
from prison or 2iberia% &e was hated for this and the nobles spread rumors about him
being promiscuous and drinking% 'his was h!pocritical considering the nobilit! were
heav! drinkers and man! had venereal diseases due to their own promiscuit!%
'he revolution happened because the 'sar abused his people% 'he 0ews were persecuted%
'he workers were underfed, underpaid, overworked and starving% 'he peasants had ver!
little% 'he 'sar had the blood of man! innocents on his hands and cared little about the
people, other than the nobilit!% 'he U%2% ended their commerce treat! with Russia
because of their anti"2emitism% 3an! countries admonished them for their persecution of
0ews and the horrors the 'sar inflicted on them% Rasputin, on the other hand, helped as
man! as he could " and N4R harmed nor killed a sould in his life%
2o, while Rasputin was a healer and was able to help the tsarevitch, as well as man!
others, he was also a friend and advocated for the people " and he was vilified and killed
for it% 5ut, because histor! is written b! the powerful and not b! the common man, the
aristocrac!#s gossip became accepted as histor!%

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