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When It Rains

Right now Im sitting behind this computer screen,

Wishing to be anywhere but here.
I steal quick glances out my window,
And watch as the rain softly kisses the grass.
It gently taps my window and invites me to come out of my cocoon of work.
And I cant help but imagine myself out there.
Just standing there, motionless,
Letting it cleanse away my worries.
Watching as it bores down endlessly.
And listening.
Listening to the monotonous sound of rain against the hard tarmac,
Almost like a heartbeat.
The subtle squeals of children in the distance,
As they splash in mud puddles and dance in the rainstorm.
Feeling the cool droplets gliding down my face,
And the crispness of the wind as it lashes against my feverish skin.
And now Im back.
Sitting behind this computer screen,
Hearing the faint pitter- patter of the rain in the background.

- Aleen Awais

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