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According to Christians belief, immediately after death, a person undergoes judgment (Bema
Seat Judgement) in which the soul's eternal destiny is specified. Some are eternally united
with God in Heaven. Conversely, others reach a state called Hell. Some souls before reach
heaven, must first endure purgatory a level of purification. There are seven deadly sins
listed in Christians ethics that human commit in life at earth.
Christians who, after their life at earth, will stand before the Judgment (Bema) Seat to have
their lives as Christians reviewed and adjudicated. This judgement takes place in the heaven.
The Christians will stand before Jesus Christ and will give and account of lives to Him.

Is an instant desire. It is usually thought of as excessive sexual
wants, but it also could involve the intense desire of money, fame,
or power as well.
Is meaning to gulp down or swallow. It is the over-indulgence
and over-consumption of anything to the point
of waste.

Is an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one
needs, especially with respect to material wealth, ignoring
the realm of the spiritual
Is defined as physical laziness and spiritual laziness. It is
the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.
Known as "rage", may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled
feelings of hatred and anger. It presents with self-destructiveness,
violence, and hate
Is jealousy in that a person feel discontent towards someones
traits, status, abilities, or rewards
Is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than
others. Pride is the excessive belief in one's own abilities that
interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God.

It has been called the sin from which all others arise
There are several aspects of the rewards such as the prize for the overcomers,
treasures in heaven, praise and honour from Jesus Christ, co-reigning with Jesus
Christ, resurrection. There are also five crowns of rewards that will be gifted for
Christians for their faithfulness and good works in this world. There are:
The crown of life
Will be awarded at the Judgment Seat of Christ to those Christians who are
faithful, love him, and hold fast. For patiently enduring trials and/or
The incorruptible crown
Will be awarded for spiritual discipline and self-control
Crown of righteous
For loving (longing for) the Lords appearing
Crown of rejoicing
For leading others to accept Christ by sharing the Gospel of repentance and
Crown of glory
For Godly leaders who were good examples to their flock

Purgatory is a condition of purification or temporary punishment by which those who
die in a state of grace are believed to be made ready for Heaven. According to
Christians, some souls are not sufficiently free from the temporal effects of sin and its
consequences to enter the state of heaven immediately, nor are they so sinful as to be
destined for hell either. These souls must first endure purgatory- purification, before
go to Heaven and united with God. In purgatory, souls must endure painful temporal
punishment. It is described that the punishment would be fire of cleansing which is
painful than anything man could suffer in life and the cold is infinitely fiercer than
any blizzard in the history of the world. This punishment which cleanses a soul of
their sins continues until the souls become fully purified and reach heaven.

An image of purgatory.
Source :

Hell is an eternal separation from God, often envisioned as a fiery place of
punishment. Hell is taught as the final destiny of those who have not been found
worthy after they have passed through the judgment, where they will be punished for

sin and permanently separated from God after the general resurrection and last
judgment. Souls are said to pass into hell by Gods irrevocable judgment. Some
theology also explains that hell as the logical consequence of the soul using its free
will to reject union with God. It is a place for unrepentant sinners. In the New
Testament, hell is described as
Hades : a Greek word, describes it has a place of torment and dead.
Gehenna : referred as Valley of Hinnon, which was a garbage dump outside
of Jerusalem. It was a place where people burned their garbage and thus there
was always a fire burning there. Bodies of those deemed to have died in sin
without hope of salvation (such as people who committed suicide) were
thrown there to be destroyed. It is the final place of punishment for the wicked
after the resurrection.
Tartaro : it is the place of incarceration of 200 fallen angels. It mentions
nothing about human souls being sent there in the afterlife.
Christians has taught Heaven as a place of eternal life and the dwelling place of
Angels and the Throne of God. Catholic, teaches that "heaven is the ultimate end and
fulfillment of the deepest human longings, the state of supreme, definitive happiness."
In Biblical forms of Christianity, concepts about the future "Kingdom of Heaven" are
also stated. The resurrected Jesus is said to have ascended to heaven where he now
sits at the Right Hand of God. Mary, his mother, is also said to have been assumed
into heaven and is titled the Queen of Heaven. It is also stated that there will no longer
be any separation between God and man. The believers themselves will exist in

incorruptible, resurrected and new bodies; there will be no sickness, no death and no
tears in heaven. The believers will spend eternity with God. Heaven is described as
place where life will be lived to the full, in the way that the designer planned, each
believer "loving the Lord their God with all their heart and with all their soul and with
their entire mind" and "loving their neighbour as themselves". It is described as a
place of great joy, without the negative aspects of present earthly life.

An image of heaven
according to Christianity
Source :


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