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Write negative statements.

1. Your son likes hip-hop. (My son)
2. My daughter works in a hospital. (I)
3. Justin studies in Canada. (His sister) ________________________________
4. You have two jobs. (My mother) __________________________________
5. The library opens at 8:00. (The caf)
6. My sister lives with my parents. (I) _____________________________
7. Jackie likes romantic movies. (Her sisters) ___________________________
8. Mark speaks Mandarin. (His cousins) _______________________________

9. George lives in Hong Kong. (His parents)

10. Angie has a green blouse. (Gaby)

Complete the Yes/No questions and answers. Use the Simple Present Tense.
1. A: (open) _____________ the malls _________________ at 8:00?
B: No, they ______________. They _______________ at 10:00.

2. A: (speak) ______________ your in-laws ____________________ English?

B: No, they ______________. They _______________ Spanish.

3. A: (live) _____________ you _______________ in Quito?

B: No, I _________. I _______________ Santiago.

4. A: (have) _________________ your sisters ____________________ children?

B: Yes, they _____________________. They __________________ two.

5. A: (work) __________________ her daughter __________________ in Japan?

B: Yes, she ____________________. She ___________________ in a big

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