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Financial Analysis Project Part 1 Name Rashed Alhajri

Spring 2014
This project will inole accessing in!ormation !rom the internet" comp#ting ratios
and analy$ing in!ormation% &o# will 'e #sing recent Annual Reports (or Form
10-K) !or two local companies( Polaris and Arctic )at%
The Ann#al Reports can 'e !o#nd on the internet at www%polaris%com and at
www%arctic*cat%com % &o# want to loo+ !or inestor or corporate in!ormation at the
ery 'ottom o! the home page%
,ocate the most recent Ann#al Report or 10- !or each company% Print this page
and answer the !ollowing .#estions/
The most recent Ann#al Report !or Polaris is !iscal year ended 0ecem'er 11"
The most recent Ann#al Report !or Arctic )at is !iscal year ended 2arch 11"
,ocate the ta'le o! contents !or each Ann#al Report%
The Polaris !inancial statements 3not selected !inancial in!ormation4 are !o#nd on
pages 45 thro#gh 60%
The Arctic )at !inancial statements 3not selected !inancial in!ormation4 are !o#nd
on pages 11 thro#gh 17%
,ocate the notes to the Financial Statements%
Polaris has how many pages o! notes8
The company has 26 pages o! notes
Arctic )at has how many pages o! notes8
The company has 11 pages o! notes
Print the !o#r !inancial statements !or each company !or re!erence 3total o! 9
pages4% Then scan the 9 pages and this sheet as one doc#ment and s#'mit to
the drop 'o: 3total o! ; pages4% 0o not s#'mit ; separate !iles%

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