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Narrator: We have a wide range of experienced and qualified teachers, facilities, sports facilities and
Question 1
Questioner: What was the main attraction to the college for you?
Respondent 1: The main attraction for me was the amount of facilities that were at this college.
Respondent 2: Umm, the wide range of courses.
Respondent 3: Ugh, the really friendly environment.

Question 2
Questioner: What do you enjoy most about the college?
Respondent 1: How my course gives me an in-depth experience.
Respondent 2: Umm, the relaxed environment.
Respondent 3: Um, probably the amount of resources available to us.

Question 3
Questioner: Do you think the college is situated in a good location?
Respondent 1: Yes, because it is near a nice small town that is really peaceful.
Respondent 2: Yeah, the college runs a lot of buses, and there is a nearby train station.
Respondent 3: Yeah, especially for me, as I live just down the road.

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