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Dear Sir/Madam,

Im writing to express my concern for the neglecting state condition of the recreation area in my

I live in a good neighborhood in the suburbs surrounded by the woods, in this area theres only
one place for children and families for recreation, it is a big park with playgrounds, gardens and
specific places to practice sports. But recently Ive started to notice that some parts of the park
have been damaged and need maintenance, for example, the lavatories are broken.
Additionally, Im concerned for the safety of the kids that play in the park. Since summer
vacations, several youths have appeared in the park at all times, even at night. After they showed
up, the park started to get damaged, like for example there are graffitis everywhere and some of
the childrens playgrounds have been destroyed. Im also concerned for some teenagers that
stand in a corner o at the outside of the park with suspicions look; Im worried that they might be
consuming or selling illegal stuff.
I propose three simple solutions that can help our neighborhood to be safe at all times in the day.
Security cameras could be installed in specific places in the park, to record any incident and these
could help to identify who is damaging the place. I also request the police presence around the
park, especially at night; teens take advantage of the darkness to hide in the dark. Finally I suggest
organizing social events to repair the damages and to keep an eye in families and their children
while they are playing, when the community gets involved its less probable that youths use this
space incorrectly.
Im looking forward to count on you to make a change in the neighborhood.

Yours faithfully,
Henry Pabn

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