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Phase 1 : detox cleansing

What to eat:
-organic low-starch vegetables (see list), egss
What to drink:
-Herbal Remedies Ebook
-dandelion(laxative effect,digestion,nutrients) tea, nettle leaf tea, ginger tea (support liver and digestive system)

Detoxifier drink: (expel toxins, improve circulation and promote vowel movement)
-3 pints of water(1.4l), distilled
-2 Tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar
-Juice of 1 lemon
-1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Detoxifying supplements (prevent die off)
-Candidate (by native remedies): 3 times/day after meals
-NAC with Molybdenum & Selenium( by NOW Foods): 2 capsules /day
-Fiber-3 (by NOW Foods)

Grapefruit seed extract(GSE)
Coconut Aminos: caprylic acid, lauric acid (antifungals) ( sauce replacement)
Chicory coffee : stimulates digestive enzimes, contains prebiotic Inulin (get 100%), cheap enzymes

Probiotics (take with distilled water, filtered on empty stomach)

Lactobacillus(lactic acid) Acidophilus
Bifidobacterium (infant natural presence)

Watch for Maltodextrin, Cellulase,Dextrose. (Also Sugars: Glucose,Fructose,Sucrose)
Possitive for fructooligosaccharides (FOS), Inulin

Antifungals ( one hour apart from probiotics)

Natural antifungals like caprylic acid, oregano oil, GSE

Recommended- Candida Support by NOW foods (caprylic acid, Pau DArco,Black walnut, Oregano Oil, Olive Leaf Extract)
Caprylic Acid (disrupts growth of candida cell walls, also restores acidity) from NOW Foods (softgels, 600mg)
Oregano Oil (degydrate candida cell walls, resistance cannot be develop) (at least 50% of carvacrol) from Now Foods (55%)
Olive Leaf Extract(antifungal, antioxidant Oleuropein), regulates blood sugar, by Now Foods (6%)
Grapefruit seed Extract (vitamin C rich, nutrients , powerful antifungal) by Natures Way

Combine above with antifungal foods like :
Coconut Oil, Coconut Flour, Garlic, Onions, Olive Oil, Brussels Sprouts, Turmeric, Rutabaga, Kefir, Seaweed, Apple Cider Vinegar,
Kimchi, Ginger, Broccoli, Pumpkin Seeds ,Lemon Juice and Lime Juice, Red Cabbage, Kale, Cayenne Pepper, Artichokes, Cinnamon

Die Off Supplements

Milk mistle (Silymarin extract, better) : Silymarin active ingredient, repairs liver cells and protects them, promotes growth of liver cells
Vitamin C : boost immune system, boost adrenal glands, corrects acidic environment, take with plenty of water. Buy with bioflavonoids
Sauna and light exercise: improve circulation and help eliminate toxins

TEAS (Herbal Remedies)
Lavender:antibacterial, supports immune system, hormonal balance, reduce anxiety and irritability (some side effects)
Chamomile: anxiety reduction, antiinflamatory, pain reducer, drowsiness (take before bedtime)
Passionflower: relaxation , stress reliever,
Valerian: calming influence, reduce anxiety
Ginkgo Biloba: chinnese herb , memory enhancing, reduce adrenal weight, cortisol levels

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