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The following statements are about phacoemulsification and ECCE.

Which statement(s) is/are

A. ECCE has smaller wound size
B. Phacoemulsification can be performed under topical anaesthesia
C. ECCE is conjunctival sparing
D. ECCE is better performed on patient with glaucoma
E. Phacoemulsification has higher complication rate during learning curve.
Temporal corneal incision during phacoemulsification has the following advantages:
A. Easier access to the eye
B. Reduced incidence of endophthalmitis
C. Less surgically induced astigmatism
D. Increased surgical view
E. Decreased incidence of epithelial downgrowth
Phacomulsification is done in
A. Immature cataract
B. Mature cataract
C. Hyper-mature cataract
D. Hype-mature morgagnian cataract
E. Dislocated cataract
Second-sight of old age is/are due to:
A. Cortical cataract
B. Nuclear cataract
C. Posterior subcapsular cataract
D. Anterior subcapsular cataract
E. Coronary cataract
A patient presents with red eye, decreased visual acuity, raised intraocular pressure & shallow
anterior chamber. The likely diagnosis is/are
A. Cataract
B. Open angle glaucoma
C. Retinal detachment
D. Hyphema
E. Acute angle closure glaucoma
Foreign body sensation can be felt by the following:
A. Allergic conjunctivitis
B. Viral conjunctivitis
C. Cataract
D. Contact lens wear
E. Trichiasis
Normal vision 6/6 is/are depends on:
A. Integrity of retina, optic nerve, and visual pathway
B. Eyes alignment
C. Clear sclera
D. Clear cornea
E. Clear lens
Which of the following is/are sign of diabetic retinopathy :
A. Cottonwool spots
B. Hard exudates
C. Dot and blot haemorrhages
D. Papilloedema
E. Macular star
Which optic nerve finding is the most concerning for glaucomatous damage?
A. Large disc size
B. Horizontal cupping
C. Vertical cupping
D. Disc tilt
E. Blurred disc margin
Which of the following is the biggest risk factor for primary open angle glaucoma?
A. Asian ethnicity
B. Smaller diurnal IOP changes
C. Thin corneas
D. Large optic disc
E. Blood pressure

Aqueous fluid is produced in which chamber(s)?
A. Anterior chamber
B. Posterior chamber
C. Vitreous chamber
D. Superior chamber
E. Inferior chamber
What kind of cataract usually found in steroid-induced cataract?
A. Nuclear sclerotic
B. Posterior polar
C. Posterior subcapsular
D. Cortical
E. Anterior subcapsular
Hypoxic damage in diabetic mellitus is suggested by:
A. Nerve fibre layers haemorrhage
B. Iris neovascularisation
C. Anterior uveitis
D. Vascular loop
E. Decreased hard exudate

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